What do you want the rest of your life to be about?
In the absence of all fear, who would you not be afraid to be?
If life handed you a ‘golden ticket’ what dream would you manifest?
If you won $70 million how would you spend the rest of your life?
Why ask these questions? Why ask them now?
Because at this point in time humanity as we know it rests on an all important threshold – a threshold that holds within it the potential for great change and tremendous transformation on all levels. However in order for this global and world change to take place, it requires a new generation of leader, men and women who are willing to rise up and find the courage and strength within themselves, to first transform their own lives in doing so transform our world.
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi
There is no coincidence that you have been drawn to this place, to read this article, and to question and delve into the relevance of it for your life.
For you are one of the many ‘spirited warriors’ and leaders around the world that at this time in humanity’s consciousness is being called, summoned and gathered to be the force of change, first in your own life, second in the lives of those you love, and finally as a powerful example in the world.
So how do you embrace this new quest, this new mission?
The Answer: Exists simply in being willing each and everyday to embrace, engage and enact ‘small acts of courage’ in your daily life.
The greatest barrier to all human evolution and growth is the ego’s fascination and preoccupation with the emotion of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of financial security. Fear of not being safe. Fear of being hurt or abandoned. Fear of being rejected. Fear of being unloved.
The good news however, is that in each of the situations that you experience fear, you are also presented with a unique opportunity to choose in favour of your highest self, to choose in favour of your soul, to choose to embrace courage.
So each day, as you go about your daily lives, take a moment in the morning before you start your day to expand your own consciousness, your own internal capacity to move beyond the mind’s limits that keep you captive, and instead seek to find your power, unleash your potential and BE courageous by answering the following questions:
Where in life is my soul calling out for more joy?
What am I afraid would happen if surrendered and let go of my attachment to success?
What one small act of courage can I take today that would bring me greater happiness, joy and fulfilment?
Remember, courage is not something that you need to find.
It doesn’t exist outside of you. It is part of your essential nature, it is an inherent and everlasting aspect of your soul already. All it needs is for you to stand in your power and embrace it.
To respond with courage, when life would want you to react. To stand-up and be counted, when life would have you hide. To take responsibility, when life would have you blame outside influences. To speak your truth, when life would have you keep your feelings hidden. To be your authentic self, when life would have you give in to other’s expectations and needs.
Every moment is an opportunity to show the world your truth. To be COURAGEOUS.
Life Wisdom for Today
“Feel the fear, but do it anyway!” – Susan Jeffers