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Finding Your Personal Sweetspot | The Greatness Connection

Are you doing your highest and greatest work?

Are you capitalising on your unique gifts, talents and abilities?

Are you presenting to life each day – knowing you are flowing in your mastery?

Just recently I was doing an intuitive reading and guidance session for a client who wanted to know more about their life and career path for this life time.

It’s a question that I am often asked in my coaching, mentoring and guidance sessions because everyone wants to live a more meaningful and purposeful life. Now more than at any time in history individuals like your self are being called, and almost ‘pushed’ to step up, own their own power and share their personal message and life story.

So whether you are in business, or just seeking to find greater happiness and fulfilment in your own life, realise that the moment for living your purpose is NOW. In this instant, in this moment, you have the opportunity to embrace the gift of life that you have been given, and the ability to not only change your own life, but in doing so make a significant difference in your world.

Your Life Is Your Message

It was the famous Indian civil rights campaigner Mohandas Gandhi who brought greater attention to the possibility that maybe “our life was indeed our message”.

Within each and every one of us is a unique tapestry, a unique and glorious story of endurance, of learning to love self, of overcoming hurdles and obstacles that only we, and our souls, have chosen to experience in this lifetime.

The key however, is that your unique story is GOLD. It is the stuff that everyone who calls themselves human may go through in a lifetime. It contains the lessons and revelations that can set your soul and spirit free – to be who you are, free from the expectations, desires and beliefs of others.

Award winning Canadian/American actor Michael J Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1991. Since then he has used the experience to be a prime advocate for raising awareness and money for this debilitating condition.

While actor, film director, producer and screenwriter Christopher Reeve, renowned for his role as Superman, became a quadriplegic after being thrown from a horse in 1995. Christopher later went on to become a prominent international speaker, and campaigner for stem-cell research and funding for those with disabilities.

How amazing that at some level of consciousness, a man who played the role of someone with super-human abilities, would find themselves in the extreme opposite position, but still harness the power, the belief and spirit of certainty within themselves, to inspire and move other human beings to action – through love?

Flowing in Your Mastery

Apart from the hardships, obstacles and challenges, all of us have also experienced times in our lives where we were just ‘flowing in our own mastery’. The times that we are so connected and engaged in what we are doing, through a perspective of self-less love and service, doing what brings us immense joy, that time seems to slip away, that we become almost one with the moment, and through which some ‘greater force’ seems to flow through us.

Many in our world have started to awaken to the possibility, that maybe, just maybe, we were placed here on this Earth for a reason. That maybe when we are engaged in using our talents, gifts and abilities for a greater good, for a good outside of ourselves that magic has the opportunity to break down the door, and show us the path to a greater freedom, happiness and fulfilment.

Flowing in our mastery therefore becomes the intersection, the union of three self-paths.

  1. The Path of Personal Love – what ignites us, what inspires us and fills our souls with happiness
  2. The Path of Personal Purpose – the ability to use our gifts and talents in ways that bring greater meaning and purpose to our lives
  3. The Path of Personal Service – the place where we are making a difference and contributing to the people, places, organisations and causes that we are most passionate about.

Distilling Your Core Essence – Finding Your Sweet Spot

All great tennis players and golfers know that in their respective sports there is a moment of contact made between racquet/club and the ball, where the contact is pure, whole and complete. Destined in many ways for complete perfection – the way the club or racquet was designed and crafted best to operate.

So too, you have a personal sweetspot. A place of pure essence, of uniqueness, of divine perfection within from which your highest work flows. The great masters, leaders and teachers of our time, were great because they simply found their sweet spot, and then found ways that they could encompass it regularly in their lives. They literally lived from a place of pure core essence.

So how do you distil your core essence? How do you find and captivate your personal sweetspot in life? How do you awaken your personal charism or unique note that you are here to share?

After many years of doing coaching, mentoring and reading sessions with clients one great truth seems to be evident. At the core of our souls and beings – we already have a sense of our ‘core essence’. It has usually been a part of our life journey and has continued to unfold along the way.

Exploring Your Life Story

So here are some questions that will help you engage in a personal dialogue. A personal mining expedition into your own soul. A journey to discover your own path:

  1. What were the moments that illuminated your soul?
  2. What were the moments that created greatest challenge? What did you learn? Who were your being encouraged to become?
  3. When were you engaged with your highest and greatest work?What needed to happen in your environment to create this
  4. What is a story of struggle from you past which you overcame?
  5. What is the lesson or message from this story that you most need to share?

Permission to Be the Best You that You Can Be

Finally, remember, this life has been given to you as a gift. Seek within to find your own answers, your own path, and know and trust that your life is no accident.

Recently rum company Barcadi promoted a famous quote of Oscar Wilde that read …

“Just be yourself; Because everyone else is taken!”

In this new age of consciousness, we are now starting to realise that we don’t need to be carbon copies of everyone else. That it is indeed our uniqueness, our differences that make us valuable.

Living in your greatness therefore becomes a different quest. A quest to stand out from the crowd and own our difference.

Each of us has been given a different life experience for a purpose. When you awaken the power of gratitude to be thankful for even the most challenging experiences, then like Michael J Fox or Christopher Reeve, you may just open the door to your greatest gift in this lifetime.