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Leading in the Light | The Greatness Connection

Are You Ready to Switch on a Greater Light?

Learn How to Expand Your Purpose, Presence and Influence
and Make A Bigger Impact in Your World 

Is there a calling or vision in your heart that you need to share with the world?

Feel like its time to realise your destiny and leave your mark on the world?

Are you longing for a supportive environment where you can thrive and flourish?

Find the Confidence, Courage, Community
and Support You Need to Thrive

The Leading in the Light™ – Transformational Leadership Circle is an empowering community of aspiring individuals, heart-centred business owners, visionary creators and purpose-driven leaders who have a BIG heart, an inspired calling, and who are ready to make a BIGGER impact in their world.

Each month we share inspiration, resources and insights to help empower our members to connect more deeply with their true passion, purpose and presence, and in doing so, find the find the courage, confidence and support that they need to thrive.

Lead with Your Heart

Ignite a Greater Vision

Make a Bigger Impact

Create Enlightened Wealth

Craft a Life of Significance

Being the Lighthouse

Expanding into Your Full Purpose, Presence and Passion

Join Us for the Next FREE Networking Session
Saturday 17th April @ 9.30-11AM

As heart-centred and purpose driven leaders, we’re continuously being called by our own soul to
discover more of who we ‘really are’.

And while stepping beyond the comfort-zone is not always easy, its when we find the inner-courage, certainty and belief in ourselves to ‘be the lighthouse’ we came to be, that our lives tend to take on a whole new meaning.

As Marianne Williamson, so aptly reminds us – “Its often our light not our darkness that most frightens us”.


 An Open Invitation to Share Your Light

The good news is that our free monthly Leading in the Light Networking session will return again on Saturday morning, the April 17 at 9.30am.

So if you’ve been waiting for the right moment to share more of your light, to feel filled and empowered energetically, and would love to connect, collaborate and meet other purpose-driven individuals, vision creators and leaders on the same path then make sure to complete your Expression of Interest today.

Here’s Just Some of What We’ll Be Exploring: 

How to activate more of your calling, purpose and light

Why we’re all being called to ‘Be the Lighthouse’

How to rise beyond fear and inertia to follow the call of your soul

The path of awakened consciousness and energising your intentions

Stepping into the energy of greater expansion, growth and fulfillment

Register Your Interest Today

When: Saturday 17th April 2021
Time:  9.30AM – 11AM (AEST)
Where:  Online via Zoom
Investment:  FREE


Note: Participation and attendance in this community is by application/invitation only. If you would like to join us then please make sure to complete an expression of interest form below and we will get back to you within 24hrs to make sure its a good fit for you. Already attended a session with us before? Then there is no need to submit an expression of interest. You will receive your access link to the session/meeting automatically.

Register Your Interest to Attend the Next Session Here

While the monthly Leading in the Light – Transformational Leadership Circle is free to attend, we need to make sure that its a good fit for you and that you’ll receive benefit from being a part of this engaging and collaborative community.

 So if you’d like to attend, just click on the button below and submit your Expression of Interest today.
We’ll then give you a call within 24 hours to discuss your application and share with you the next steps.

What Will I Experience?

These open transformation circles are all about providing you with the space to:


  • Connect openly with other like-minded creators
  • Discover new ways to collaborate and be creative
  • Learn, grow and evolve in a supportive environment
  • Develop the clarity, confidence and resources to thrive
  • Most of all engage your visions in a fun, creative and inspiring way

Who Is It For?

This session is for anyone that is wanting to expand their purpose, presence and influence, and that has a message, service or difference that they are wanting to make in their world. 

Its also for coaches, healers, facilitators, change agents, counsellors, therapists, visionary creators and messengers that want to develop themselves, expand their reach and want to network and collaborate with other like-minded people.

Awaken Your Purpose, Presence
and Influence in an Even Greater Way

Right now, there is an awakening of heart-centred and purpose-driven individuals globally who are being called to arise and do their highest work in the world.

