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Self Empowerment | The Greatness Connection
How to Stop Procrastination

How to Stop Procrastination

The End of Procrastination:
How to Stop Postponing and Live a Fulfilled Life

“A year from now, you will have wished you started today.”


It’s the one thing we’ve probably all been guilty of over the course of our lives, and that’s the inadvertent and often unconscious habit of simply ‘putting things off’.

So you can imagine my relief when I recently came across a great book by authors Petr Ludwig and Adela Schicker, named ‘The End of Procrastination’.

Whether we realise it or not our most vital resource in life is time, after all it’s the only resource that once diminished can never be replaced. However, too often than not we can easily find ourselves reaching the end of our lives wondering ‘what did I really do with my time here on planet Earth’.

It was an experience that was recently conveyed to me my one of our Leading in the Light community members who had recently found herself visiting a palliative care unit of a hospital, where an elderly man facing a terminal prognosis, took her aside to remind her of how precious and limited he felt his time had been here, and how we wished he could have lived a life that was more true and meaningful to himself.

So if you’ve been looking for a way to beat the ‘procrastination blues’ and feel that this year is the year to make a significant and outstanding difference, then here are some of the key insights, inspirations and wisdom that I gathered from Petr and Adela’s book.

Procrastination – Definition: Putting things off intentionally or habitually

We’re living in an age of ‘Decision Paralysis’:

With so more new information being generated everyday and with increasing levels of distraction, its getting harder for us to discern our truth and make decisions, this in turn can lead to greater levels of procrastination and avoidance over the things that are most important in our lives.

The cure? Train your brain to focus on what is most important by installing small daily habits that move you forward. Whether that be committing to drinking a litre of water, or taking a small walk around your block, regular consistent habits lead to long term change and increased motivation.

There are 4 Steps to Greater Personal Effectiveness:

At the core of all procrastination is often a resistance or fear to doing what is most important. Creating a radical shift in this consciousness takes a 4 step approach that includes:

[1]  A shift in internal motivation:

By becoming more connected to our vision and ‘why’ desire something, the greater the level of motivation around it.

[2] Fostering greater self-discipline:

Installing small habits and taking regular and consistent actions towards the accomplishment of our goals is vita. While it often takes 21 days to embed and install a new habit or behaviour, the greatest resistance is often found at the start of our journey. Gathering momentum and taking the step forward to what we desire is vital.

[3] Creating a state of feeling good:

When we feel good about our self we are more apt to take actions that are in alignment with our highest good. This process starts with self-belief and is self-perpetuating, leading to greater resilience, esteem and a sense of optimism or luck.

[4] Objectivity:

In order to develop ourselves we need to have objective view of our personal performance and results. This will help us to see where we need skill or resource development, helping us take greater steps to what we really want to create and attract.

We Must Connect with Our Intrinsic Motivation:

According to Ludwig and Schicker, many people are still conditioned believe that the only form of motivation is the ‘carrot and the stick’. While extrinsic motivation can help us to move forward (think of your boss giving you an ultimatum to get a task done or face the consequence of losing your job, or your partner telling you that if you don’t stop smoking they will be leaving you for ever), the effectiveness of this type of motivation is not enduring long-term.

So instead of focusing on goals, they suggest that we instead find ways to connect with a greater vision. An inspired and bigger ‘why’ that literally lights us up and acts as a beacon of possibility for our life journey. Doing so helps to open-up greater states of personal flow and freedom. Instead of focusing on short-term goals we become engaged and inspired in the ‘journey’ of self-realisation. What’s more the pre-frontal cortex becomes awakened and it is this part our brain that can help us override the fears, doubts and limitations perpetuated by our ego and or limbic system.

We Must Develop Greater Self-Regulation:

Self-regulation is the skill of giving yourself an order or directive, and then following through. Every year millions of people the world over make new year resolutions, only to find themselves a few days later having broken their own commitments to themselves.

The biggest influencer of our personal and professional success is found in our human ability to master our emotions. But how can we gain better control over our emotions? How can we learn to overcome negative emotions that place us in states of anxiety, fear, flight or freeze, and gain our power back?

The key is in learning to develop our capacity to self-regulate by learning to develop the ability of our ‘rational side’ to direct and align with our ‘emotional side’. Figuratively speaking, we all have a wild elephant (the emotional limbic system) and a rider (our rational mind). And therefore we need to learn how to empower our rider with the necessary awareness to direct our elephant in the most harmonious and advantageous way. By making small commitments and keeping them we gradually train the elephant to follow our command.

Building Better Habits:

If we are truly going to overcome procrastination and step into greater levels of empowerment in our lives, then we will need to learn how to install good habits. The greatest barrier to any new habit is the body and mind’s desire to remain in the status quo. Afterall remaining in such states is comfortable.

So, if you’ve spent the last year in lockdown without exercise and now want to get fit and healthy focusing on a 10 km run straight out of the gate may be quite confronting for your ‘elephant’. However, by learning how to ‘lower the bar’ and find the smallest task/action or outcome that we can commit to we can slowly begin to train the ‘elephant’ to awaken and to enjoy the process of exercise. This might mean setting an initial goal to just walk 15 minutes a day, or to run for just 3-5 minutes daily. Gradually raising the bar after that will train your ‘elephant’ to get started, enjoy the process and know that its capable of accomplishing more.

