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soul | The Greatness Connection
Entering the Heart of Vulnerability

Entering the Heart of Vulnerability

What Are You Hiding?

Now, I know that might seem like an unexpected way to start an empowering and inspiring blog post but …

On the weekend I found myself doing some healing, hypnotherapy, emotional clearing and counselling with a close friend who has recently been diagnosed with cancer.

As you can imagine our time together was a mix of emotions that ranged from anger, to frustration, sadness, regret, possibility, hope and a fighting spirit. But the one thing that stood out the most to me was how clear, authentic and real our conversation together was.

While our lives may not always be easy, I believe that the greatest gift we each have is the choice to step into our vulnerability, to acknowledge it, to allow it, and to find the courage to move beyond it.

  • In the midst of my friend’s vulnerability there was great power
  • In the midst of my friends vulnerability there was the possibility of peace and healing
  • In the midst of my friend’s vulnerability there was the need to ask for help and support

“Wherever we are in life we all need the support of like-minded friends
who have the capacity to look beyond 
our personality – and to love and accept us
as the magnificent souls that we truly are.”

What Do We All Need?

Most of all we need people in our circle of influence that have the
self-awareness and capacity to:

  • Hold us to a higher standard of being
  • Help us acknowledge our true gifts, talents and abilities
  • See us as we truly are – without the need for masks and deception
  • Help us find strength and belief in ourselves – when we simply cannot
  • Love us unconditionally – with all our flaws, warts and inadequacies

 “We must have the courage to embrace our greatest fears,
to accept our limitations and imperfections.
For only then will we will find the true path to
healing, self-love and purposefulness.”

We Are All ‘Perfectly Imperfect’

If there’s one great lesson I have learned along this amazing journey called ‘life’ it’s that we’re all imperfectly perfect. While the fear of humiliation and judgement may often keep us from sharing our most intimate challenges – the reality is that we are all in the process of ‘becoming’. None of us have arrived yet, and none of us are any better or worse than the other.

So today I’d like you to look for that one thing about yourself that you’ve been hiding – and all I want you to do is love it. Yes – love it! Love it so much that you literally squeeze the fear out of it. Love it so much that you begin to know at the core of your being that it’s ok for you to just be you.

But don’t just listen to me…

Take a moment today to watch this great TED video on
The Power of Vulnerability by Dr. Brene Brown.

When you’re done watching it – go out and find someone you trust, respect and love and share your vulnerability with them. In doing so you’ll probably find that you’re not alone in this world … and just the act of sharing will help lift a weight of your mind, body, soul and spirit.

And like my friend who is unwell …  you may just find that the cause of your stress and dis-ease has simply been ‘the stuff’ that you have carried with you your entire life – but that you have been too afraid to let go of.

The message for today … Let it go!

And remember …

  • It takes courage to say I don’t know
  • It takes courage to ask for help
  • It takes courage to admit I got it wrong
  • It takes courage to forgive ourselves
  • It takes courage to love ourselves completely (warts and all!)

Les Price is an intuitive soul coach, hypnotherapist and transformational energy healer. If you feel you have been holding onto limiting patterns, emotions, feeling and blockages from the past that no longer serve you, and are looking for a safe environment to allow greater freedom and liberation into your life – then contact our office today to organise a consultation with Les.

3 Simple Shifts for Living More Fully In This Moment

3 Simple Shifts for Living More Fully In This Moment

A few weeks back I attended a conference in Melbourne which had international author, speaker, pastor, social activist and professor of sociology, Dr. Tony Campolo as their guest speaker.

It was a great event … yet there was one message that Tony shared that continued to stay in my mind days after the event had ended.


You see, Tony a former spiritual advisor to President Bill Clinton was visiting Australia as part of a series of speaking engagements for humanitarian organisations Compassion and World Vision.

Tony CampoloBeing only 78 years young Tony shared some amazing stories of inspiration, hope and possibility via an array of inspiring metaphors and analogies that really provoked my spirit, and challenged me to ask a deeper question …

 “Was I ‘really’ living each moment with aliveness?”

