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success | The Greatness Connection
Winning the Inner-Game of Success

Winning the Inner-Game of Success

Whether you realise it or not, you are an incredible creative being with an incredible creative spirit.

Everything in your life up to this point has been created as a result of the thoughts, beliefs and consciousness you have decided to hold each day. Change your thoughts and your feelings change. Change your feelings and your actions change. Change your actions and your life changes.

And yet while this concept sounds simple, the reality is that many people still continue to find themselves stuck in old patterns, limited by their beliefs and feeling powerless and helpless, unable to fully realise and manifest the life and goals that they deeply desire.

As a purpose-driven leader the light the power to awaken your own greatness and realise your soul’s potential exists in one place – within you. And the moment that you learn to tap into and activate this creative source of purpose, presence and power then your entire life experience has the capacity to be transformed. Learning to harness our innate creative potential is therefore one of the most important endeavours that anyone on a journey of self-realisation and personal growth can pursue.

  • So how can you activate more of your soul’s potential?
  • How can you begin to harness the great creative power and presence of your spirit?
  • How can you set yourself up to win what I call the ‘inner-game of success’?

Top 5 Insights for Purpose-Driven Individuals and Leaders

Here are my top 5 insights to help you ‘Win the inner-game of success’:

Insight #1: Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Where is your energy and awareness going in this moment? If you are fully present then you will understand that the capacity to change and reshape your life exists within you now, in your ability to choose the direction and focus of your conscious attention.

Whether you choose to focus that attention on what is not right, what you don’t or what is not working in your life, or whether you choose to direct it to towards what you really desire and want to create is totally up to you. It’s in the moments of our awareness, the small tiny gap of mindfulness that separates reaction from response, decision from action and chaos from certainty our greatest potential for change is found. Because it is here that we can choose to redirect our energy and focus to what we want to see flourish, grow and thrive in our lives.

The key is to understand is that what you focus on grows. Therefore, always make sure to direct your attention to what you truly want and desire to create, manifest and attract into your life in each moment.

Insight #2: Fear Will Never Go Away

The moment you set a new direction and path for your life, you simultaneously activate a new paradigm of being in every one of your cells.

While change is not always easy, the moment we choose a new direction or decide to actively transform our lives in some way, the reptilian brain and flight or fright response is activated. The last thing that our ego or consciousness wants to experience is anything that would cause it to change or leave the comfort of the current ‘status quo’. Often this inner-resistance creates internal perceptions that then manifest as doubt, procrastination, a limiting of self-worth or even self-sabotage.

The key therefore is to realise that as long as you are continuing to grow you will always experience some form of fear. In fact most successful people know that the fear they encounter before trying something new will never really go away. So instead of trying to eliminate it or get rid of it, they simply find ways to turn the fear into an ally and friend.

Instead of FEAR meaning ‘Forget Everything And Run’, those who have the courage to awaken the strength of their true spirit and being realise that it can also mean ‘Face Everything And Rise’!

Therefore, what we really should be doing is saying to fear …

‘Thank you for letting me know that I am growing, however from now on you are not directing or driving my creative being, only my true soul and spirit can do that. From now on you can take a back seat and come along for the ride, but my true self, my higher-self and spirit will be the one driving from now on.’

Insight # 3: Begin Now

Are you waiting for success to find you? If so, you had better start running now!

A wise mentor once told me that in Sumo Wrestling there is a saying ‘Always wrestle from the inside of the ring’. Afterall, its no use starting to fight and get your energy moving when you’ve already been pushed outside of the circle by your opponent. Sadly, too many people rest on their laurels, expecting success and opportunity to turn up at their door step, sometimes believing that all they need do is visualise or affirm the best happening and that it will manifest as they wish. However, this is rarely ever the case.

When studying the most successful people throughout history a consistent pattern emerges. While for many achieving success may have literally taken years to realise, all of them were in motion when it happened.