We Need to Discover More of Our Heroic Self:

While the term ‘Heroism’ may often bring up the notion of ‘extraordinary acts’ of courage or endeavour, Ludwig and Schicker definite it more aptly as simply being the skill of intentionally stepping out of our comfort zones.

Everyday we are being offered by the ‘university of life’ the opportunity to embrace a little more courage, a little more fortitude and a little more resilience. Simply taking small steps to move beyond our comfort zones rewards us with an extra shot dopamine – as the reward centre of the brain lights up to acknowledge our growth. And its this ‘feel good factor’ that encourages us to keep growing and experiencing more of our soul’s innate potential.

So how can you become more ‘heroic’ in your everyday life? By embracing the micro-habit of heroism in our daily lives. Regularly stepping out of the comfort zone. Giving ourselves orders and directives and consciously stepping forth all activate the brain’s reward centre.

Overcoming Our Patterns of Learned Helplessness:

When it comes to procrastination we sometimes find ourselves experiencing states of learned helplessness, a belief that we somehow don’t have the capacity or resources to change the quality and direction of our lives. Often these ‘stuck states’ can lead to resignation, depression and hopelessness. In many ways we may find ourselves in an endless loop:

  • A feeling of self-doubt
  • That leads to states of helplessness
  • That makes us resign or give away our sovereignty
  • Where we don’t feel like doing anything
  • That leads to feelings of guilt
  • Before the cycle starts again

How do we break free of these stuck states? According to the work of influential South African psychologist Phillip Zombardo, work done with American war veterans has shown that our brains work in different perspectives:

  • Past-positive oriented
  • Past-negative oriented
  • Present-oriented
  • Future-oriented

People focused on their past-negative orientation often remained stuck in their patterns. While those who could start to see the negative past as a gift and blessing, were able to release the emotional energy associated with it, freeing themselves up to embrace a more positive future. The first step is to increase your future orientation by understanding how the challenges of the past can positively influence your future.

How Can We Stop Procrastinating?

While we all have a limited time on Earth, it is the quality our small decisions and actions that will ultimately shape the destiny of our lives. In ‘The End of Procrastination‘ you will find a wonderful and compelling narrative of key insights and practices from the fields of neuropsychology, personal growth, science and management that can help you awaken more of your innate capacity to create a life of significance.

Additionally, what I found refreshing with this book was that it was not only easy to read, but it is also founded in a depth psychological research and practice. Most of all the authors have included simplified practices and tools to help embed these practices into our daily lives, while also providing engaging diagrams and working models to help simply the learning and engage more of the right side of our brains. And its why I would highly recommend this book to any purpose-driven leaders, business owners and individuals who are looking to break-free of procrastination, fear and doubt, in the pursuit of greater happiness and fulfillment.

Discover more about the book here:
Buy the book on Amazon here


Ready to Switch on a Greater Light?

Les Price is a transformational coach, author, speaker and intuitive who works with aspiring individuals, heart-centred business owners and purpose-driven leaders who want to expand their purpose, presence and influence, and make a bigger and more significant difference in their world.

If you’re in a place where procrastination, self-doubt, fear or helplessness is holding you back from realising the life or business that you know you were born to live, then make sure book an obligation-free 15 minute discovery session with Les to learn more about how we can help you move forward on your journey.

Additionally, you may also want to learn more about our Ignite Your Inner Light program and our Leading in the Light online community.

5 Keys for Awakening Your ‘G-Spot’

5 Keys for Awakening Your ‘G-Spot’

Ready to Awaken More of Your Greatness
and Claim Your Authentic Space?

Within you right now is an incredible source of power.

It is estimated that the average human being has over a trillion cells in their body that are all engaged in a myriad of life-sustaining transactions and interactions. Each of these cells is said to be able to hold 1.17 volts. Do the math and you will realise that that’s an incredible amount of potential that is present at our fingertips.

Yet how many of us are fully activating, engaging and using that innate potential every day?

While many of us take this essence for granted, we have all had experiences where we know without a doubt that something bigger moves through us and within us.

Often, it is in the moments when we are most engaged in our highest and most meaningful work that this ‘flow of energy’ presents itself to us. We are here to make a difference, and while we cannot simply rely on our own energy to fuel our endeavours and pursuits, we need to be willing to find those unique ‘points of presence’ in our lives where our greatest energy and potential is activated.

Living from Your Sweet Spot

Your G-Spot, or ‘Greatness Spot’ as I like to call it, represents the divine intersection of your greatest talents, gifts and abilities. It is also the point at which you expand seamlessly into your highest potential, where time seems to stop, energy flows and you awaken a greater essence within your being.

It is in this place that your passion meets with your true purpose. In the same way that a tennis player knows what it is like to hit a ball from the sweet spot of their tennis racquet, when you find your G-spot, and then dedicate your life to living from this place consistently, your world changes.

Discovering Your Unique Point of Presence

One of the greatest challenges for most visionary leaders is that their message fails to stand out from the deafening noise of the crowd. Learning to differentiate and position yourself as an authority in your field is fundamental for success.

However, many people focus too widely when attempting to captivate, move and influence their audience.
Before you can influence others, you first need to be in congruence with yourself. Identifying your own personal G-spot will help you get clear on your essence and help you define your own personal brand.

So how do you find your G-spot?