At one point he shared the story of how several years ago while delivering a talk on sociology he turned to one of his young students and simply asked “Young man, how many years have you lived?”.

The student somewhat bewildered by the simplicity of the question replied “24 years”. As if seeing the opportunity to delve deeper into the young man’s life experience, Tony replied “No. Not ‘how many’ years have you lived”

But how many moments have you ‘really lived’ … with complete aliveness, with full presence, and an inspired connection to everything around you?

Overcoming Our Addiction to ‘Busyness’

Isn’t it interesting … while all of us may think at some stage think that we are really living, instead we are simply have allowed ourselves to become slaves to busyness, to habit, to the status quo, captives of the comfort zone.

Many chase the material – but miss the wholeness within!

Our truly alive moments are those that ignite our souls, that challenges us to step out and partake of adventure, that leave us feeling like…

  “Yes I did contribute something of value and significance to the world today”.

Too often it can be easy to fall into the trap of nurturing and maintaining certainty in our lives, when our higher selves quest for so much more.

When actor Morgan Freeman was asked why his film The Bucket List co-starring Jack Nicholson was so focused on death, he responded by saying that it wasn’t about death, but more so about how to live every precious moment of life fully.

The 3 Simple Shifts

We need to constantly remind ourselves that each and every day above ground is a ‘gift’, the opportunity to do something new, the chance to live more fully, and to love more openly.

So here are 3 simple ‘shifts’ that can help you engage, embrace and accept more of the ‘life’, ‘fulfilment’ and ‘aliveness’ in your life:

1. Engage Uncertainty

In life it can be too easy to run away from the situations which challenge us to step into uncertainty. For uncertainty has the potential to bring up fears, doubts and shortcomings.

Yet it is in the face of courage, when we step our of the comfort zones, and into the growth and our adventure zones in our lives that we are most free. Free to follow our dreams, to be all we can be, to live fully in our greatest light.

Engaging Uncertainty is therefore an oxymoron, for it holds within it the seed of possibility and freedom for our lives. Take one step towards ‘engaging uncertainty’ in your life each day, and you will begin to see the true courage within you rise.

Question to Consider: How can I powerfully engage uncertainty in my life today?

Affirmation for Success:  Whatever happens – I’ll handle it!

2. Say Yes to Opportunity

Have you noticed how easy it is to say ‘no’ to the opportunities in our lives?

When we are in harmony with our own hearts, souls and spirits. When we are embracing the highest aspects of our being on purpose, then opportunities start to present themselves that are in harmony and synchronicity with our highest intentions.

The key is to first get clear, of the emotional and past baggage that often keeps us captive and separated from our highest self. This is the key reason I created the Soul Path Intelligence program – to helps people simply learn to get themselves out of the way, to find their unique way back home to themselves!

Once you are clear – your job then becomes one of assessing the opportunities that present to you each day, and following those that resonate with your heart, that bring you expansion and fulfilment. But to do this you must be willing to say ‘Yes’ to the opportunities when they present!

Question to Consider: How can I embrace the fullness of my life today? Where do I need to say ‘Yes’?

Affirmation for Success:  I say ‘yes’ to life – and all of life says ‘yes’ to me!

3. Live One Day Spontaneously

Are you attached to your daily routine? If so, don’t worry – you’re not alone! While your routine keeps you feeling safe and comfortable, it also is one of the greatest barriers to experiencing aliveness.

I remember going on holiday to Thailand several years ago, and it literally took me 3-4 days before I could fully unwind, settle into the resort/beach clothes and not think about thing I had to do. So wouldn’t it be good to have a spontaneous holiday/vacation in your own life once a week, once a month?

So take the challenge … pick one day this month where you can just live spontaneously – no plans, no watch, no agendas, no routine – just doing whatever you feel like in each moment – spontaneously. If you need to … put on the beach clothes – take yourself out of your familiar environment and allow your soul, your inner-child the freedom to play, explore and just be.

