Why do we hold ourselves back from standing fully in our light?
We’ve all experienced those moments in life where we’re presented with opportunities to step up and allow our greatest light to shine. Yet for many people there can often be an unconscious, almost sabotaging pattern that holds us back from claiming our right to stand fully in our light.
On the path to discovering and embracing our greatness we therefore will be continuously encouraged to step beyond our fears, doubts and limitations, and fully embrace the magnificence of who we really are. Doing so requires courage, strength, resilience and perseverance.
So how can we live our highest life vision?
How can we embrace our destiny?
How can we stand more fully and completely in our light?
Here are 5 universal belief systems that I believe we all need to transcendin order to fully live our life vision:
1. The Belief I’m Not Good Enough
There is an underlying need of all human beings to be loved and accepted. This innate desire of ours from birth dictates our need to fit in and be accepted by ‘our tribe’. So, while we long for connection and belonging, at a soul and energetic level we are already whole, perfect and complete. Our greatest lesson in life is to therefore learn to love ourselves unconditionally, before expecting or reaching out for the love of others.
Unfortunately, due to the nature the competitive and often divisive nature of our society and education system, our results, output and efforts are always being compared to that of our peers. While this may be good in encouraging children to reach towards more desirable and lofty goals, the result is that often leaves us feeling like we are either not good enough, or worthy enough of success.
Our quest as evolving enlightened human beings is to therefore learn to love ourselves, and to know that we are ALREADY more than enough. In understanding that no one is any better than us, and no one is any worse than us, maybe we can begin to appreciate the inherent beauty, magnificence and grace of who we already are in this world.
2. The Belief that I’m Not Allowed
It’s often understood that young children during their imprint years (0 -7 years of age) will often hear the word ‘No’ many more times than they ever hear the word ‘Yes’.
At the corner of all self-esteem and self-resilience is an underlying need of human beings to try, act, learn and grow. This means that somewhere along the way we are going to fail. However, rather than avoid failure, what we really need is to learn more quickly. To fail, learn from the experience and then move on.
When we feel that we are ‘not allowed’ it sends a powerful signal of hopelessness and powerlessness throughout our energetic nervous system.
So, if you feel like on a conscious or unconscious level that you are not being allowed to follow your dreams, not being allowed to speak your truth, not being allowed to stand in your light and live your highest vision, then it’s definitely time to create a new more empowering belief system.
Begin today by giving yourself simple permission to try, experience, learn and grow. Do something that others have said you’re not allowed to do. Every step forward into the realm of following your spirit and soul, and being true to yourself, creates a greater sense of self-liberation and personal power.
3. The Belief that I Won’t Be Accepted
Have you ever found yourself trying to fit in with the expectations of your peer group or family, even when you knew at a deeper level that your choices where not in alignment with your highest good?
As spiritually evolving beings we are going to find ourselves in situations where we need to make choices that support our highest and greatest good. However, often our unconscious need to be approved of and to fit in with the expectations, culture and value of our tribe can mean we give away our power inadvertently.
Thankfully in our modern society many young people are now starting to open up and speak their truth. Knowing that through their actions and self-conviction that their choices can pave the path for others to grow. The path of true leadership is of being willing to run forward of the pack, even while those behind you may not understand or appreciate just what you are trying to do.
4. The Belief that I Might Fail
Any great activity of worth implies and carries with in a risk of failure. As mentioned before, our quest is not to avoid failure, but to embrace it, learn from it and grow from it.
Often our fear of failure has more to do with our need to be accepted and to fit in with our tribe, family and society. While none of us wants to be embarrassed or humiliated, it is in the ‘frame’ and way that we view failure that our destiny will be ultimately shaped.
Just look at the life of former American president Abraham Lincoln and you will see a man that failed not once, but on many different occasions. In fact, looking at his biography one might even question how he even received the candidacy for president. However, life has a funny way of rewarding those who continue to be resilient in the face of adversity.
As the ancient Chinese proverb says … “Fall down six times, get up seven.”
The greatest testimony of humanity is in our ability to recover, rebuild and restore our lives anew. And it is in this experience of failure, restoration, growth and success that the rough piece of carbon ultimately is molded into the beautiful diamond that it came here to be.
5. The Belief that I’m Not Worthy
Take a look at the results that you are experiencing and allowing into your life at this time and you will begin to see a mirror of your sense of worthiness.
How we choose to see ourselves, both consciously and unconsciously has a tremendous impact on our life and our results. Therefore, in order to change what we are willing to receive and allow in our lives, we first have to change our own inner-sense of self-worth.
Feeling a sense of worthiness doesn’t mean we have to make ourselves look better than others, or appear to have more. Instead it implies a subtle yet underlying foundation of core belief that says “I am worthy”, “I am loved” and “Who I am is valuable and needed in the world”.
So today, as you begin the process of reframing and restoring your own sense of self-worth and value, begin to imagine yourself casting off the old clothes of doubt, limitation and restriction, and instead open your spirit to accept new clothes and a new identity that give yourself permission to shine, to live a rich and abundant life, to love and be loved.
Embracing the Courage to Shine
No matter where we are on the journey of life we are all being encouraged to stand more fully in our light. Learning to explore and move beyond the limitations and beliefs that keep us separated from our source must become our priority. For when we do we give permission for our soul to sing, to rise above the boundaries and limitations of mediocrity that may have held us captive for so long, and to fully discover the boundless and eternal power of our own soul and spirit.
Like to Know More About Breaking Free?
If you’re ready to step into the highest divine vision of who you are, then make sure to check out our Online Academy to get access to our Unleash Your Inner-Brilliance audio program, a transformational 3-part program, which defines the essence of the key limiting patterns that can keep us separate from our truth. You can learn more about the program and get access here.