Well, it’s most often found at the intersection of:

  • What you are great at (your talents, skills and innate abilities).
  • What you love doing (your passions and purpose in action).
  • How you serve and contribute in the greatest way (your path of service)

Finding Purpose and Making a Sustainable Living from It

According to the guys at Hustle & Grind, your true energy, calling and purpose is often found at the intersection of:

  • What you love doing
  • What you are great at
  • And what helps you be of service to the world

But in order to transition from just having a ‘job’ to fulfilling your ‘calling’, you must be willing to also find the fourth element … which is your ability to monetise your passion and turn it into something that fulfills you financially as well.

5 Essential Tips to Claim Your Space Now

Working and living from a place of purpose and calling takes commitment. It takes a decision to value yourself, and your gifts enough that you consciously choose to follow your own inner-calling for a life of more. It also means preparing yourself to receive the rewards of that decision when you finally are ready to take the leap into your genius, your place of flow, your unique offering for the world. 

Tip#1: Take Time to Work Strategically on Your Own Life or Business

In a world of constant busyness, uncertainty and distraction it can be difficult to find time to stop and reflect on what we ‘really want’ our lives to be about. Taking regular retreats, creative sojourns, attending reflective workshops and growth programs can help us create the space that is necessary to receive the inner-wisdom of our soul.

Tip#2: Follow Your Own Path

You are unique individual. With more than 7 billion people on our planet, there is no one exactly the same as you. Instead of buying into societies conditioning of competition and comparison with others, we are all being called to simply find our own unique gifts and stand out as the beacon of light we came to be. When you consciously accept that you are already ‘more than enough’ and give up the ego’s constant comparison to others, you free yourself to live the life YOU were born to live.

Tip#3: Greatness Already Exists Within You

We have all experienced moments in our own lives where we found ourselves in a state of flow, connected creativity, where time disappeared, and we were lost in a pastime or activity that engaged us. In these moments, when we drop into our present consciousness, we literally open the door to our higher-self, our greatest self to shine forth and be present. Greatness already exists within you. Simply get lost in what you love and you will find the path home to your soul’s magnificence.

Tip#4: Let Down Your Shields and Walls

Take a look at the shields and walls of protection that have served to keep safe. Let go and release those that no longer serve your highest good. Walls and shields create separation from our truth. While they may keep vulnerability at bay, in reality they consume tremendous amounts of our unconscious energy to maintain their presence. Freedom begins the moment we are willing to drop our shields, masks and walls, and allow the light of healing to fill past wounds and cracks and restore our past into wholeness.

Tip#5: Ignite Your Own Inner-Light and Be a Beacon for Others

Every experience we have ever had serves as a teacher to help us become more of who we were truly created to be. There is no greater path that one can take than to simply find their own light, truth and path, and to then BE a beacon of hope and possibility for others. From the abused housewife that finds the strength to form a group for other woman, to the young teen that sees an opportunity to serve the homeless. Now is the time to claim your space. To find your true calling and centre and be a greater ‘light for the world’.

Want to Find Your Calling, Your Voice and Make things Happen?

If you’re in a place where you’re looking to connect more deeply with your own purpose, unleash more of your potential, and ready to awaken your own soul calling and path, then make sure to check out our quarterly Ignite Your Inner-Light – 6 Week Course.

Learn More About the Course Here

It’s a transformational journey to help you find your calling, your voice and make things happen in your world. 

Images: Supplied courtesy of



Getting Started: The Key to Overcoming Procrastination

Getting Started: The Key to Overcoming Procrastination

“Do not wait. The time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work with whatever
tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”

Napoleon Hill


Like to Accelerate Your Personal Progress,
Transform Your Results and Kick Start Your New Year Goals?

After having taken some time off over the New Year, I returned to my local gym for a workout this morning. At a time when many businesses actively market their weight loss, diet, fitness and healthy eating plans to the masses who often are seeking to make a quick shift in their lives, it was refreshing to see the quote below written on the wall of the personal training studio.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

Following the Second World War, researchers and behavioural scientists such as the notable and esteemed William Edwards Deming, predicated that one of the greatest barriers to human success was developing the initial inertia needed to start, followed by the need to commit to taking regular and consistent steps towards the progress of our goals, each and every day.

We’ve all had experiences in our lives where we have desired to make a change or had a desire to create some form of transformation, and yet somehow were unable to find the willingness, courage or discipline to just start. We all know that it’s very hard to get a stationary body moving, but that once its in motion any energy or effort we apply to it will have an accelerated effect. So how do we overcome our fears of failure? How do we gather the energy and willingness to start? I believe that the answer to these questions are held in the quote that was on wall of my personal training gym.

Start Where You Are

No matter what is happening in your life or where you find yourself, the reality is that we all can find the courage to make a new start.

Whether it be a commitment to eating healthy, the desire to put ourselves out in the world again and begin dating, or the quest to grow and expand our business, there is no better time than the present moment to start. Why? Because the past has been your learning platform, the canvas on which you have painted the foundation of your life so far. But what you choose to paint on your canvas from this time on is not limited by the experiences of your past.

Today simply by picking up the brush and beginning to paint with small strokes, you impress upon the unconscious mind that you are a partner in creation, and that you are ready to create from your true source of genius. Each step we take whether small or great reinforces a path of action, the key is to just start, and then to refine and evolve our process as we go along.

Marketing expert and speaker Paul McCarthy encapsulates this energy well with his catchphrase “Ready. Fire. Aim”. Too many of us spend copious amounts of energy trying to get things perfect and right (aiming), before we choose to take any action. The result is often procrastination, stagnation and an endless cycle of dreams that never come to full reality. Instead when we understand that we are ready now, and take inspired and intuitive action, a new world of opportunity has the potential to open for us.