I know you will find it liberating!

Question to Consider: If there were no plans, if there was no routine or demands on my time… how would I love to live fully today?

Affirmation for Success: When I am present – I am free to experience the beauty of this moment


The 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse

  • Are you still holding onto your past?
  • Do you find it hard to live in the present and to create the future you have always dreamed of?


Then Maybe What You Need is a ‘Detox’ of the Soul …

I have just come across this great book by speaker, movie maker and writer Debbie Ford, who is also the best-selling author of The Dark Side of the Light Chasers and The Shadow Effect with Deepak Chopra.

What’s great about this book is that it provides simple but effective daily practices to help you activate some of the ‘key agents of change’ to help you navigate through releasing emotional and spiritual toxicity from your past, challenging you to become grounded in the present, and inspiring you to activate your greatest gifts to create your ‘ideal’ future.

7 Key Lessons and Insights from Within …

Insight #1: You must understand that divine consciousness (your soul’s journey) and human consciousness (your ego’s path) coexist and are operating within you all the time.

Insight #2: You are designed to reinvent and recreate yourself, over and over again for the evolution of your own soul.

Insight #3: There is a ‘golden essence’ within you that has been covered within ‘human clay’ of past upsets, hurts and disappointments. While this clay provides you protection and safety, it keeps you separated from your divine essence. Therefore the job of every human being is to break through the clay and reveal their true ‘golden essence’ to the world.

Insight #4: You must recognise that there are thousands of life-draining beliefs and if you attach to any of these negative beliefs, and call them your own, they become your limitations. That’s when you literally “Ease God Out” (EGO).

Insight #5: All real change requires risk. You must take risks everyday of your life. You must get up each morning and ask not “What can I do that is the same today?”, but in fact the complete opposite: What can I do that is different?

Insight #6: Your soul’s mission is always to serve you in the grandest way it can and to support you in growing and evolving in new ways. Therefore, are you going to follow the path that you’ve always known? Or are you going to roll the dice and bet all your resources on a power greater than yourself, a source that literally has the power to change everything in your life?

Insight #7: The world is waiting for you. To follow the call to new, uncharted lands, you must first be willing to trust the possibilities that exist within you. The opportunities and possibilities are endless when you honour your soul, value yourself first, and commit to follow the inspired guidance of your heart in each moment.

The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse – A Breakthrough Program for Connecting with Your Soul’s Deepest Purpose by Debbie Ford, published by HarperOne 2009 is available at Amazon.

Align Yourself for Success

Are you consistently applying lots of effort, but receiving very little reward?

Do you often feel like you’re taking two steps forward and one step back?

Does your heart long to experience less struggle and striving, and more freedom, flow and fulfilment?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then the good news is ‘you are not alone’!

In fact you have probably got more in common with the other 7 billion people on the planet who are actively seeking to expand, grow and develop, yet consistently find themselves being held back, resisting and sabotaging themselves from their innate natural state of freedom, flow, success and fulfilment. Welcome to Life 101!

The greatest gift of our soul is that it is always seeking to experience greater, and greater expansion and growth. Yet the reality is that anything that is moving will always experience some form of resistance, while anything that is stagnant or resting in the same place will eventually fade away and die.

Your job therefore as an ever expanding soul and being, is to evolve and become the best you that YOU can be, and this requires learning how to align your own internal energy to produce your greatest results with ease, joy and happiness.

So how do you align yourself for success? By understanding that when your actions and behaviours are aligned with your thoughts, when your thoughts are aligned with your values, when your values clearly reflect your life and soul purpose, when your soul purpose is aligned with the higher purpose for your life, and when your higher purpose contributes towards the Divine Will for humanity and the world – then miracles are possible.

So how do you create greater states of internal alignment between your body, mind, soul and spirit?

