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Awakening an Extraordinary Life

Writer's picture: Les PriceLes Price

“We are powerful creative beings that determine our future with every thought we think and every word we speak.”

Cheryl Richardson

Just finished reading a great excerpt from a the book “You can Create an Exceptional Life” by Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson.

Some mornings I will just wander through my bookshelf seeking out something that will give me a little inspiration, direction or guidance. Often I will just open up to a page and see what the first words are that stand out to me. As far back as I can remember my guides, angels and helpers in spirit have always provided intuitive guidance to me via the books I find or read. Makes me think I could have been a librarian in a past life!

Its funny, but sometimes I think we overcomplicate our lives. In the search for greater happiness, success and meaning, its easy to lose track of the fact that we are always connected to spirit, that we are always an extension of the divine source that flows through us, and through everything.

Our thoughts energy and vibration are consistently drawing to us or repelling what we do or do not want. So it goes without saying the conscious awareness of our thoughts, our intentions and our words in each moment becomes a lesson in expanded spiritual development and transformation.

So this morning as I turned and opened this book … I came across the personal story of how Cheryl Richardson at a moment when she was feeling stuck and held back in her own life visited friend Wyatt Webb, author of its ‘Not About the Horse’. Wyatt created the Equine Experience a process that uses horses as a mirror to show how we as human beings relate with each other.

Wyatt had sensed that Cheryl had been holding onto some unrepressed anger. So he took her to one of the horse stables, and simply asked her to send her thought and intention out to a horse in the corner – and get it to turn around. As you can imagine Cheryl was a little bewildered at the question, yet proceeded to go ahead with the request. Try as she might, nothing happened.

Have you ever experienced this in your own life? Where no matter how hard you ‘try’, how much effort you put into attracting or creating something – you just seem to end up with nada, zero, nothing!

I know I have, and the reality is it’s frustrating, limiting and causes our own energy to contract, rather than expand.

So do we allow our life, business, relationship intentions to manifest with greater ease? Here are a few keys I’ve picked up along my journey – that may help!

1)      The Power of Intention is in Your Heart – Not Your Head

Often in my coaching, healing, guidance and mentoring sessions with clients, I’ll often ask them a question, and its interesting to see where their energy first flows. In most cases as human beings we are so conditioned to go straight to our heads in search of the answer. In many ways we have made the head the ‘king’, not realising that our hearts are in fact the ‘queen’ – and as we know the women in every household usually gets her way!

In the story of Cheryl Richardson and the horse, Wyatt could see that Cheryl was trying to expert ‘effort’ through her mind to achieve the result. However effort, hard work and striving will only get you so far in the energetic era that we have entered into. Noticing this, Wyatt had the awareness and presence to ask her to stop trying with her head, and instead push the energy, and intention out with and through her heart. The result? You guessed it. The horse did a lap of the stable and turned around to face her directly!

The moral of the story – the greatest results will often come with greater flow and ease when we realise that it is our deepest heartfelt intentions that have the power to manifest more gracefully and easily, if only we would allow them.

2)      Infuse Your Highest Emotion (Energy in Motion)

Intention is thought vibration. All energy and vibration needs a stimulus, a force to enable it to travel and move through space. Your emotion is in fact energy in motion. Therefore when you associate high vibration energy with your highest intent you provide the catalyst for major transformational change.

Through his study of consciousness Dr. David Hawkins discovered that Love, Gratitude, Feeling Blessed and Compassion were some of the greatest energies around. When we weave these emotions into the tapestry of our intentions, we create high level convictions. Energetic impulses of though vibration that permeate the ether and establish themselves in ways that literally pull together our intentions into physical reality. From spirit, to thought, to conceptualisation, to formation, to realisation – we are always constantly evoking and creating our world a new in each moment. With every breath, every heart beat – your essence – and your presence is liberating life into form.

3)      Intention + Attention + No Tension

When you create with intent it is helpful to check in and see what expectations you are holding onto. As human beings we have a natural tendency to seek safety and security. Our past hurts, upsets and disappointments create the energetic barriers that often seen to keep us separated from our highest good.

Just think for a moment? Have you ever wished for something that you really, really wanted – but it never eventuated? Maybe it was a desire to be with a certain person in relationship. Maybe it was a need to create and have greater finances. Maybe it was the need to have a certain person in your life behave and react in a certain way.

So, how did you feel? Where did you feel it? Did it leave you with a feeling of love, worthiness and confidence? Or did it leave you feeling unworthy, fearful and disappointed?

Our greatest intentions often manifest with the greatest ease, when we simply allow ourselves to let go of the tension. Often this tension comes from our past experiences. Yet by letting our energy flow, by allowing ourselves to trust, we create a greater conduit for universal energy to manifest into form. All we need to do – is to allow our intention and attention to harmonise and to project it through our hearts with love. Then await and act upon the divine guidance we receive.

4)      Surrendering to Uncertainty and Vulnerability

Many of us have heard the old saying “you’ve got to surrender”, “you just have to Let Go and Let God”. But often this is easier said, than done in practice!

Why do we feel it hard to let go? Because as human beings we naturally seek to be safe, secure and certain. Our ego selves often have a hard time comprehending a space where we can step into uncertainty, where we can embrace the vulnerability of a moment, and not have to know the answer or do something.

So how do we really let go? By first noticing where our inner-motivations for what we want to create and manifest in our lives is coming from. Is what you want coming from fear or love? Is what you feel attached to really a need to hold onto something you believe is missing or incomplete in your life? A need to be loved. A need to be appreciated. A need to look good?

What ever you perceive as missing in your life will keep you attached to it. Surrendering therefore requires a need to do an inner stock take. To let go of the unhealthy attachments that no longer serve or support you.

5)      Life Reflects Your Worthiness

Have you ever noticed that life doesn’t always reflect back to you what you most expect, but who you really are?

Have a read of that statement again. Let it sink into your presence. For within it is the key to allowing your best and magical life to present to you. Your self-worth and self-image exists at the cornerstone of your ability to powerfully manifest and create what you want in life. But you will only attract that which you are internally ready to receive.

Therefore the key to releasing your highest good is to begin with self-acknowledgement and self-appreciation. Unless we appreciate ourselves, love ourselves and acknowledge ourselves on a daily basis, our self-esteem and self-image will be defined by other people’s opinions and projections.

You are the author of your life. You dictate each moment what you are willing and ready to receive, and what you are willing to settle for. Change your inner-expectation and value of yourself, and you automatically change the value that the universe, God and Divine Source desires to rewards you with.

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