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alignment | The Greatness Connection
Following the Path of Surrender

Following the Path of Surrender

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were scared to let go? Scared to fail? Scared to trust in yourself and your higher guidance?

Time to Say Goodbye to Heavy Lifting

Just recently I was listening into a conference call from America when the speaker mentioned four words that literally shook my foundation. What were those four little words … very simply … “No More Heavy Lifting”.

You see the reason that these words resonated so strongly with me is that in that holy instant I realised that deep within my being was a part of me that was highly driven. Driven to get things done. Driven to be successful. Driven to improve and be better.

The only problem was … that underlying this ‘driven motivation’ was really a fear of fully trusting myself, fully trusting my own guidance, trusting that if I was to let go of trying to control and make everything work out the way I wanted, that maybe, just maybe it would all work out in divine timing and perfection anyway!

The result … a feeling of working tirelessly … working hard … of always feeling like what I was doing was never enough …. i.e. “Lot’s of Heavy Lifting!”

Escaping a Fear Driven World

While it may surprise you … I believe that I’m not the only one out there in the world experiencing this at this moment. You see, our world has been wired to believe that we do have to work hard, that we do have to strive and sometimes struggle to get ahead. That only those who sacrifice and are at the peak of their game will get to the top of their personal field of endeavour.

But could there be another way? Could this paradigm that we have so desperately bought into really be a false illusion guaranteed to keep us stuck in the comfort of the ego’s need for security and survival?

A global consciousness that has us buy into the belief system that true freedom, joy and happiness are something that requires lots of “Heavy Lifting”.

The Essential Questions

  1. So what can we all do to allow our lives to flow with greater ease, peace and grace?
  2. How can we let go and allow our highest lives to unfold and to flourish without stress?
  3. What if in letting go of our attachment to the outcomes we most want in life we simply allowed even greater miracles to manifest?

These were all questions that arose from the gift of my
spiritual and personal dilemma of “Heavy Lifting”.

While some of us are already great students of the ‘Following the Path of Surrender’, I was guided that many of us (yes – including myself) were still to learn and experience the great benefits of this most wonderful lesson.

Insights for Following the Path of Surrender

So here are a couple of insights that I gleamed through my own experience and connection with higher guidance that may help you to ‘surrender’ to your own peace, flow and grace in your life:

#1  We fear letting go because we fear trusting in our higher source

Have you ever found yourself trying to be ‘the master controller’ of the universe? Do you find yourself sometimes wanting to make situations and events turn out the way that YOU want?

While all of us have a need to feel safe and secure, its also in these moments that we create our greatest attachment to the known, and what is certain, rather than trusting in ourselves and our higher guidance.

True faith is the ability to walk forwards without knowing. To find the inner-strength and belief in oneself to know that you are guided, you are loved and always looked after. When we fear letting go – we really fear trusting our higher source and guidance. The result? Our higher guidance simply takes a step back and allows us to drive, to learn on our own, and to fail and grow through our own experience.

However, when we surrender. When we hand over our greatest problems, our greatest concerns and know that we are in partnership with spirit, this is when our guides, masters, teachers and loved ones engage in our experience. This is when we receive and listen to the signs. When life flows and we feel that every step is guided. Heavy lifting becomes smooth sailing – and all we have to do is set our sail and enjoy the journey, enjoy the ride and trust we will reach the best destination for us (which of course, may not necessarily be the destination WE WANT!).

#2  We don’t need to know everything

So many of us wait until we have all the information, all the resources, all the certainty before we follow our inner-tuition, our inner-most intuition and take action towards our inner-most dreams and desires.

In the world of higher-guidance, the unknown holds your greatest resources and possibility for growth. Yet as human beings we fear these places. So how do we transcend our humanness, our need to know before acting?

By learning to embrace the understanding that we simply don’t need to know the outcome. All we need to do is tune into our spirit, our own guidance and ask ‘Does doing this feel good?”, “Will embracing this next step feed my soul?”, “ Will this next action bring me greater expansion, joy, growth and fulfilment in my life?”

If the feeling response from your own being, your own soul is yes … then simply take the next step.

# 3   Letting Go of the ‘Paddling Duck’ Syndrome

Have you ever noticed a duck gracefully gliding across a glistening lake? On first observations you may see a very cool level headed guy going about his daily business of foraging for food. Yet look beneath the surface and what you’ll see is a pair of duck legs paddling very quickly to stay afloat.

While ‘paddling duck syndrome’ may not just be reserved for ducks, you’ve probably also know certain people in your life that – ‘appear to have it all together’ but below the surface are paddling hard to stay afloat. Some of us may even know these people personally!