5 Simple Practices to Align Yourself for Success

1. Creating Greater Rapport Between Your Ego and Spirit

Much of the conflict that takes place in our everyday lives takes place at one of two levels – our conscious behaviour, thoughts and patterns, and our unconscious behaviour, thoughts and patterns.

Your job as the master of your life is to harness the innate intention of your soul to direct your will towards bringing greater harmony, balance and purpose to these two aspect of your being. This inner-battle is best symbolised by the images presented in the major arcana of the mystical tarot that depicts two horses, one black (representing ego), one white being (representing soul) being guided by a chariot driver (yourself), who holds the reigns and must direct these two aspects of self to work together towards its highest intent.

Contrary to popular myth it is not necessary to rid yourself of ego, for to do so would be futile. Your ego brings great strength, resilience, and power to your life when it works in harmony with your spirit. Likewise, a life that is completely bound in spirit, without the grounded connection of ego would spend most of its time with its ‘head in the clouds’, dreaming, but producing little result.

The Practice:

  1. Take out a blank piece of paper out and simply draw a line down the middle of it. On the left side write the title ‘Gifts of my Ego’ and on the right side write the title ‘Strengths of my Spirit’.
  2. Now brainstorm all the benefits and strengths that both your ego and spirit provide you.
  3. When you have completed your lists imagine that each is a horse, and ask them: What they need from you to create a more harmonious, productive and fulfilling life? How can they each work more closely with each other to use their gifts and strengths for your greater good? Who do you need to develop yourself to become a better ‘chariot driver’?

 2. Let Your Soul Be Your Guiding Compass

Whether you realise it or not, your own soul is your best and most trusted ally in life. It knows exactly where you are, where you need to be, and what brings you great joy in each moment. All you need to do is find the stillness within and take the time to ask it for its highest guidance for you right now.

The Practice:

  1. Take out four pieces of paper and on each write in the big letters the letters N, S, E an W.
  2. Find a large space where you can move freely in your living area or home, which is quiet and where you won’t be disturbed. Stand in the middle of your room. Place each of the pieces of paper at least a meter away from you in a circle, where the N is placed at 12 o’clock, E at 3 o’clock, S at 6 o’clock and W at 9 o’clock (representing the points of a compass).
  3. Now as you stand in the middle close your eyes and place your hand on your heart. Ask your heart to be awakened and to provide you with the highest clear guidance for your soul. Then ask your soul to show you the direction that you are currently heading in your life, and as you feel compelled simply turn in that direction and take a step forward. Open your eyes and see where you are on the compass.
  4. Go back to the centre of the circle, close your eyes and now, ask your soul to show you and guide you in the direction of your highest life path at this moment. Turn to it and take a step forward. Open your eyes and just notice where you are? Is there a difference? How do you need to bring your current life into alignment with your highest soul path?

3. Learn to Love What You Resist

In my many years of working as a hypnotherapist and counsellor what I noticed most amongst my clients who were experiencing limiting behavioural patterns, self-sabotage and resistance was that every behaviour has an underlying benefit to the soul.

The Practice:

  1. So rather than fight or resist the behaviour, instead start by first thanking it for being there, thank it for all the benefits that has been providing you (even if you don’t see any in it right now).
  2. Then ask it if it would be willing to share with you why it is presenting itself to you? Ask it to share with you its higher purpose and benefit?
  3. Then ask your higher-self to share with you some alternative and more empowering ways to experience those benefits right now?

Simply by learning to love your resistance you allow it to share its greatest gifts with you, and by doing so you create the pathway to integrating yourself towards wholeness, rather than living a fragmented life.

4. Let Go of What You’re Tolerating

As simple as this sounds, it is often one of the most challenging realisations for many people. In the same way that trying to hide inflated beach balls under water takes lots and lots of energy, so to, the people, activities and tasks that you are tolerating in your life right now, are also draining your chi and life-force energy.

The Practice:

  1. Make a list right now of all the things in your life that you are currently tolerating, know you need to stop, or that you need to complete.
  2. Then go to work at eliminating these ‘beach balls’ from your life!