Momentum is a powerful force in the universe. Often the hardest part of any project or movement is the first 15% – the getting started. However, once the human spirit is in momentum and traveling towards a worthy goal it is very hard to slow it down.

So, don’t wait for the perfect circumstances or timing to get started on your passion, your purpose, your ideal life. Start now, lean into it and let success find you along the way. When we are in a state of movement, then opportunity seems to follow. The key as Martin Luther King Jr. once said is ‘You don’t need to see the whole staircase, you simply need to take the next step in faith’.

Insight #4: Expect and Embrace Resistance Along the Way

“Wellness and happiness are the natural states of existence. We are designed by Universal Intelligence to be happy and well in all areas of life. When Universal Intelligence is allowed to flow through our inner-guidance system without resistance, problems not only dissolve, they seek to exist.”– Mahendra Trivedi

Have you ever noticed that the moment one creates a new intention or sets a new goal, that everything within you that has not yet come into alignment or resonance with your outcome or desire begins to surface as an obstacle?

Maybe you decide to set a goal to head to the gym and lose weight, and then all of a sudden your car begins to have issues that need fixing, or your boss assigns you a new task that means you need to spend more time at work. Often our unconscious limitations, fears and beliefs manifest in ways that seek to separate us from fully realising the inner-most desires we seek to create.

The key here is not to judge these things when they happen, but to simply become aware of what our consciousness is creating and bringing forth in each moment. When we can identify the limiting pattern or perception at the core of the obstacle, then we can begin to change our awareness, and in doing so change our destiny.

The realisation is that every obstacle is a blessed opportunity for you to learn, to grow and become more of who you were truly meant to be.

The obstacles are therefore vital to the creative process and are there to help you understand what you don’t want, so you can place your focus, intention and energy on what you truly desire.

Insight #5: Feel into Your Success and Have it Right Now

Dream a little…
What do you desire for your life, your business, career or relationship in the next 12 months, 5 years, 10 years?

At the heart of every goal or outcome we believe will bring us closer to success is a desire for a feeling. For example, a desire to be promoted into a higher management position at work might seem like a worthy and honourable goal. Yet if we were to delve deeper into this desire and ask ourselves ‘How would having this outcome really make me feel?’, what we might discover is that what we really want is to feel proud of ourselves, a feeling of greater financial certainty or even feeling of self-worth and value.

The difference between wanting and having is simply how we engage with the feelings and emotions behind our intentions. When we choose to see ourselves as already having what we desire, then these feelings create an amplified state of being that literally draws greater success and happiness to us.

The key therefore is to set your intentions and outcomes on greater personal success, but to fully step-in and appreciate having the intentions/outcomes manifest right now i.e. step right into the feeling of what it will be like to have the outcome you desire, fully and completely.

When you can truly appreciate the feelings of being proud of yourself, feeling financial certainty, feeling valuable right now, then what you truly desire has no choice but to follow.

Final Notes on Winning the Inner-Game of Success

Each of us must decide what success really means to us individually. No two individuals are alike, therefore your dreams and desires for realising a life of greatness will also be unique.

The greatest gift that you can give to your soul in this lifetime is the permission to dream freely, to reach beyond your perceived limitations and boundaries, and to create and craft a life that you are proud of.

Therefore, take time to sit and brainstorm at least 50 answers to the following statement …

  • When I’m living my ideal life I am …

Once you have your list of desires choose to bring your intention to them everyday and simply ask …

  • What is next step can I take today to bring this into reality?

With time, conviction and commitment to your highest visions you will begin to find that your inner-world becomes your outer-most reality. Best of all, you’ll also find that your greatest dreams will become the foundation on which your soul’s legacy is formed – one simple step, one choice, one intention at a time.

Ready to Switch on a Greater Light?

On the path of greatness, we are all being encouraged to connect with our true purpose and passion, and to live lives that fully reflect the greatness that is present within our own beings.

If you’re ready to expand your own presence and light in the world and to share your life message in a greater way, then make sure to check out our ‘Be the Lighthouse’ program. A unique 7-month transformational journey for soul-centred and aspiring individuals who know the time has come to awaken their innate gifts and make a bigger impact in the world. Contact our office today for more details on the program.

