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21 Day Soul Cleanse | The Greatness Connection

Register Now for FREE Access
to the Online Mini-Series


Discover the Soul Centred Path to Greater Freedom, Happiness
and Fulfilment

“How can I connect more deeply with my soul’s innate intuition,
guidance and wisdom so I can thrive?

If you’re asking that question, then this FREE online series is for you.

Register now and receive instant access to your FREE 
3 x part video series where you’ll discover your soul’s inner-path
to greater freedom, happiness and fulfillment 

Register today to receive instant access to this FREE exclusive 3 x part online video series where you’ll discover the ‘Soul-Centred’ path for reconnecting with the innate intelligence and insight of your soul and learn how to manifest your soul’s destiny with greater ease, flow and grace.

What You’ll Learn in this Mini Series …

Why your soul longs for self-realisation and the inner-path to fulfilment

The 10 attributes of the soul and how they influence our ability to create success

The Five-Fold Path to greater ALIVEness, energy, intuition and vitality

How to awaken greater levels of personal energy, purpose and potential

How to awaken more of your soul path and your magnificent self

About Your Facilitator and Guide

Les Price is an intuitive soul coach, hypnotherapist, medium and spiritual teacher who has been working in the field of business, personal and spiritual empowerment for over twenty years.

At the tender age of 8 Les discovered that there was a ‘hidden magic’ and potential within all of us … a field of energy and awareness that was way beyond the ‘physical dimension’ that we all know as ‘real’. Since then he has been on an enduring quest to help even more people find their path and awaken and their own spiritual potential.

As the founder of The Greatness Connection and The Soul Path Academy, Les now uses his gifts to help people globally to reconnect with their soul essence, awaken their greatest dreams and live the magical lives they were truly created to live.