And while this might seem scary to those of us who are perfectionists, who fear failure and therefore need to see and know the whole picture in advance, training ourselves to move beyond the fears of the ego and find courage to gently and powerfully ‘lean into our passions’ is the key to all great success and achievement.

Use What You Have

What resources, skills, talents and abilities do you already have? What have you already invested your life
mastering so far?

Many of us underestimate the skills, talents and abilities that we already possess. We often take for granted what we can do and accomplish with ease, while many others might struggle or find it difficult to do the same.

The key to unfolding your talents, skills and abilities is to make short inventory of all the things that you have done, the talents that you hold and what brings you fully alive. By reflecting on this list and bringing to awareness the ‘gift that you already are’, you will begin to awaken your potential and see the vast value that you can bring to the world.

Instead of falling for the trap of always seeking the next course, the next teacher, the next business idea or concept, choose instead to start by creating greater awareness and self-value of the person that you already are, and the gifts that you already possess. When you being to see yourself as the magnificent, then magnificent opportunities will present in your life. When you choose to see that your talents and skills are valuable, then people and opportunities that reflect that value will also begin to appear.

So, start where you are, use what you have and begin taking some form of action towards creating what you desire.

Do What You Can

When we look deep into the heart of what keeps us separate from our dreams its often a long list of excuses. While we may believe we don’t have the money to invest, we can all begin to put our loose change away in a jar and begin to save it for an investment portfolio. While we may not feel like we have the time to dedicate to our family, we can all create some space to gather for an evening meal once a week. If you are a budding author, and yet you can only find ten minutes a day to write, then write for ten minutes. If you want to lose weight and gain greater fitness but can only attend a yoga class once a week, then start there.

And if you’re struggling to even commit just ten minutes towards realising your highest life dreams and purpose, then you may need to come back to your reasons for ‘why’ you want them in the first place. When our ‘why’ is not strong enough then we are left at the mercy of the winds that blow, our direction and purpose is at the disposal of the Gods and rather than end up where we choose to go, we will find ourselves drifting in a harbour of uncertainty, inadequacy and despondency.

Therefore, the final element in the life puzzle is to simply do what you can in each moment.
Rather than buy into excuses, commit a small amount of your energy daily to doing what is most important to you. Because when you choose to value yourself and commit to your life, then life reflects that energy back to you. It rewards you with the sweet nectar of success.

Living Fully on Purpose

As we start a new year it’s a fitting time to tune into the energy and intent of the quote above. Take time to reflect on it and its meaning for you currently. And I am guessing that as you do, you will also find that within you is a great source of potential that is waiting to be expressed and shared in the world.

We can all start now to put fuel to the flames of what is most important to us, however to do so mean giving up the excuses that may have kept us playing small for too long, and to instead find the courage within to take small, consistent and happy steps towards realising the true life of purpose and fulfillment that we have always desired, and that our soul seeks to discover in this lifetime.

Les Price is a transformational life and business coach, author, speaker, intuitive and healer. If you feel you have been holding onto limiting patterns, emotions, feeling and blockages from the past that no longer serve you, and are looking for a safe environment to allow greater freedom and liberation into your life – contact our office to organise a consultation with Les.

Are You Frustrated with Your Life Results?

Are You Frustrated with Your Life Results?

Desperately Trying to Create the Life You’ve Always Wanted,
Only to Find Yourself Feeling Flat and Frustrated?

Frustration is a complex, yet interesting emotionIt’s an emotion that we all will have experienced at some point in our lives, that either has the capacity to enslave us and keep us imprisoned within our own experience, or that can encourage and raise us to greater levels of personal freedom, greatness and fulfillment.

Whether it be consistently receiving rejections after rejection when applying for a new job, a loved one or friend who just won’t listen to reason or simply being stuck in traffic and not being able to move, frustration is a powerful indicator that our soul and spirit may be out of alignment with our highest good.

As human beings we were born to grow, expand, learn and to evolve.  The moment that we experience consistent periods of stagnation or not being allowed to be true to our own self, then frustration often follows.

If you’ve been actively moving forth trying to create the results and dreams that you’ve always desired only to find yourself experiencing greater levels of frustration, resistance and set-backs – then this blog post is for you!

1. Notice Where Your Energy is Flowing


Your personal energy and emotions are a great indicator of the quality of experience you are willing to attract and accept into your life.

When our energy is high and expansive, we begin to resonate the opportunities, people and events that also help us expand. However, when our energy is in a state of contract or stagnation then frustration, despondency and fear begin to manifest.

Noticing where your energy is going in each moment is therefore critical to maintaining high states of personal effectiveness and performance. More importantly is also understanding whether your actions are being driven from fear i.e. moving away from something you don’t want, as compared from love i.e. moving towards something you really desire and want.

In any situation where you are not experiencing the results that you want, then there is a good chance that you are unconsciously out of rapport and alignment with what you really want on the conscious level. Which is why it helps to then look at the unconscious beliefs and patterns you are continuing to hold onto by simply asking yourself:

What am I choosing to believe about this situation

that makes me react this way?

Awareness of where your energy is being directed to in each moment is the key to greater levels of personal freedom, happiness and fulfillment.

2. What You Resist Persists

Does it feel like you have been hitting your head against a brick wall? If so, I have two words for you. Stop it!