It takes a lot of effort to keep up an appearance, to make things look like they are going swimmingly well, when deep down inside the fear of falling a part and not being ‘on top of it all’ creates even greater tension.

Sometimes in these moments we’re really being called to seek help, to step beyond the illusions of ‘I can handle it’ and just say – “Hey I’m a human being having a very vulnerable experience, and that’s ok”. So stop, ask for help. Know that its ok to seek out a mentor, a coach, spiritual or inner-guidance to help you through the challenging times in life.

Most of all learn to love your inner-duck even more, and to affirm to it that there’s no need to paddle hard … indeed there’s no need for heavy lifting at all. And in the silence of your inner stillness you may just find the reassurance, hope and possibility that you have been so frantically looking to find!

Creating a New Consciousness of Ease

So my prayer, wish and desire for you for you in this year, this moment, this time in your evolution as a spiritual being having this human experience … is to simply let go of your “Heavy Lifting”.

The more that we as a humanity of connected beings embrace the consciousness of flow, peace, grace and surrender, the more we begin to create it as new paradigm, a new way of being in our world.

An Invocation for Renewed Grace, Peace and Ease

To the divinity within all that is seen and unseen.
I know that in my humanness of this experience I don’t know everything – and that’s ok.
I know that at times I feel the uncertainty and pressure of this life as my journey unfolds.

Which is why I need your help.
Which is why I crave to grow closer to you, to experience your guidance, reassurance and benevolence in this moment.

Fill me anew. Fill me with your trust, your grace, your unending reassurance.
Help me to see and believe at the core of my soul and spirit that I am ALWAYS guided, loved and open to receiving help and divine assistance.
Help me to let go of my ego’s need to know, to control, and to hold on to this myself.
Help me to surrender to divine guidance and grace in all moments.
Help me find peace in the knowing that that there is a divine plan for life and soul, and that all I is accept it and trust that it will unfold perfectly.

I now release all ‘heavy lifting’ from my life. I now surrender to the path of grace, ease and flow.
Knowing that my life will unfold perfectly in divine timing, grace and perfection for all involved.

And in knowing and trusting – I am set free to simply be me.

You Are Already Leading the Way…

In this context we all becomes the leaders of change in our own worlds … the light-bearers who lead the way, creating smooth ripples of divinely inspired progress for others to follow. And the wake that we leave in the midst of our ‘smooth sailing through life’ becomes the holy record of our transcendence to a new way of being, living and turning up in our world.

Affirmation for today: “I am open to receiving Divine Grace, Help and Assistance”

I wish you much grace, peace and flow on this exciting journey that we are all taking.


Align Yourself for Success

Are you consistently applying lots of effort, but receiving very little reward?

Do you often feel like you’re taking two steps forward and one step back?

Does your heart long to experience less struggle and striving, and more freedom, flow and fulfilment?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then the good news is ‘you are not alone’!

In fact you have probably got more in common with the other 7 billion people on the planet who are actively seeking to expand, grow and develop, yet consistently find themselves being held back, resisting and sabotaging themselves from their innate natural state of freedom, flow, success and fulfilment. Welcome to Life 101!

The greatest gift of our soul is that it is always seeking to experience greater, and greater expansion and growth. Yet the reality is that anything that is moving will always experience some form of resistance, while anything that is stagnant or resting in the same place will eventually fade away and die.

Your job therefore as an ever expanding soul and being, is to evolve and become the best you that YOU can be, and this requires learning how to align your own internal energy to produce your greatest results with ease, joy and happiness.

So how do you align yourself for success? By understanding that when your actions and behaviours are aligned with your thoughts, when your thoughts are aligned with your values, when your values clearly reflect your life and soul purpose, when your soul purpose is aligned with the higher purpose for your life, and when your higher purpose contributes towards the Divine Will for humanity and the world – then miracles are possible.

So how do you create greater states of internal alignment between your body, mind, soul and spirit?

5 Simple Practices to Align Yourself for Success

1. Creating Greater Rapport Between Your Ego and Spirit

Much of the conflict that takes place in our everyday lives takes place at one of two levels – our conscious behaviour, thoughts and patterns, and our unconscious behaviour, thoughts and patterns.

Your job as the master of your life is to harness the innate intention of your soul to direct your will towards bringing greater harmony, balance and purpose to these two aspect of your being. This inner-battle is best symbolised by the images presented in the major arcana of the mystical tarot that depicts two horses, one black (representing ego), one white being (representing soul) being guided by a chariot driver (yourself), who holds the reigns and must direct these two aspects of self to work together towards its highest intent.

