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life coaching | The Greatness Connection - Part 2

How to Set Better Goals

Q. What do Oprah Winfrey, Zig Ziglar, Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Seth Godin have in common?

A. All set very clear, directed intentions for their lives and then found the courage and capacity to make their visions, goals and dreams a reality.

Now, if you’re like most people these days there’s a good chance that you already have a list of goals and dreams for your life tucked away in a journal, computer or even in your wallet or purse. However, the real challenge these days is not ‘the goal setting’, but finding ways to stay committed, focused and on track once we have set an intention and goal in our lives.

So in this blog post I’d like to share with you 5 key principles to help you embrace ‘Next Level Goal Setting’ in your own life that will help you take your life, goals and dreams to the next level.

Why Distraction is the New Enemy of Goal Success

Let’s face it. In today’s world it’s not that we lack the knowledge or information to create and realise our dreams. A simple search on Google or YouTube is often enough to help us find the answer’s to our most poignant questions.

It’s not even lack time that is the issue. Rather the key challenge that I find amongst most of my clients, colleagues and students is the realisation that we are living in a hyper- distracted world.

With emails, 24/7 connectivity, social media updates, a plethora of information at our fingertips, increasing demands of business, work and family… is it any wonder that we often find it so difficult to keep our focus and intention on the goals and dreams that are most important to us?

 “The primary reason most people don’t get what they want,
is that they don’t know what they want.”

T. Harv Ecker

5 Key Insights to Take Your Goals and Dreams to the Next Level

Greatness Key #1 – Create Some Focus

In this hyper-information overloaded and distracted world it’s important that you find ways to keep your focus and attention on what’s most important to you. While life may challenge you to multi-task and take more activities on in your life, we are all being quietly requested by our own hearts and souls to create ‘sacred space’ and ‘freedom’ in our lives.

“Clarity of vision, creates clarity of priorities”
John Maxwell

So instead of trying to focus on too many competing outcomes, ask yourself “What are the 4 most important outcomes for me to realise my highest ideal life?”. Make sure to write these down in your journal as they come to your awareness.

Greatness Key #2 – Is it Really Important to Me?

Have you heard people complaining that there just doesn’t seem to be enough time anymore? That time as we know it is disappearing? Well, I hate to be the bearer bad news, but if you look back 10, 20 or even 50 years ago you would find that the same 168 hours a week that existed then, also exists today!

So if we all have access to the same amount time, why is it that some people seem to effortless produce results with grace, ease and fulfilment, while others struggle to even realise their smallest dreams? The answer exists in what you believe is most important to you.

So go through your 4 outcomes from step #1 and check into see:

  1. Ÿ         Is this goal or outcome really mine? Or is it driven or influenced by someone else?
  2. Ÿ         What will realising this goal give me? Others?
  3. Ÿ         Am I willing to dedicate my life and soul energy towards the realisation of this goal?
  4. Ÿ         Will I be following my joy on the path to this goal, outcome or dream?

There is a great deal of difference between goals that are important versus those that appear urgent, or that are driven by the needs or desires of others. So make sure to put yourself first, and focus only on what is most important to you.

Greatness Key #3 – Apply the Discipline of Daily Reflection

As simple as it may sound, checking in with your key goals and dreams once a day can make an incredible difference to your fulfilment and personal performance. Human beings are attention seeking vessels, what we reflect on and give our attention too grows. So why not ..

  •          Write your goals on an index card and keep them with you at all times.
  • Ÿ         Put them on a post-it notes and keep them in your car
  • Ÿ         Create little waterproof laminated versions and place them in your shower

Even the simple act of reading your goals first thing in the morning, or just before going to sleep will begin to program your subconscious GPS to guide you to your destination.

Greatness Key #4 – What’s the Next Step?

Sometimes life is not about doing lots of planning. It’s about living and embracing the moment with spontaneous directed action. So instead of waiting for things to be perfect, instead of waiting for there to be little or no risk, why not just trust and ask your intuition to guide you towards the next best step?