There is a great video from the 1970’s TV show ‘The Bob Newhart Show’ where the actor plays the role of a psychotherapist who is working with a woman who has an innate fear of being buried alive in a box. It’s a great sketch on understanding how we humans can get so caught up in our own stories that keep us stuck and self-perpetuating the same patterns. When all along we have the power to change our reality, by simply stopping or changing the limiting stories we tell ourselves.

Afterall, what we continue to resist – persists.

As human beings we can often find ourselves stuck in limiting patterns where we repeat the same behaviour repeatedly, while expecting a different result. However, if the door to progress is continuously blocked, then it may be a sign to stop, take a breather and change your approach.

When we embrace a spirit of adaptability and a willingness to give up our ego’s need for control or stubbornness, then we free ourselves to a greater reality and expanded opportunities.

The moment you let go of your need to be right, to succeed, to struggle and to strive,
then you crate the space for providence to follow.

3. Where is Your Focus?

Many years ago, I had the opportunity to take part in what was at the time the world’s longest fire-walk over hot coals. Apart from the realisation that as a human being we have an immense capacity to overcome our fears, what this experience taught me was that what we continue to focus on we will create.

During a fire-walk what you don’t want to be doing is looking at and focusing on is the coals in front of you. However, for most people this behaviour is almost conditioned. For if there is a threat of any kind presenting itself to us, the body and minds desire for self-preservation triggers the sympathetic nervous system into its flight or fright response. The result is that people get burnt.

Instead, the coaches and trainers supporting the fire lanes encourage the participants to keep their eyes up, to focus on the end of the coals and to say to themselves ‘cool moss’. All these behaviours condition the mind to create a new state of awareness that is beyond the current experience. By learning how to consciously and unconsciously direct their attention to ‘what the do want’ instead of what they ‘don’t want’ creates the platform for a new reality.

“Where your focus goes – your energy flows”

Therefore, if a part of your is feeling frustrated in any way, take a moment to assess where your energy and focus is pointed. Is at the problem in front of you, the brick wall holding you back, the person who has said no – it can’t be done? If so, begin now to change your focus to what you ‘really want instead’ and why having and feeling that is important to you right now.

4. Ask Yourself a Better Question

Often the patterns and behaviours we continue to create and perpetuate in our lives are defined by the questions and thinking that we hold at the forefront of our awareness and mind.

Change your questions and you immediately change your  thinking. Change your thinking and you can change your focus. Change your focus and you change your feelings. Change your feelings and your entire actions and behaviour may change.

So, look at the predominant question that you keep asking yourself in your situation of ‘being stuck’ or ‘frustrated’.

Is it grounded in fear and blame such as …

  • Why do I keep creating the same mistakes?
  • Why is this person/belief/pattern stopping me?
  • Why am I failing at this?

Instead seek to ask a better question that activates your creative power, presence and potential, such as:

  • Who am I being encouraged to become in order to experience greater flow, freedom and fulfillment in my life?
  • How can I use my great creative gifts and power to manifest a breakthrough in this area of my life?
  • What would be truly possible for me if I was to surrender, release and let go of this feeling of limitation once and for all?

5. What’s the Gift in this Situation?

Every situation we experience in our lives is at some level created in our consciousness in order to teach and help us grow. Your experience of frustration is no different. When we continually push against doors that are closed or continue to keep hitting our own heads against ‘brick walls’ in our lives that refuse to open, then we alone are responsible for our experience. The lesson here is ‘that what we resist – persists’.

So, in these moments its far more advisable to stop, take a  step back, breath in deeply, let go and ask yourself – ‘What’s the greatest gift in this entire experience?’, ‘What’s this situation teaching me?’, ‘How is this experience a blessing for me and others?’

Making a list of at least 100 reasons shy your current  experience is a gift to you and others has the power to help free you from the mindset of ‘being stuck’ and will instead open your awareness and energy to better understand and see the path to freedom and flow that awaits you.

Ready to Break Free and Realise a More Fulfilling Future?

Are you in a place where resistance, frustration and limitation have been stealing the joy from your life?

If you’ve tried everything possible to change your current  situation with limited success, then a transformational breakthrough session with Les may be just what is needed to help you gain the awareness and resources to break-free and step more powerfully and presently into your future.

To find out more about booking a personal one-on-one coaching breakthrough session with Les, makes sure to contact our office.

Winning the Inner-Game of Success

Winning the Inner-Game of Success

Whether you realise it or not, you are an incredible creative being with an incredible creative spirit.

Everything in your life up to this point has been created as a result of the thoughts, beliefs and consciousness you have decided to hold each day. Change your thoughts and your feelings change. Change your feelings and your actions change. Change your actions and your life changes.

And yet while this concept sounds simple, the reality is that many people still continue to find themselves stuck in old patterns, limited by their beliefs and feeling powerless and helpless, unable to fully realise and manifest the life and goals that they deeply desire.

As a purpose-driven leader the light the power to awaken your own greatness and realise your soul’s potential exists in one place – within you. And the moment that you learn to tap into and activate this creative source of purpose, presence and power then your entire life experience has the capacity to be transformed. Learning to harness our innate creative potential is therefore one of the most important endeavours that anyone on a journey of self-realisation and personal growth can pursue.

  • So how can you activate more of your soul’s potential?
  • How can you begin to harness the great creative power and presence of your spirit?
  • How can you set yourself up to win what I call the ‘inner-game of success’?