Finding Real Purpose and Meaning in Life

Finding Real Purpose and Meaning in Life

What will you be remembered for when you die?

I recently gave a talk to an audience on the power of living fully in our lives. The quest for finding the essence within us that makes us live each and everyday with a greater sense of purpose, passion and presence in our world.

As a transformational coach, intuitive and medium I’ve often experienced situations where client’s loved ones have presented with messages of encouragement, wanting them to make the most of the precious gift of life that they have been afforded.

And if there is one thing that separates those soul-centred leaders who have managed to create, and craft lives of greatness, it would be their ability to connect with a deep sense of PURPOSE and MISSION in their lives.

  • But what is it that really gives our lives meaning?
  • What is it that can provide us with greater purpose and direction, even in the moments when we feel lost and off-track?

I believe it’s our capacity to connect with a deep sense of mission, a greater ‘why’ that goes beyond just achieving success and instead encourages us to craft a life of greatness.

So, here’s a simple but powerful exercise that will help you connect with what’s really most important to you in life …


Life Success: Starting with the End in Mind

Several years ago, Stephen Covey, best-selling author of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People defined one of the habits as being ‘Starting with the End in Mind’.

However, when it comes to our own lives, it can be easy to forget that we are only here for a limited amount of time, that our journey in this ‘Earth School’ will eventually come to an end.

So, if you really want to find more purpose, direction and passion in your life, start by asking this one question:

“What do I want to be remembered for when I die?”

This one question is powerful in its own right for it will help you uncover what is really important for you in life.

You may even want to imagine yourself travelling forward in time to your 80th birthday, or even to your own funeral service and imagine:

  • What are people are saying about you?
  • What do they remember you for?
  • What do they say was most important to you in life?
  • What stories and events do they feel shaped and defined your life?
  • What difference and impact did you make?
  • How did you contribute and enrich people’s lives?
  • What is the legacy that you left behind?

It’s a powerful process that will help you uncover your ‘true values’ in life.

Afterall, we can’t take money and material possessions with us into the next world, but what we will take and gather are the experiences, the memories, the relationships and the connections that we have made along the journey.


Time to Reimagine Your Future

Remember, the greatest gift that you have been given as a human being is in your ability to visualise, imagine and recreate your future.

If the life you have been living and the results you have produced are not what you wanted, then the good news is that you can choose to leave the past and recreate a new future by simply committing to change your approach, change your values, change your decisions and change your behaviour.

One of the greatest benefits of asking the question above is that it will allow you to see what needs to change in the time that you have remaining on the earth plane. It will also encourage you to create a new sense of purpose and mission, a powerful and compelling reason for being that will move you forward.


Make the Most of Your Dash

If you’ve ever wandered through a cemetery you may have seen the myriad of tombstones celebrating the lives of the individuals that once graced this wonderful planet. What all of these people had in common is that they were all born and they all had an expiry or end date. In fact you’ll often see this represented on the headstones by a birth year and end year.

But what is it that often separates these two years – a dash. It’s what we do in the time that we have left that makes the most difference. It’s value is in how we choose to contribute, how we choose to live, in the moments of joy that we choose to fill our lives with, who we choose to love and we choose to love them.

So, if you’re wanting to make the most of the dash that you have remaining, take some time out to carefully look at and review ‘What’s most important to you in life’. Too many people spend their entire lives climbing the ladder of success, status and materialism only to find out that the ladder was against the wrong wall.

Live Your Life Without Regret

Choosing in favour of your highest values and what’s most important to you will help you live a life that is rich, happy, meaningful and fulfilling. It’s just one way to ensure we don’t arrive at the end of our lives with regrets, wishing that we could have done things differently.

According to Australian nurse and author, Bronnie Ware, one of the greatest regrets in life for most people is that they never lived a life that was true to themselves.