5. Your Only Job Is to Get Clear

I was recently at a seminar in Melbourne recently where the seminar leader shared some powerful advice that really resonated with me. He said ‘you only job in life is to get clear about who you are, why you are here and what you do’. Then you simply need to allow the people, places and situations that resonate with your true-self to turn up!

Surprisingly, the number one reason most people don’t get what they want, is because they don’t really know what they want! Or if they do know, then most of the time what they want is really being driven by other people’s needs, expectations or demands.

The Practice:

  1. So what do you value in life? What do you hold as being most important to you? If you had only one more year to live what would you do?
  2. If you won $70 million in the lottery what would you do with the rest of your life?
  3. If I gave you a magic wand and three wishes, what three aspects of your life would you most want to change and how?

Learning to align yourself for success, and developing greater levels of alignment both internally and externally is one of the greatest gifts that you can give yourself. Just as a river that is free from obstacles, rocks, sticks and branches will flow with ease, so too your mind, body and soul when aligned have the capacity to produce and reflect tremendous life force potential.

Remember, you are here to be the best YOU that you can be!

Awaken Your Soul Path – Melbourne Workshop

Awaken Your Soul Path – Melbourne Workshop

A Unique Seven Week Program to Help You Awaken
Your Soul Purpose, Develop Your Intuition, Create More Fulfilment
Set Sail for a Greater Life!

 “At the heart of every human being is a calling for greatness,
a desire to experience a life of greater purpose, greater happiness and greater fulfilment.

It’s not just in some of us, it’s in all of us!”

A new Melbourne ‘Awaken Your Soul Path’ workshop has now been scheduled for October 2012.

This workshop series held over 7 weeks will help you to connect more closely with your soul purpose, gain greater clarity and direction, and help you develop your own intuition and connection to source, so you can create and enjoy a happier, more meaningful and fulfilling life.

1. Do you have a clear and compelling vision for your life?
2. Are you doing what you love and living your life on purpose?
3. Is your energy flowing clearly towards your most important life goals and dreams?
4. Is your identity and presence attracting the right people, places and opportunities?
5. Are you receiving the other 99% of your highest good?
6. Is fear or limitation holding you back from living your greatest life?
7. Are you really happy?

 What If There Were a Way to Connect More Closely With Your Soul
 and Awaken Your Greatest Potential?

The Awaken Your Soul Purpose  program will provide you with the resources, insights and practices to help you re-awaken your soul’s highest potential and create a life of greater happiness, purpose and fulfilment.
Awaken Your Soul Path Program

  • ŸLearn how to connect with your unique soul path and life purpose which will help provide you with a revitalised sense of clarity, focus and direction in life.
  • Activate your personal destiny by learning how to set and create powerful intentions for your life, which will allow you to realise your dreams and goals more rapidly, and with greater ease and flow.
  • Discover how to actively reclaim your power and develop new levels of self-belief and confidence in your self, so that you can be the master of your own life and destiny.
  • Learn to clear limiting beliefs and patterns that may be holding you back from receiving and experiencing your highest good.
  • Create greater levels of internal alignment between heart, mind, body and soul, which will allow you to liberate your life-force energy and bring greater happiness, enthusiasm and fulfilment in your life

Best of all you will have the opportunity to take one goal that you are most passionate about in your life and use it as a special ‘Soul Intention Project’ for the duration of the 7 week program. Just imagine what it would be like to accelerate your results, and achieve more with less time, effort and stress!

This program will help you reconnect with your soul purpose, reclaim your power,
and develop the confidence and self-belief to live your greatest life.

Next Program Commences:             Wednesday 24 October
Where:                                                Living Now Centre, Seaford

Investment:                                        $350  (Payment plan option available)

Special October 2-for-1 Offer:          Bring a friend and pay for just one ticket.

Download Brochure (PDF):              Download PDF

For Bookings and Information Regarding this Workshop
Call Les on 0414 298 203 or  email info[@]