Top 5 Insights for Purpose-Driven Individuals and Leaders

Here are my top 5 insights to help you ‘Win the inner-game of success’:

Insight #1: Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Where is your energy and awareness going in this moment? If you are fully present then you will understand that the capacity to change and reshape your life exists within you now, in your ability to choose the direction and focus of your conscious attention.

Whether you choose to focus that attention on what is not right, what you don’t or what is not working in your life, or whether you choose to direct it to towards what you really desire and want to create is totally up to you. It’s in the moments of our awareness, the small tiny gap of mindfulness that separates reaction from response, decision from action and chaos from certainty our greatest potential for change is found. Because it is here that we can choose to redirect our energy and focus to what we want to see flourish, grow and thrive in our lives.

The key is to understand is that what you focus on grows. Therefore, always make sure to direct your attention to what you truly want and desire to create, manifest and attract into your life in each moment.

Insight #2: Fear Will Never Go Away

The moment you set a new direction and path for your life, you simultaneously activate a new paradigm of being in every one of your cells.

While change is not always easy, the moment we choose a new direction or decide to actively transform our lives in some way, the reptilian brain and flight or fright response is activated. The last thing that our ego or consciousness wants to experience is anything that would cause it to change or leave the comfort of the current ‘status quo’. Often this inner-resistance creates internal perceptions that then manifest as doubt, procrastination, a limiting of self-worth or even self-sabotage.

The key therefore is to realise that as long as you are continuing to grow you will always experience some form of fear. In fact most successful people know that the fear they encounter before trying something new will never really go away. So instead of trying to eliminate it or get rid of it, they simply find ways to turn the fear into an ally and friend.

Instead of FEAR meaning ‘Forget Everything And Run’, those who have the courage to awaken the strength of their true spirit and being realise that it can also mean ‘Face Everything And Rise’!

Therefore, what we really should be doing is saying to fear …

‘Thank you for letting me know that I am growing, however from now on you are not directing or driving my creative being, only my true soul and spirit can do that. From now on you can take a back seat and come along for the ride, but my true self, my higher-self and spirit will be the one driving from now on.’

Insight # 3: Begin Now

Are you waiting for success to find you? If so, you had better start running now!

A wise mentor once told me that in Sumo Wrestling there is a saying ‘Always wrestle from the inside of the ring’. Afterall, its no use starting to fight and get your energy moving when you’ve already been pushed outside of the circle by your opponent. Sadly, too many people rest on their laurels, expecting success and opportunity to turn up at their door step, sometimes believing that all they need do is visualise or affirm the best happening and that it will manifest as they wish. However, this is rarely ever the case.

When studying the most successful people throughout history a consistent pattern emerges. While for many achieving success may have literally taken years to realise, all of them were in motion when it happened.

Momentum is a powerful force in the universe. Often the hardest part of any project or movement is the first 15% – the getting started. However, once the human spirit is in momentum and traveling towards a worthy goal it is very hard to slow it down.

So, don’t wait for the perfect circumstances or timing to get started on your passion, your purpose, your ideal life. Start now, lean into it and let success find you along the way. When we are in a state of movement, then opportunity seems to follow. The key as Martin Luther King Jr. once said is ‘You don’t need to see the whole staircase, you simply need to take the next step in faith’.

Insight #4: Expect and Embrace Resistance Along the Way

“Wellness and happiness are the natural states of existence. We are designed by Universal Intelligence to be happy and well in all areas of life. When Universal Intelligence is allowed to flow through our inner-guidance system without resistance, problems not only dissolve, they seek to exist.”– Mahendra Trivedi

Have you ever noticed that the moment one creates a new intention or sets a new goal, that everything within you that has not yet come into alignment or resonance with your outcome or desire begins to surface as an obstacle?

Maybe you decide to set a goal to head to the gym and lose weight, and then all of a sudden your car begins to have issues that need fixing, or your boss assigns you a new task that means you need to spend more time at work. Often our unconscious limitations, fears and beliefs manifest in ways that seek to separate us from fully realising the inner-most desires we seek to create.

The key here is not to judge these things when they happen, but to simply become aware of what our consciousness is creating and bringing forth in each moment. When we can identify the limiting pattern or perception at the core of the obstacle, then we can begin to change our awareness, and in doing so change our destiny.

The realisation is that every obstacle is a blessed opportunity for you to learn, to grow and become more of who you were truly meant to be.

The obstacles are therefore vital to the creative process and are there to help you understand what you don’t want, so you can place your focus, intention and energy on what you truly desire.

Insight #5: Feel into Your Success and Have it Right Now

Dream a little…
What do you desire for your life, your business, career or relationship in the next 12 months, 5 years, 10 years?

At the heart of every goal or outcome we believe will bring us closer to success is a desire for a feeling. For example, a desire to be promoted into a higher management position at work might seem like a worthy and honourable goal. Yet if we were to delve deeper into this desire and ask ourselves ‘How would having this outcome really make me feel?’, what we might discover is that what we really want is to feel proud of ourselves, a feeling of greater financial certainty or even feeling of self-worth and value.

The difference between wanting and having is simply how we engage with the feelings and emotions behind our intentions. When we choose to see ourselves as already having what we desire, then these feelings create an amplified state of being that literally draws greater success and happiness to us.

The key therefore is to set your intentions and outcomes on greater personal success, but to fully step-in and appreciate having the intentions/outcomes manifest right now i.e. step right into the feeling of what it will be like to have the outcome you desire, fully and completely.