Asking “What do I want to be remembered for when I die?” provides a powerfully way to connect with our own mortality, but in a way that can help you ignite the path forward to live fully by choosing to live a life that is true to your own self, your own desires and your own spirit.

So, make sure to take some time and answer this question today.
It could be one of the most purpose-filled and meaningful exercises that you could do for your life!


Ready to Switch on a Greater Light?

On the path of greatness, we are all being encouraged to connect with our true purpose and passion, and to live lives that fully reflect the greatness that is present within our own beings.

If you’re ready to expand your own presence and light in the world and to share your life message in a greater way, then make sure to check out our ‘Be the Lighthouse’ program. A unique 7-month transformational journey for soul-centred and aspiring individuals who know the time has come to awaken their innate gifts and make a bigger impact in the world. Contact our office today for more details on the program.

How to Trust Your Intuition and Higher Guidance

How to Trust Your Intuition and Higher Guidance

How can we learn to trust and believe in our inner-guidance?

Whether we realise it or not, each of us has an incredible intuitive power and presence that is guiding us in each moment.
So, why then do so many people struggle to connect with and trust themselves?

Awakening Your Intuitive Presence

As a transformational coach, energy healer and intuitive I’ve now been helping people awaken and open their own intuitive channels for over 20 years. What I’ve noticed in that time is that there are some key practices, insights and ways of being that can truly enhance our ability to receive, trust and connect with our inner-guidance.

The result is that the more we learn to trust in our own insight, wisdom and guidance, the greater the flow, grace and ease that we experience in life. Now, that doesn’t always mean we’re going to live a life without problems or challenges. On the contrary, many of our problems and challenges are in fact ‘divine gifts’ that encourage us to dig deep within ourselves for the strength and resources to overcome them. In many ways our greatest problems also become our greatest teachers. Yet that doesn’t mean you have to resign to a life of striving, struggle and hardship.

Instead, when we learn to trust and follow the inner-guidance of our heart, soul and spirit in each moment we awaken a greater consciousness and energy within ourselves. We open our heart energy to becoming a vessel for greater guidance and inspiration, and in doing so we are encouraged to take steps of courage, faith and confidence in aligning the lives that we really want to create and realise at this time.

7 Insights from The Power of Intuitive Flow Training

Here are 7 insights from our beginner level Power of Intuitive Flow Training, our 7 week course for helping activate and engage your own intuitive intelligence, that will help you to begin to open to trusting and following your intuition more deeply.


Key #1: Intuition Speaks to You on Many Levels

While we all have access to a great intuitive power, the voice of intuition can often be subtle, a little like tuning into a radio station for the first time in the dark. It takes practice, discernment and trust.

So, as you begin to awaken to your own intuitive energy it is helpful to know that not everyone receives guidance in the same way. In fact, there are often 4 main channels that your intuition may be communicating with you in each moment:

  •  Auditory: Through an inner-voice or dialogue.
  •  Kinaesthetically: Through feelings and impressions
  •  Visually: Through images and symbolic guidance that you receive mentally
  •  Cognizance: Clear knowing and understanding that is just impressed upon you

If you’ve ever walked into a room or building and just felt that the environment was not safe, or that something was not right, then you’ll already be familiar with your emphatic or feeling intuition, which is often activated in moments of flight or fright, when we need our survival and protection instinct.

While you have one predominant channel that you work with, with the right training and development you can learn to awaken and activate your other channels in unison for greater intuitive flow and guidance.


Key #2:  Accessing Your True Knowing

Many years ago, when I was working the United Kingdom I had an insight to go and do a course in Laredo, Texas. The calling was so strong that I booked a ticket and hopped on the next plane.

The only problem was that at the time the company I was working for were still processing my working visa in the UK, which meant that there was the possibility that I would not be able to re-enter the country and would be deported on my return. Yet all along something inside of me just ‘knew’ I needed to go and that I would be taken care of. That everything would work out ok.

