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Writer's pictureLes Price

How to Change Your Life When You’re Stuck

3 Insights to Help You Gain Freedom from those Moments that Hold Your Life Back

As a transformational life coach, business coach, intuitive guide and energy healer, one of the most common patterns I see present with my clients is that of being stuck.

When we are stuck and being limited by an unconscious block or pattern it can seem like nothing in our lives is working. In fact it is often said that the “only different between a rut and a grave is the depth”, and while this statement may seem confronting for many, the reality is that energetically anything or anyone that is not growing, moving forward or realising its full potential, will at some level of consciousness be energetically dying, retreating and stagnating.

So, if these patterns of being ‘stuck’ and ‘inner-conflict’ are so common how do we break-free and realise our true destiny?

How do we find the awareness, courage and insight to bring harmony and balance back to our being and allow our true energy, passion and vitality to flow again?

Well, here are some powerful insights and strategies to help you gain greater awareness of what might be holding you back, and at the same time lead you towards creating greater freedom in your life or business.

1 : What ‘Type of Stuck’ You Are Experiencing?

While all feelings of being stuck, held back or feeling blocked carry similar energetic traits, not all types of ‘stuck patterns’ are the same. Therefore, it helps to pay attention and gain greater awareness of the ‘type of stuck’ that you are experiencing in the moment. Here are just a few of the main one’s I have often seen presenting in clients and my own life.

A.      Beliefs, Fear Patterns and Limiting Decisions

Have you ever seen a fly that has found itself stuck inside a room and then desperately seeks to escape via a closed window? If so, you’ll understand the consequence of limiting belief systems, fear patterns and limiting decisions.

Often characterised by an ‘upper limit’ problem or glass ceiling many of these patterns are unconscious and serve to keep us separated from our truth. Often run by the ego, they tend to manifest as patterns of protection, control or survival.

The key to freedom here is to identify the ego-based pattern or limitation, release it, and then install a more empowering pattern that is based on your soul truth, spirit and true being.

B.      Core Choice and Indecision Points

Many times, we can simply find ourselves stuck because we have reached a critical decision or choice point in our lives. Resonant of the image of a ‘fork in the road’, when we have two or more alternatives, it can be difficult leaving what we have known in the past, in order to embrace a new future.

However, these soul-defining points are critical for our soul’s progress and offer us the greatest opportunities for transformation and growth. The key here is to learn to make these decisions based on the courage, strength and certainty of our higher self, not from the place of our fear-based ego or scared inner-child.

C.      Conflicts in Values Between our Spirit and Ego

Those who have been on a spiritual or personal growth quest will know those moments where we need to choose between our ego-based needs/desires/fears, and the calling of our true spirit.

For example, we may find ourselves desiring to make more money, but find ourselves in conflict with another part of ourselves that fears if we had too much money people might not love or accept us anymore.

While many believe we must get rid of the ego in order to be free, the truth is that our ego serves an important purpose in our lives, especially when it is aligned and working for us. It is therefore in learning how to have our ego and spirit work together that we can create great strides in our personal and professional progress.

D.      End of a Cycle or Season

Sometimes we may find ourselves at the end of a season or cycle in our lives that brings us to a point of uncertainty. In these moments it can seem like what we held dear in the past is gone, and yet the new is still to arrive. These voids or plateaus in our lives offer an incredible opportunity for growth, refocusing and alignment.

In the voids of our lives we are being challenged to look deeper into our soul for what is trying to manifest. Like a newly planted seed, we may have to look under the covers to discover the growth and opportunity that awaits us. And sometimes we also will need to call on our patience as we wait out the gestation period, paying attention to the new growth and ways of being that are about to sprout.

2 : Change Your Paradigm

Often changing our ‘stuck’ or ‘blocked states’ simply requires a paradigm shift in our thinking and perception. Here are just a few shifts that you might consider making:

A.      Sometimes we Need to Change Who We Are

There is an interesting story in the bible of Moses who was leading the Israelites out of slavery from Egypt, into the promised land. After many years of wandering the desert, an angel came down to Moses and the Israelites and said, “It’s time to leave this mountain”. Up until that point they had spent years going around in circles due to the old belief systems that they refused to let go of.

In many ways, the Israelites need for certainty and security convinced them that slavery might in fact be a better option than walking through a desert to find their freedom.

The key here was that the promised land was less than 100km away. So, while Moses was trying to get the Israelites out of Egypt, somehow, he couldn’t get Egypt (the past) out of the Israelites and this is what kept them stuck.