When you can truly appreciate the feelings of being proud of yourself, feeling financial certainty, feeling valuable right now, then what you truly desire has no choice but to follow.

Final Notes on Winning the Inner-Game of Success

Each of us must decide what success really means to us individually. No two individuals are alike, therefore your dreams and desires for realising a life of greatness will also be unique.

The greatest gift that you can give to your soul in this lifetime is the permission to dream freely, to reach beyond your perceived limitations and boundaries, and to create and craft a life that you are proud of.

Therefore, take time to sit and brainstorm at least 50 answers to the following statement …

  • When I’m living my ideal life I am …

Once you have your list of desires choose to bring your intention to them everyday and simply ask …

  • What is next step can I take today to bring this into reality?

With time, conviction and commitment to your highest visions you will begin to find that your inner-world becomes your outer-most reality. Best of all, you’ll also find that your greatest dreams will become the foundation on which your soul’s legacy is formed – one simple step, one choice, one intention at a time.

Ready to Switch on a Greater Light?

On the path of greatness, we are all being encouraged to connect with our true purpose and passion, and to live lives that fully reflect the greatness that is present within our own beings.

If you’re ready to expand your own presence and light in the world and to share your life message in a greater way, then make sure to check out our ‘Be the Lighthouse’ program. A unique 7-month transformational journey for soul-centred and aspiring individuals who know the time has come to awaken their innate gifts and make a bigger impact in the world. Contact our office today for more details on the program.

How to Develop a Deep Sense of Intuition and Trust

How to Develop a Deep Sense of Intuition and Trust

Do You Trust Your Sense of Clear Inner-Knowing?

Each of us are highly sensitive beings on a journey to discover the full extent of our great intuitive capacity. And we are discovering that we now have access to a dynamic and engaging sense of personal intuition that is seeking to guide us towards our highest good in each moment. Yet learning to trust and follow this inner-guidance requires trust, faith, self-belief and most of all a sense of inner-discernment.

Maybe you have also experienced those moments in life where you just knew without a shadow of a doubt that something was either true or untrue? Claircognizance or our inner-sense of ‘clear knowing’ is not a gift that is reserved for just a privileged few. It’s a gift that we all have access to and can learn to connect with in each moment.

“Lean not on anyone. You need no outer props or reassurances, for you have all deep within you. … When you know something from within, nothing or no one from without can shake it. It is something that is so real to you, it would not matter if the whole world went against you, telling you that you were wrong. … That is the joy and strength of inner-knowing. It is what can give you peace which passes all understanding.”  – Eileen Caddy


Why Clear Knowing is Important

In a world where it is easy to buy into the opinions, beliefs and judgements of others we are all being challenged to go within and seek to find our own inner-state of peace and guidance. This inner-state is something that can be activated at will, it is an energetic way of being that has the capacity to help you open-up to new levels of wisdom, understanding and guidance, should you choose to be willing to accept it.

The greatest truth that you must learn to discern and accept is your own truth.

We must start to trust, know and believe that we all have access to our own inner-state of higher-guidance, a powerful and connected source of energy that has the presence to guide us and lead us forward in each moment.


When You Know that You Know

We’ve all had those serendipitous moments where we simply know that something is true or going to happen. While we’re always receiving intuitive insight, the key is learn how to create a pattern of trust that enables our highest good to flow in each moment.

So, glance at the following checklist and see if any of these patterns relate to you:

  • I am aware of the subtle feelings in my body that tell me when something is right or wrong for me.
  • I can step back from situations and become the neutral observer that sees all sides of the picture without being caught in judgement.
  • I can separate my emotions and feelings from those of others, and in doing so I am aware of what the situation or event is trying to share with me.
  • I trust my inner most feelings and gut reaction. I know when I feel a sense that something is not quite right with a situation, event or person.
  • I can discern the truth for my own soul. I can clearly discern what are other people’s projections, judgements and beliefs without being attacked or becoming a victim of their thoughts.
  • I can take back my power and honour my own spiritual authority. In doing so I know that everything I need is within me and that I have the emotional, spiritual and mental intelligence to stand up for myself and know what is right for me.


Finding Your Centre

I often remember the times that as a child, my father would take me to the local park for a ride on the small ‘merry-go-round’. It almost seemed that the faster the wheel got, the dizzier I became.

In our lives, we can often find ourselves on the treadmill or wheel of life spinning around in circles at a fast rate. It’s at these times we are reminded to stop and come back to centre to connect with our higher-self guidance and be present to the great wisdom within.

We are reminded that often our quest for ‘busyness’ is an unconscious pattern trying
to keep us separate from going within and facing the truth of our own being.

Yet when we consciously embrace the courage to stop, go within and connect, the door way is often opened to the wisdom and intuitive insight needed to solve our greatest life issues.

In many ways we have the key to all the answers that we will ever need, within us. We just need to find our grounding, stability, presence and courage to open the door and move through it in peace.

That’s why in the ‘merry-go-rounds’ of our lives, when we simply go to the centre of the wheel, to the hub that binds all the spokes, here we have the capacity to find our true selves again.

Here we become conscious to the great presence of intuitive insight that already awaits and beckons us forward.

For in the centre of the wheel, time stops, there is no dizziness, we become one with the movement of life and we open-up our path to the great insight and wisdom that exists within.

Go to your centre when you are stressed or not at peace, and here you will find the presence to trust, believe and connect with your true higher guidance.