Asking this single question each day, and then being willing to take action on your own soul’s response and answer has the power to move you closer to your dreams each day.

Greatness Key #5 – Take a Swing Each Day

You’ve probably heard the saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. Well, neither were the Great Pyramids of Giza, The Great Wall of China or even the chair you’re sitting on right now! All great achievements begin with a vision in mind, and the focus, inspiration and intention to see the result come to fruition.

Just as the act of taking one swing with an axe each day against a tree will eventually bring it down, so to you amplify your life-force energy by simply turning up each day and writing the next page of that book, swimming the first 5 laps of the pool, penning the first verse of that song, learning the first words of that new language.

Finally – Remember You Don’t Need to Struggle!

And finally reminder… especially for all the ‘A-Type’ personalities out there … ‘life is only difficult when we make it so, therefore it’s ok to create your dreams and outcomes with ease’. In the words of best selling author Janet Attwood remember:

Intention + Attention + No Tension = Results

Happy Goal Getting!

How to Create Your Best Life Now

After many years performing  self-empowerment and soul-coaching sessions with clients, one thing that I have noticed  is that most people are desperately looking to create a happier, more enjoyable and more fulfilling life.

Most of the time they already have access to an amazing and infinite power to change their lives within their soul (even if they don’t realise it).

Yet often what is missing is the courage and self-belief to act on their soul’s inner-guidance.

So what do you really need to create your best life now?

First, we need to stop comparing ourselves to others. Stop trying to meet other people’s expectations. And instead we need to find the self-love and respect to give ourselves permission to be the best we can be in this moment.

 “It’s OK for ME to BE the BEST ME I can BE!”

The 7 Keys to Creating Your Best Life Now …

#1. You Need to Discover Your Soul Path and Purpose

Each and every person has a unique soul path and purpose that is waiting to be discovered. Your unique soul song is the key to living in greater harmony and alignment with the divine plan for your life, and provides the foundation for a life of greater happiness, joy and fulfilment.

#2. Create a Powerful Soul Defining Intention

You are a powerful creative being and you are co-creating your life in each and every moment. In fact the results that you are experiencing now are simply the direct reflection of your past thoughts, feelings and actions. The number one reason most people struggle and strive in life is that they simply don’t know what they really want. Defining a clear and inspired soul intention for your life therefore opens the pathway to creating a life of success and significance.

#3. Activate Your Inner-Power

What are you really committed to in your life? In every moment you are being presented with choices for your life. Your freedom to make decisions is what activates and unleashes your true personal power. However the challenge is often staying true to what is important to you (your goals, dreams and higher intentions) instead of being side-tracked by low-priority urgencies.

#4. Develop an Unstoppable Self-Belief

Who you are speaks louder than words. Your character and self-belief precedes you into every situation, meeting, event and connection. Therefore how you choose to see yourself (your self-image) is fundamental to realising your highest and best life. Are you unstoppable or are you being stopped?

#5. Engage Your Intuitive Guidance

Have you ever walked into a room or environment and just felt that there was something not good about the energy? Have you ever met people that you instantly did not like or feel good around? Our intuition is our most powerful guide on this life journey. Every question we ask of ourselves is answered at some level of our being. The question is “Are we willing to listen to the response and act on it?”.

#6. Align With Your Authentic Self

Have you ever experienced being completely in flow? That surreal of all states where we are so engaged and connected with what we are doing that time drifts away, and we connect with the grace and divinity of our own souls? It is in the moments of authenticity that your power and presence grows. Aligning heart, mind, body and soul with your higher self plan is the key to an awakened life.

#7. Expand Your Personal Presence and Influence

Did you know that if you are alive and breathing right now, that your life has purpose? Each of us is here not only to be the ‘best ME that we can be’ but to use our gifts, talents and abilities to make a difference in the lives of those around us. Expanding your personal presence and influence is therefore your birth right and the greatest gift that YOU bring to the world.

Over the coming weeks I’ll be exploring each of these areas in more detail and also sharing some powerful video Masterclass sessions that will help you begin to apply these principles in your own life.