  • Have you ever just known that something was not right?
  • Have you ever just had a feeling you needed to call a friend?
  • Have you ever just known that you needed that you needed to continue with a path of action?

Our belief in ourselves is fundamental when developing intuition. And there is no greater belief than a sense of ‘knowing’ a deep inner-feeling that we are right, that we need to do something, or take some form of action.

So take a moment now and simply reflect back on a moment or experience when you had a deep sense of knowing, and you trusted and followed that. What did it feel like? Where did you feel it? How did your body, soul, spirit and mind let you know that you were right?

Key #3:  Move from Your Head to the Heart

Often when we are in the live Power of Intuitive Flow training I get my students to pay attention to where their inner-energy flows when they are connecting with their intuition.

Far too often because of our left-brained centric education systems we have forgotten how to connect with our heart, feelings and true sense of knowing, and so the energy often goes back up to our heads where we attempt to ‘think the solution to the answer’.

The problem is with this that the moment we end up back in the head, we have often already lost and negated the first initial energy or impression from our heart that was trying to guide us in the first place!

Therefore, the moment you find yourself going back to the head to try and find or think a solution it’s time to draw your energy and focus back to your heart.

Key #4: Open Your Inner-Senses

In expanding your intuition, you will need to learn to open your inner-senses, not just your external senses.

One of the most critical points that we focus on in our training is the centre of the throat (throat chakra) or point of communication, self-will and expression in the world. Developing this primary energy centre is essential if we are going to find our voice in the world and learn to express ourselves and our intuitive impressions and guidance. Most significantly this centre along with the solar plexus need to be opened and developed to allow you to feel and receive inner-guidance.

The more you work embracing exercises to open the throat energy centre, you will also begin further clearing and awakening the intuitive channels to your own clairaudience, which governs your ability to receive verbal guidance and messages from your higher-self and intuition.

Key #5:       Learn to Ask Better Quality Questions

The key to receiving quality guidance from your intuition is to get better at asking higher quality questions. The questions that we ask ourselves on a daily basis determine the quality of our lives.

Therefore, for intuitive questioning to be valuable we need to learn to ask questions that are:

a) Specific – Clear and with one focus
b) Objective – Are not loaded with our own bias or expectation
c) Grounded in a Higher Perspective – That seek the highest truth for all involved

For example:

  • Instead of asking “Where do I find my ideal relationship? ask “What do I need to know in order to open myself to the perfect divine relationship?”
  • Instead of asking “How can I create more money?” ask “How can I allow greater abundance and prosperity to flow in my life?”
  • Instead of asking “What decision or choice do I now need to make?” ask “What choice will bring me greater joy, aliveness and happiness?”


Key #6: Build Your Self-Esteem

Listening and following our intuition and inner-guidance implies a need for great trust. Trust in our own wisdom. Trust in our higher intelligence. Trust in our connection to source.

In the same way that a lighthouse must have a firm and solid foundation in order to do its highest work of shining its light, so too, your soul and spirit require a firm foundation and base of self-esteem and self-efficacy in order to operate at their highest potential.

When we believe in ourselves, and see ourselves as worthy of guidance and insight, then our guidance and insights grow and develop. A healthy self-esteem also means that you will have much greater courage and belief in yourself to act on higher guidance when it presents.

How do we build this base of courage, self-belief and esteem?
We can start first by reflecting on all the moments in our life where we received guidance or inspiration an acted upon it. Reflecting on these moments will help you create the physiological state of trust that is required to enact and enable your intuitive presence and power.


Key #7:  Take Inspired Action

Intuition is not a one-way street. It is an intricate cycle of asking, receiving, accepting, trusting and acting.

Therefore, the more we learn to trust and ACT on our intuitive messages and guidance the more that our intuition develops, and the greater the trust that we have in it.

Learning to act on your intuition will imply a level of needing to take risk and step our of your comfort zone. In the beginning you may ask for guidance and take action, only to find that what you initially acted on did not work. It is important in these times not to give up. But to take this onboard as a learning experience.