Developing Your Sense of Clear Knowing

Trusting your own sense of inner-guidance is a process that must be developed over time. Just like in developing a loving and nurturing relationship, we must learn to trust, honour and build up a channel of communication with our higher-self intelligence.

Here are 8 Ways You Can Deepen Your Inner-Trust Today

Give Your Knowing an Identity

Children often talk to imaginary friends as a way of communicating with their unbounded sense of creativity and imagination. When you give your sense of knowing an identity it helps you to establish a formal relationship with your ‘inner-knowing’. Whether you choose to call your ‘inner-knowing’ Merlin, the great oracle, the wise master or simply my higher-self, naming and identifying your inner-voice of truth will help you connect with it on an even deeper level.


Ask to Receive Specific Signals When You are Right

Because our body is an energetic system it is constantly giving us energetic feedback about our environment. If you have ever walked into a house or a party and had a sense of unease then you have connected with your intuitive intelligence. The key however is learning to trust and follow this guidance when it comes.

Often when I am doing energetic readings or healing sessions with clients I will feel what I call my ‘intuitive shiver’, a powerful stream of energy that runs down my body that indicates that what I have either said or shared is my truth. Learning to trust and follow these subtle yet powerful signs is a must when you are expanding your consciousness and intuitive sensitivity.


Learn to Discern Ego from Spirit

Trusting your inner-knowing will call on you to be able to distinguish the voice of your true spirit and higher-self from that of the ego. This is a learning process that will evolve over time. The key is to learn to ask your intuitive voice the following questions:

  • Is this insight coming from love or fear?
  • Is this guidance from the light?
  • Is this guidance demanding or encouraging of my spirit?

Remember true intuitive and higher-guidance will never tell you what to do. It will never leave you feeling disempowered or fearful. True guidance is supportive, encouraging, sometimes forthright and commanding, but never condescending or limiting.


Start using the statement ‘I know …’

One of the fastest ways to expand your sense of trust is to simply begin using the words ‘I know…’. Think of a situation that you require guidance on and then take out a sheet of paper. Then simply write the beginning of this sentence and then fill in the gaps on what you know about the situation. Keep repeating ‘I know …’ and keep writing answers. You may be surprised to see what your deeper consciousness already knows and understands about the situation.


Anchor Your Knowing into Consciousness

Intuitive insight requires affirmation. It requires a constant acknowledgement of the moments when you trusted your inner-knowing and followed its guidance. So today, take a moment to reflect on some of the moments in your life where you simply ‘trusted YOU’. As you take time to acknowledge each of these moments you may want to ‘anchor’ it into your physiology and consciousness by repeating a mantra such as ‘I trust my inner-knowing fully and completely’, by slapping your chest with a hand and repeating the mantra, or by simply making a fist and saying the word ‘yes’. Anchoring your intuition into consciousness is a powerful step towards realising your own self-mastery.


Trust Your First Instincts

Research by the Heart Math Institute has shown that the human heart has the capacity to intuit and sense information at a faster capacity than the mind. In fact, your heart intelligence often lets you know the answer to a question or situation milli-seconds earlier than the brain can even interpret the information. The challenge however is most of us discount or ignore the first instinct and feeling that we have.

Trusting your inner-knowing will call on you to be present to your own physical being, the inner-signals that your soul, spirit and heart is providing you in each moment. However, its not enough to just acknowledge the signals, we then need to find the inner-courage to act and respond on them.


Build Faith Through Acknowledgement

Have you ever noticed how professional dog trainers use biscuits as a reward for good behaviour? While some people may baulk at the traditional theory of stimulus and response that is part of Pavlovian conditioning, the reality is that we humans are not to unlike our four-legged friends when it comes to motivation and behaviour.

Why is this important to developing your inner-knowing? Because the more we acknowledge the moments that our intuition is on-track, when we have those clear answers and knowing, the stronger our intuition becomes. True faith after all is built through our experiences. The more we celebrate, congratulate and reaffirm the moments where we made great decisions, trusted our instincts and follow our intuition – the stronger our intuition becomes.


Turn Up the Volume on the Radio Channel

The final key to accentuating your intuitive inner-knowing is to realise that your capacity to intuit and sense information in each moment is akin to tuning into a radio station in the dark. While you may not see the actual channels on the radio, through feeling and trust you can begin to turn the dial and find a station. As you get closer to that station you make even finer adjustments to the radio dial until you have a clear, audible signal that cannot be denied.

Finding the Optimal Path to Enlightened Living

This is what is like to become attuned. To trust in your inner-spirit. It is a process of transformation where you are being called to release the control that the ego has had over you, and where you begin to allow your inner-consciousness, your inner-knowing to be your guide.

And the real blessing is that the more you begin to trust and follow your inner-knowing, through discernment and right action, the closer you come to realising your destiny with grace ease and lightness, and then …

‘Inner-knowing becomes your optimal path to true enlightenment and fulfilling your destiny on Earth’

Ready to take Your Intuitive Abilities to the Next Level?

At The Greatness Connection we run regular intuitive development programs to help you connect, access and follow your intuition. The Power of Intuitive Flow training is an engaging and interactive 7 week course based on 21 principles of intuition that will help you learn to develop greater trust, rapport and confidence in yourself, and provide you with a pathway for transforming and healing your life, business or professional life. Best of all the course is delivered as both live training as well as completely online as a self-paced learning program.

For more details make sure to check out the online training program here and details of the next live training here.