Many people, just like yourself are now awakening to their ‘true calling’ – the deep inner-desire to create and live a life of greater of purpose, meaning and significance. And a desire to do it in a way that enables them to thrive.

Become the Leader and Messenger
You Were Uniquely Created to Be 

Discover a program of live and online events, resources, inspirational wisdom, coaching and support to help liberate, elevate and free you to become the leader, messenger and change agent you were uniquely crafted to be.

At the heart of this program and community you’ll gain access to a transformational pathway to help you harness, activate and engage your soul-purpose and presence, so that you can finally find the freedom to do your highest work and thrive.

“There is a seed of greatness within every person that is waiting to evolve. Your only job is to find the strength and courage to rise beyond the fears and connect more deeply with the great light within you.”

Les Price

Create and Receive the Results that You Truly Deserve

We’re passionate about seeing ordinary individuals and businesses become extraordinary catalysts for growth.

Through our unique approach that brings together the best leading-edge practices in personal, professional and business transformation, we help our members awaken their heart-centred visions, embody their purpose-driven potential, lead with their hearts and craft lives of significance. 


Learn how to ignite your vision and make a bigger difference in your world


Learn how to move beyond success and craft a life of sigificance


Learn to lead with their heart and trust their soul's innate wisdom and guidance


Find your authentic voice, message and vision so you can make things happen





Join a Vibrant Community of Soul-Centred Difference Makers

The Leading in the Light™ Transformational Leadership Network is for purpose-driven individuals, heart-centred business owners and spirited leaders who want to expand their presence, unleash their potential and make a bigger impact in their world. It’s also for …

Aspiring individuals who are looking to awaken greater levels of personal and professional success.

Purpose-driven individuals and business owners that want to expand their visions, engage their dreams, and create greater levels of influence and impact.

Purpose-driven individuals and business owners that want to expand their visions, engage their dreams, and create greater levels of influence and impact.

Transformational leaders who have a higher calling and message that they need to share with the world.

Soul-centred change agents that are looking to create greater levels of happiness, fulfillment, freedom, creative expression, meaning and abundance.

If you’re ready to expand your purpose, presence and impact then
ere’s just some of the benefits you’ll experience ….


Learn from special guest speakers in the areas of personal, professional, business and spiritual success.


Discover how to find your authentic voice, your vision and make things happen


Connect and collaborate with other heart-centred leaders in a creative and mutually supportive environment.


Discover mindset and consciousness practices that will help you awaken greater levels of personal power, purpose and presence in your life.


Craft and define a personal message and brand that attracts people and business to you.


Accelerate your progress and become a leader of influence and significance in your field.


Develop the courage and confidence to take your passion, your message and purpose to the world.


Learn to connect more fully with your own purpose, presence and potential, so you can make a bigger difference in your world and thrive.


Create new levels of wealth, fulfillment and abundance by learning to live your life fully on-purpose.


Learn strategies to eliminate struggle and stress so you can create a life of success with grace, ease and lightness.

Join Us and Become a Member Today for as Little as $47 per Month*

Be part of our growing movement of soul-centred leaders that are ready to lead with their heart, craft a life of significance and shine brighter in their world.

If you know it’s time to plug in your greatest vision and realise more of the success, fulfillment and freedom that you deserve then make sure to learn more about our limited number of foundation memberships today.

For a limited time you’ll be able to join Leading in the Light™ – Transformational Leadership Circle and get access to a special ‘Foundation Membership’ for as little as $47 per month*.

"It is part of your destiny to add something of great value to this world - something desperately needed in the hearts of all." - Alana Fairchild

Begin Your Journey Here and 
Light the Way for Others!

Join us for our next monthly gathering and discover the soul-centred path to realising your greatness and fulfilling your destiny on Earth.

If you know you deserve more in life, and you’re ready to connect more deeply with your own soul purpose to create a life that really matters, then the Leading in the Light™ – Transformational Leadership Network will provide you with the perfect resources, tools, insights and environment to thrive.

Click on the button below and discover more about becoming a member.