Start to monitor your body’s feelings and signals of confirmation that you are on the right track. It may be as simple as an opening of energy in your gut area, or a light shiver that goes down your back, or a simple sense of knowing and confidence that originates in your heart. The more that you pay attention to these signals, the more you take risks and act on your guidance, the greater your opportunity to grow, evolve and become a channel for intuitive grace and presence.

It is through inspired and intuitive action that our highest lives are formed.


Ready to take Your Intuitive Abilities to the Next Level?

At The Greatness Connection we run regular intuitive development programs to help you connect, access and follow your intuition. The Power of Intuitive Flow training is an engaging and interactive 7 week course based on 21 principles of intuition that will help you learn to develop greater trust, rapport and confidence in yourself, and provide you with a pathway for transforming and healing your life, business or professional life. Best of all the course is delivered as both live training as well as completely online as a self-paced learning program.

For more details make sure to check out the online training program here and details of the next live training here.

The One Question that Could Change Your Life

The One Question that Could Change Your Life

Who Are You at Your Best?

In the quest towards a life of greatness it can be easy to forget that we already have already have access to a tremendous source of consciousness, inspiration and creativity within ourselves.

In each moment we have the ability to shift our direction and consciousness simply by choosing to ask more empower questions of ourselves. The greater the quality of question, the greater the energy of the answers that we receive.

So today, I simply want you to connect with just one question that has the capacity to radically shift your energy, vibration and intention on all levels. It also has the capacity to connect you to the deeper source of intelligence and wisdom that is within you, your own sense of personal worth and greatness. And that question is:


Who are you at your best?”


Here’s why this simple question is so powerful and some ways that you might like to explore and play with it in your own life.


1. What We Place Our Attention on Grows

If you had an upbringing like most children then you probably would have experienced moments where you did not receive the acknowledgement, affirmation and love that you really desired. In fact it’s been proven through research that most children will hear the word ‘no’ many more times than they ever receive the word ‘yes’.

Changing our lives therefore requires a deep need to reprogram our consciousness and focus away from what we ‘don’t want’ towards what we really ‘want’, and this simple question has the power to do that by allowing you to delve deep into your own consciousness and experience to find and acknowledge those moments where you were engaged in your best work and contribution in the world.

Best of all what you place your attention and focus on grows. So the more you direct your consciousness to moments where you have been your best, the more opportunity that there is for these moments to manifest and appear in your life.


2. Our Self-Worth Determines Our Net-Worth

Answering this question will also help you to connect to the moments where you’re self-worth and image were at their best. As you recall and bring to mind the experiences of your life that have filled you, that have inspired you that have allowed you to step from within the confines of your comfort zone into the light, you’ll also be activating new neural pathways that will literally re-program your mind and consciousness for greater success.

And as your self-image and self-worth expand they also directly impact your ability to attract and create greater levels of prosperity and purpose in your life.


3. Go Deep with Your Inquiry

There is something fascinating about the process of self-inquiry. As we continuously ask ourselves a question we can delve deep into the realm of our own consciousness to activate the presence of our soul. And it is here in the depth of our soul’s understanding of our lives that we have access to tremendous power and presence.

So take out a notepad and start by asking yourself this simple question above. Write down all your answers and then repeat the process. As you continuously ask the question of yourself and simply allow the answers within you to arise, you will begin to notice the energy and intent in the answers you receive change. They will often align with the following process:

Conscious Responses (what I think) –>
Unconscious responses (what I feel) –>
Soul Centred Responses (what is my real truth)

The deeper you go in your self-inquiry and process of ‘allowing’ your soul’s truth to arise, the greater the meaning and power behind the answers that you will receive.


4. Invoking an Energy of Self-Love and Appreciation

This question also has the capacity to connect you with a deeper sense of self-love, respect and appreciation for yourself.

When we choose to look at ourselves through the eyes of self-love and appreciation we open new door ways for self-empowerment and presence in our lives.