 To create a new destiny, we will be called to release our past, and change the way we choose to see ourselves.

B.      Honour Your Confusion

Have you ever found yourself in a place where you were confused?

Each of us are highly intuitive beings. In each moment we are receiving incredible guidance. So why then do we find ourselves in states where we become stuck?

The key is to realise that confusion is often the result of our heart trying to give us a message that our mind or brain does not understand. It’s in these moments that we need to stop struggling and instead, go inside, speak to our heart’s wise and innate intelligence and discover what it is trying to tell us.

C.      Find the Blessing in Your Stuck State

Every behaviour or emotional pattern at its core is trying to serve or help us in some way. Therefore, even your ‘stuck state’ holds a gift and blessing for you, if you would find the courage to go within, seek awareness, and fully discover its highest intent for your life.

So, take a moment to simply ask:

  1. What is the highest intent or purpose of this feeling stuck? How is it serving me?

  2. What am I concerned would happen if it were no longer a problem?

3 : Key Insights for a Break-Through When You’re Stuck

Here are 5 insights that will help you navigate your way out of ego, fear and being stuck, and help create the environment and freedom for you to thrive:

A.      Simply Move

It’s often difficult to ‘think our way’ out of a stuck state, because many of our ‘stuck patterns’ are held physically or energetically in our bodies.

Therefore, the greatest gift you can give yourself when you find yourself stuck is to simply move! Go for a run, go do some yoga, go for a walk and get some fresh air or go for a swim at the beach.

Movement has the power of getting us out of the head, and freeing our energy to flow again, and it is often in our times of movement that we receive our greatest breakthroughs and inspirations.

B.      Make a Choice

If you’ve found yourself at a cross-road, then it’s time to get over analysis-paralysis and simply make a choice. After all, sitting on the fence will only give you splinters!

However, we’ve been conditioned in life to think that when we make choices there are ‘good choices’ and ‘bad choices’, success or failure. However, in any situation the worst thing you can do is make no choice. By learning to let go of your attachment to the outcome and entering your heart space you will begin to ‘feel’ which one of your choices appears the most appropriate for you now.

C.      Unpack Your Consciousness

If you find yourself going around in circles, then it may be time to unload and unpack your consciousness. While the mind is a powerful tool for helping us make analytical decisions, when it comes to trust, movement and creativity, it comes second to the heart.

Therefore, if you find yourself overwhelmed mentally, get a notebook and simply write all your feelings, thoughts, stories, decisions – and allow them to be unpacked onto the page in-front of you. This process is a little like closing all the open application windows on your PC at home. Its about getting back to a fresh screen with nothing being held on it.

Then simply close your notebook and go to sleep on the problem or issue that you have in mind. Many solutions to great problems were discovered during or after the sleep state. Therefore, you might even want to seed your consciousness with a question you would like your subconscious to answer as you sleep.

D.      Go Play

Yes, that’s right. I want you to go out and play!

While this strategy may seem contradictory to the outcome you are trying to achieve, have you ever noticed that as a child, the moment you engaged play in your life, it freed you to become more creative, more open and more resourceful?

There is something magical when we enter a state of play. We let go of all expectations. We become present in the moment. We let go of forcing things to happen and being tied to an outcome.

And it’s usually in these moments that our soul and spirit have the capacity to weave their magic and show us new pathways to freedom, providence and happiness.

E.       Seek Wise Counsel

I know first-hand how frustrating it can be to be stuck in our own world. As a therapist, coach and healer myself, it can be hard working on our ‘own stuff’ because we are so attached to it. While we may think we have all the tools, and have read all the books, there still comes a times when we need to seek outside help and wise counsel.

That’s why I surround myself with practitioners I resonate with and respect. People I can turn to when I need wise counsel or need to bounce something important off them.

While our ego’s might convince us that we can do it ourselves, that we’ll handle it. The reality is that when something is not working in our lives, and we keep hitting brick walls, its time to call out for help.

A wise counsel can often help you get through and navigate your stuck states more effectively, therefore freeing you to do and experience the work and life that you were truly created to live.

Les Price is a transformational life and business coach, author, speaker, intuitive and healer. If you feel you have been holding onto limiting patterns, emotions, feeling and blockages from the past that no longer serve you, and are looking for a safe environment to allow greater freedom and liberation into your life – contact our office to organise a consultation with Les.

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