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The One Question that Could Change Your Life

Writer's picture: Les PriceLes Price

Who Are You at Your Best?

In the quest towards a life of greatness it can be easy to forget that we already have already have access to a tremendous source of consciousness, inspiration and creativity within ourselves.

In each moment we have the ability to shift our direction and consciousness simply by choosing to ask more empower questions of ourselves. The greater the quality of question, the greater the energy of the answers that we receive.

So today, I simply want you to connect with just one question that has the capacity to radically shift your energy, vibration and intention on all levels. It also has the capacity to connect you to the deeper source of intelligence and wisdom that is within you, your own sense of personal worth and greatness. And that question is:

Who are you at your best?”

Here’s why this simple question is so powerful and some ways that you might like to explore and play with it in your own life.

1. What We Place Our Attention on Grows

If you had an upbringing like most children then you probably would have experienced moments where you did not receive the acknowledgement, affirmation and love that you really desired. In fact it’s been proven through research that most children will hear the word ‘no’ many more times than they ever receive the word ‘yes’.

Changing our lives therefore requires a deep need to reprogram our consciousness and focus away from what we ‘don’t want’ towards what we really ‘want’, and this simple question has the power to do that by allowing you to delve deep into your own consciousness and experience to find and acknowledge those moments where you were engaged in your best work and contribution in the world.

Best of all what you place your attention and focus on grows. So the more you direct your consciousness to moments where you have been your best, the more opportunity that there is for these moments to manifest and appear in your life.

2. Our Self-Worth Determines Our Net-Worth

Answering this question will also help you to connect to the moments where you’re self-worth and image were at their best. As you recall and bring to mind the experiences of your life that have filled you, that have inspired you that have allowed you to step from within the confines of your comfort zone into the light, you’ll also be activating new neural pathways that will literally re-program your mind and consciousness for greater success.

And as your self-image and self-worth expand they also directly impact your ability to attract and create greater levels of prosperity and purpose in your life.

3. Go Deep with Your Inquiry

There is something fascinating about the process of self-inquiry. As we continuously ask ourselves a question we can delve deep into the realm of our own consciousness to activate the presence of our soul. And it is here in the depth of our soul’s understanding of our lives that we have access to tremendous power and presence.

So take out a notepad and start by asking yourself this simple question above. Write down all your answers and then repeat the process. As you continuously ask the question of yourself and simply allow the answers within you to arise, you will begin to notice the energy and intent in the answers you receive change. They will often align with the following process:

Conscious Responses (what I think) –> Unconscious responses (what I feel) –> Soul Centred Responses (what is my real truth)

The deeper you go in your self-inquiry and process of ‘allowing’ your soul’s truth to arise, the greater the meaning and power behind the answers that you will receive.

4. Invoking an Energy of Self-Love and Appreciation

This question also has the capacity to connect you with a deeper sense of self-love, respect and appreciation for yourself.

When we choose to look at ourselves through the eyes of self-love and appreciation we open new door ways for self-empowerment and presence in our lives.

Therefore, if you want to take this process further. You may want to practice it in front of a mirror. Start by looking at yourself through the eyes of love, through the eyes of self-respect, through the eyes of compassion. Then begin to elicit the answers that come to mind. Each time you receive an insight love and respect yourself even more.

You already are a divine child of creation. The moment you answer this question with honesty and respect you embrace the truth that you already are ‘whole, perfect and complete as you are’. You embrace the understanding that you are a loved, valued and highly respected.

5. Catch and Cradle Your Moments of Magnificence

Asking this question on a daily basis and recording your answers in a journal or diary is one of the fastest ways to increase your personal energy, self-esteem and efficacy.

As best-selling author of the ‘Discover Your Strengths’ series, Marcus Buckingham says “we need to catch and cradle” our success on a regular basis.

So, if you want to take this question to the next level, why not embed it as part of your daily ritual and ask this question either at the beginning or end of your day.

Those who have shaped and created lives of greatness have done so by embracing daily habits of success in their lives. They literally have conditioned and taught themselves to ask more empowering questions, that generate more empowering and fruitful answers.

And answering this one question might just hold the key to unfolding and awakening your own potential for greatness today.

Les Price is a transformational life and business coach, author, speaker, intuitive and healer. If you feel you have been holding onto limiting patterns, emotions, feeling and blockages from the past that no longer serve you, and are looking for a safe environment to allow greater freedom and liberation into your life – contact our office to organise a consultation with Les.

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