Contrary to popular myth it is not necessary to rid yourself of ego, for to do so would be futile. Your ego brings great strength, resilience, and power to your life when it works in harmony with your spirit. Likewise, a life that is completely bound in spirit, without the grounded connection of ego would spend most of its time with its ‘head in the clouds’, dreaming, but producing little result.

The Practice:

  1. Take out a blank piece of paper out and simply draw a line down the middle of it. On the left side write the title ‘Gifts of my Ego’ and on the right side write the title ‘Strengths of my Spirit’.
  2. Now brainstorm all the benefits and strengths that both your ego and spirit provide you.
  3. When you have completed your lists imagine that each is a horse, and ask them: What they need from you to create a more harmonious, productive and fulfilling life? How can they each work more closely with each other to use their gifts and strengths for your greater good? Who do you need to develop yourself to become a better ‘chariot driver’?

 2. Let Your Soul Be Your Guiding Compass

Whether you realise it or not, your own soul is your best and most trusted ally in life. It knows exactly where you are, where you need to be, and what brings you great joy in each moment. All you need to do is find the stillness within and take the time to ask it for its highest guidance for you right now.

The Practice:

  1. Take out four pieces of paper and on each write in the big letters the letters N, S, E an W.
  2. Find a large space where you can move freely in your living area or home, which is quiet and where you won’t be disturbed. Stand in the middle of your room. Place each of the pieces of paper at least a meter away from you in a circle, where the N is placed at 12 o’clock, E at 3 o’clock, S at 6 o’clock and W at 9 o’clock (representing the points of a compass).
  3. Now as you stand in the middle close your eyes and place your hand on your heart. Ask your heart to be awakened and to provide you with the highest clear guidance for your soul. Then ask your soul to show you the direction that you are currently heading in your life, and as you feel compelled simply turn in that direction and take a step forward. Open your eyes and see where you are on the compass.
  4. Go back to the centre of the circle, close your eyes and now, ask your soul to show you and guide you in the direction of your highest life path at this moment. Turn to it and take a step forward. Open your eyes and just notice where you are? Is there a difference? How do you need to bring your current life into alignment with your highest soul path?

3. Learn to Love What You Resist

In my many years of working as a hypnotherapist and counsellor what I noticed most amongst my clients who were experiencing limiting behavioural patterns, self-sabotage and resistance was that every behaviour has an underlying benefit to the soul.

The Practice:

  1. So rather than fight or resist the behaviour, instead start by first thanking it for being there, thank it for all the benefits that has been providing you (even if you don’t see any in it right now).
  2. Then ask it if it would be willing to share with you why it is presenting itself to you? Ask it to share with you its higher purpose and benefit?
  3. Then ask your higher-self to share with you some alternative and more empowering ways to experience those benefits right now?

Simply by learning to love your resistance you allow it to share its greatest gifts with you, and by doing so you create the pathway to integrating yourself towards wholeness, rather than living a fragmented life.

4. Let Go of What You’re Tolerating

As simple as this sounds, it is often one of the most challenging realisations for many people. In the same way that trying to hide inflated beach balls under water takes lots and lots of energy, so to, the people, activities and tasks that you are tolerating in your life right now, are also draining your chi and life-force energy.

The Practice:

  1. Make a list right now of all the things in your life that you are currently tolerating, know you need to stop, or that you need to complete.
  2. Then go to work at eliminating these ‘beach balls’ from your life!

5. Your Only Job Is to Get Clear

I was recently at a seminar in Melbourne recently where the seminar leader shared some powerful advice that really resonated with me. He said ‘you only job in life is to get clear about who you are, why you are here and what you do’. Then you simply need to allow the people, places and situations that resonate with your true-self to turn up!

Surprisingly, the number one reason most people don’t get what they want, is because they don’t really know what they want! Or if they do know, then most of the time what they want is really being driven by other people’s needs, expectations or demands.

The Practice:

  1. So what do you value in life? What do you hold as being most important to you? If you had only one more year to live what would you do?
  2. If you won $70 million in the lottery what would you do with the rest of your life?
  3. If I gave you a magic wand and three wishes, what three aspects of your life would you most want to change and how?

Learning to align yourself for success, and developing greater levels of alignment both internally and externally is one of the greatest gifts that you can give yourself. Just as a river that is free from obstacles, rocks, sticks and branches will flow with ease, so too your mind, body and soul when aligned have the capacity to produce and reflect tremendous life force potential.

Remember, you are here to be the best YOU that you can be!