Therefore, if you want to take this process further. You may want to practice it in front of a mirror. Start by looking at yourself through the eyes of love, through the eyes of self-respect, through the eyes of compassion. Then begin to elicit the answers that come to mind. Each time you receive an insight love and respect yourself even more.

You already are a divine child of creation. The moment you answer this question with honesty and respect you embrace the truth that you already are ‘whole, perfect and complete as you are’. You embrace the understanding that you are a loved, valued and highly respected.


5. Catch and Cradle Your Moments of Magnificence

Asking this question on a daily basis and recording your answers in a journal or diary is one of the fastest ways to increase your personal energy, self-esteem and efficacy.

As best-selling author of the ‘Discover Your Strengths’ series, Marcus Buckingham says “we need to catch and cradle” our success on a regular basis.

So, if you want to take this question to the next level, why not embed it as part of your daily ritual and ask this question either at the beginning or end of your day.


Those who have shaped and created lives of greatness have done so by embracing daily habits of success in their lives. They literally have conditioned and taught themselves to ask more empowering questions, that generate more empowering and fruitful answers.

And answering this one question might just hold the key to unfolding and awakening your own potential for greatness today.

Les Price is a transformational life and business coach, author, speaker, intuitive and healer. If you feel you have been holding onto limiting patterns, emotions, feeling and blockages from the past that no longer serve you, and are looking for a safe environment to allow greater freedom and liberation into your life – contact our office to organise a consultation with Les.

Awakening an Extraordinary Life

“We are powerful creative beings that determine our future
with every thought we think and every word we speak.”

Cheryl Richardson

Just finished reading a great excerpt from a the book “You can Create an Exceptional Life” by Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson.

Some mornings I will just wander through my bookshelf seeking out something that will give me a little inspiration, direction or guidance. Often I will just open up to a page and see what the first words are that stand out to me. As far back as I can remember my guides, angels and helpers in spirit have always provided intuitive guidance to me via the books I find or read. Makes me think I could have been a librarian in a past life!

Its funny, but sometimes I think we overcomplicate our lives. In the search for greater happiness, success and meaning, its easy to lose track of the fact that we are always connected to spirit, that we are always an extension of the divine source that flows through us, and through everything.

Our thoughts energy and vibration are consistently drawing to us or repelling what we do or do not want. So it goes without saying the conscious awareness of our thoughts, our intentions and our words in each moment becomes a lesson in expanded spiritual development and transformation.

So this morning as I turned and opened this book … I came across the personal story of how Cheryl Richardson at a moment when she was feeling stuck and held back in her own life visited friend Wyatt Webb, author of its ‘Not About the Horse’. Wyatt created the Equine Experience a process that uses horses as a mirror to show how we as human beings relate with each other.

Wyatt had sensed that Cheryl had been holding onto some unrepressed anger. So he took her to one of the horse stables, and simply asked her to send her thought and intention out to a horse in the corner – and get it to turn around. As you can imagine Cheryl was a little bewildered at the question, yet proceeded to go ahead with the request. Try as she might, nothing happened.

Have you ever experienced this in your own life? Where no matter how hard you ‘try’, how much effort you put into attracting or creating something – you just seem to end up with nada, zero, nothing!

I know I have, and the reality is it’s frustrating, limiting and causes our own energy to contract, rather than expand.

So do we allow our life, business, relationship intentions to manifest with greater ease? Here are a few keys I’ve picked up along my journey – that may help!

 1)      The Power of Intention is in Your Heart – Not Your Head

Often in my coaching, healing, guidance and mentoring sessions with clients, I’ll often ask them a question, and its interesting to see where their energy first flows. In most cases as human beings we are so conditioned to go straight to our heads in search of the answer. In many ways we have made the head the ‘king’, not realising that our hearts are in fact the ‘queen’ – and as we know the women in every household usually gets her way!