I’m looking forward to sharing them with you … so stay tuned!

The Benefits of Coaching for Success and Empowerment

There are many benefits of coaching for success and empowerment which is why there is no coincidence that professional athletes and executives invest in high performance coaches to help them develop, improve and master their game.

Just imagine what you could accomplish working with your own personal coach…Having been a student of human potential for over 20 years one thing really stands out – that most people often already have the capacity, knowledge and intellect to create transformational results in every area of their life … however they just don’t do it!

Why? Because changing your current results is not always about getting new information or developing new skills, often it arises from simply thinking about and doing things in different ways. Observe anyone at the top of their game and you will find that they have all had valuable guidance and direction along the way.

Benefits of Coaching for Success and Empowerment

  • Clarify and crystallise your highest vision and goals
  • Transform and move beyond limiting patterns and fears
  • Remain focused on your outcomes
  • Help you define and live by your highest values
  • Create greater accountability and acknowledgement
  • Identify and confront unconscious behaviours and old patterns
  • Keep you focused on your core talents, unique abilities and genius
  • Expect more from you than you would often expect of your self and hold you to it Show you how to earn more, be more productive, working less and enjoy greater freedom

Who Do We Coach?

At The Greatness Connection are coaches specialise in helping individuals and organisations transform patterns of limitation into power; lack of clarity into exceptional focus; playing small into realising great dreams; holding back into creating a life of significance, meaning and purpose which we deliver through our coaching, mentoring and training services.

Life Coaching: We work with a variety of individuals to help them get clear on their life-path, move beyond self-limiting patterns and realise their personal goals with ease. Coaching can focus on any area of life from relationships, finances, health & fitness, self-esteem and confidence, spiritual, business and career goals.

Business Coaching: We work with small and medium size business owners and entrepreneurs to help them create greater results, more empowered workplaces and create the freedom to enjoy greater success with less effort.

Corporate/Executive Coaching: We work closely with managers, leaders and executive teams providing the sounding board, accountability and self-awareness required to create thriving organisations that are leaders in their field.

For further information about our coaching services, the benefits of coaching for success and empowerment or to organise a complimentary coaching review session please contact our office.

Empowerment Coaching Programs

Our Empowerment Coaching Programs can be held as a series of one-on-one conversations, either in person, via telephone, Skype or Internet. The duration of coaching will vary depending on the goals and outcomes of each client. These programs include:

Leadership/Executive Empowerment Coaching Programs

Designed exclusively for organisational leaders, executives and managers these sessions provide a sounding-board to address key organisational, performance, people, strategy, culture and change issues that confront most senior managers.

Sessions also provide a safe and confidential forum for discussing problems and issues that arise while creating an environment for new ideas, insights, wisdom and creativity to flourish.

Business Empowerment Coaching Programs

We can help business owners and teams reconnect with the passion in their business, and help them direct this energy into their sales, marketing, customer attraction, and fulfilment activities to produce transformational results.

By also identifying areas where business energy is being drained or blocked, we help you implement measures that effectively eliminate resistance and destructive self-sabotage patterns, so that you can enjoy greater ‘flow’ and balance in your business.

Our experience shows that the success or failure of a business is often a direct reflection of its people. We will therefore work closely with business owners, your management team, and staff to create greater alignment in their focus, attitudes, beliefs, values and mindset.

Personal Empowerment Coaching Programs

Experience a powerful coaching and empowerment program with an inspiring process to help you realise your dreams and goals, faster and more effectively than you previously considered possible. Delivered through an individually tailored programme of sessions, our personal empowerment coaching is designed to take your life to a new level.

Our unique Greatness Connection coaching model combines traditional life coaching with some of the most powerful personal, emotional and spiritual change practices available today. Designed to increase your awareness and expand your consciousness you will experience greater levels of certainty, faster and more effective results, than you previously thought possible.

If you want to live a more empowered life then contact us on (03) 9773 0936 to organise and initial coaching review session.