In the story of Cheryl Richardson and the horse, Wyatt could see that Cheryl was trying to expert ‘effort’ through her mind to achieve the result. However effort, hard work and striving will only get you so far in the energetic era that we have entered into. Noticing this, Wyatt had the awareness and presence to ask her to stop trying with her head, and instead push the energy, and intention out with and through her heart. The result? You guessed it. The horse did a lap of the stable and turned around to face her directly!

The moral of the story – the greatest results will often come with greater flow and ease when we realise that it is our deepest heartfelt intentions that have the power to manifest more gracefully and easily, if only we would allow them.

2)      Infuse Your Highest Emotion (Energy in Motion)

Intention is thought vibration. All energy and vibration needs a stimulus, a force to enable it to travel and move through space. Your emotion is in fact energy in motion. Therefore when you associate high vibration energy with your highest intent you provide the catalyst for major transformational change.

Through his study of consciousness Dr. David Hawkins discovered that Love, Gratitude, Feeling Blessed and Compassion were some of the greatest energies around. When we weave these emotions into the tapestry of our intentions, we create high level convictions. Energetic impulses of though vibration that permeate the ether and establish themselves in ways that literally pull together our intentions into physical reality. From spirit, to thought, to conceptualisation, to formation, to realisation – we are always constantly evoking and creating our world a new in each moment. With every breath, every heart beat – your essence – and your presence is liberating life into form.

3)      Intention + Attention + No Tension

When you create with intent it is helpful to check in and see what expectations you are holding onto. As human beings we have a natural tendency to seek safety and security. Our past hurts, upsets and disappointments create the energetic barriers that often seen to keep us separated from our highest good.

Just think for a moment? Have you ever wished for something that you really, really wanted – but it never eventuated? Maybe it was a desire to be with a certain person in relationship. Maybe it was a need to create and have greater finances. Maybe it was the need to have a certain person in your life behave and react in a certain way.

So, how did you feel? Where did you feel it? Did it leave you with a feeling of love, worthiness and confidence? Or did it leave you feeling unworthy, fearful and disappointed?

Our greatest intentions often manifest with the greatest ease, when we simply allow ourselves to let go of the tension. Often this tension comes from our past experiences. Yet by letting our energy flow, by allowing ourselves to trust, we create a greater conduit for universal energy to manifest into form. All we need to do – is to allow our intention and attention to harmonise and to project it through our hearts with love. Then await and act upon the divine guidance we receive.

4)      Surrendering to Uncertainty and Vulnerability

Many of us have heard the old saying “you’ve got to surrender”, “you just have to Let Go and Let God”. But often this is easier said, than done in practice!

Why do we feel it hard to let go? Because as human beings we naturally seek to be safe, secure and certain. Our ego selves often have a hard time comprehending a space where we can step into uncertainty, where we can embrace the vulnerability of a moment, and not have to know the answer or do something.

So how do we really let go? By first noticing where our inner-motivations for what we want to create and manifest in our lives is coming from. Is what you want coming from fear or love? Is what you feel attached to really a need to hold onto something you believe is missing or incomplete in your life? A need to be loved. A need to be appreciated. A need to look good?

What ever you perceive as missing in your life will keep you attached to it. Surrendering therefore requires a need to do an inner stock take. To let go of the unhealthy attachments that no longer serve or support you.

5)      Life Reflects Your Worthiness

Have you ever noticed that life doesn’t always reflect back to you what you most expect, but who you really are?

Have a read of that statement again. Let it sink into your presence. For within it is the key to allowing your best and magical life to present to you. Your self-worth and self-image exists at the cornerstone of your ability to powerfully manifest and create what you want in life. But you will only attract that which you are internally ready to receive.

Therefore the key to releasing your highest good is to begin with self-acknowledgement and self-appreciation. Unless we appreciate ourselves, love ourselves and acknowledge ourselves on a daily basis, our self-esteem and self-image will be defined by other people’s opinions and projections.

You are the author of your life. You dictate each moment what you are willing and ready to receive, and what you are willing to settle for. Change your inner-expectation and value of yourself, and you automatically change the value that the universe, God and Divine Source desires to rewards you with.