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Les Price | The Greatness Connection - Part 4
How to Develop a Deep Sense of Intuition and Trust

How to Develop a Deep Sense of Intuition and Trust

Do You Trust Your Sense of Clear Inner-Knowing?

Each of us are highly sensitive beings on a journey to discover the full extent of our great intuitive capacity. And we are discovering that we now have access to a dynamic and engaging sense of personal intuition that is seeking to guide us towards our highest good in each moment. Yet learning to trust and follow this inner-guidance requires trust, faith, self-belief and most of all a sense of inner-discernment.

Maybe you have also experienced those moments in life where you just knew without a shadow of a doubt that something was either true or untrue? Claircognizance or our inner-sense of ‘clear knowing’ is not a gift that is reserved for just a privileged few. It’s a gift that we all have access to and can learn to connect with in each moment.

“Lean not on anyone. You need no outer props or reassurances, for you have all deep within you. … When you know something from within, nothing or no one from without can shake it. It is something that is so real to you, it would not matter if the whole world went against you, telling you that you were wrong. … That is the joy and strength of inner-knowing. It is what can give you peace which passes all understanding.”  – Eileen Caddy


Why Clear Knowing is Important

In a world where it is easy to buy into the opinions, beliefs and judgements of others we are all being challenged to go within and seek to find our own inner-state of peace and guidance. This inner-state is something that can be activated at will, it is an energetic way of being that has the capacity to help you open-up to new levels of wisdom, understanding and guidance, should you choose to be willing to accept it.

The greatest truth that you must learn to discern and accept is your own truth.

We must start to trust, know and believe that we all have access to our own inner-state of higher-guidance, a powerful and connected source of energy that has the presence to guide us and lead us forward in each moment.


When You Know that You Know

We’ve all had those serendipitous moments where we simply know that something is true or going to happen. While we’re always receiving intuitive insight, the key is learn how to create a pattern of trust that enables our highest good to flow in each moment.

So, glance at the following checklist and see if any of these patterns relate to you:

  • I am aware of the subtle feelings in my body that tell me when something is right or wrong for me.
  • I can step back from situations and become the neutral observer that sees all sides of the picture without being caught in judgement.
  • I can separate my emotions and feelings from those of others, and in doing so I am aware of what the situation or event is trying to share with me.
  • I trust my inner most feelings and gut reaction. I know when I feel a sense that something is not quite right with a situation, event or person.
  • I can discern the truth for my own soul. I can clearly discern what are other people’s projections, judgements and beliefs without being attacked or becoming a victim of their thoughts.
  • I can take back my power and honour my own spiritual authority. In doing so I know that everything I need is within me and that I have the emotional, spiritual and mental intelligence to stand up for myself and know what is right for me.


Finding Your Centre

I often remember the times that as a child, my father would take me to the local park for a ride on the small ‘merry-go-round’. It almost seemed that the faster the wheel got, the dizzier I became.

In our lives, we can often find ourselves on the treadmill or wheel of life spinning around in circles at a fast rate. It’s at these times we are reminded to stop and come back to centre to connect with our higher-self guidance and be present to the great wisdom within.

We are reminded that often our quest for ‘busyness’ is an unconscious pattern trying
to keep us separate from going within and facing the truth of our own being.

Yet when we consciously embrace the courage to stop, go within and connect, the door way is often opened to the wisdom and intuitive insight needed to solve our greatest life issues.

In many ways we have the key to all the answers that we will ever need, within us. We just need to find our grounding, stability, presence and courage to open the door and move through it in peace.

That’s why in the ‘merry-go-rounds’ of our lives, when we simply go to the centre of the wheel, to the hub that binds all the spokes, here we have the capacity to find our true selves again.

Here we become conscious to the great presence of intuitive insight that already awaits and beckons us forward.

For in the centre of the wheel, time stops, there is no dizziness, we become one with the movement of life and we open-up our path to the great insight and wisdom that exists within.

Go to your centre when you are stressed or not at peace, and here you will find the presence to trust, believe and connect with your true higher guidance.


Developing Your Sense of Clear Knowing

Trusting your own sense of inner-guidance is a process that must be developed over time. Just like in developing a loving and nurturing relationship, we must learn to trust, honour and build up a channel of communication with our higher-self intelligence.

Here are 8 Ways You Can Deepen Your Inner-Trust Today

Give Your Knowing an Identity

Children often talk to imaginary friends as a way of communicating with their unbounded sense of creativity and imagination. When you give your sense of knowing an identity it helps you to establish a formal relationship with your ‘inner-knowing’. Whether you choose to call your ‘inner-knowing’ Merlin, the great oracle, the wise master or simply my higher-self, naming and identifying your inner-voice of truth will help you connect with it on an even deeper level.


Ask to Receive Specific Signals When You are Right

Because our body is an energetic system it is constantly giving us energetic feedback about our environment. If you have ever walked into a house or a party and had a sense of unease then you have connected with your intuitive intelligence. The key however is learning to trust and follow this guidance when it comes.

Often when I am doing energetic readings or healing sessions with clients I will feel what I call my ‘intuitive shiver’, a powerful stream of energy that runs down my body that indicates that what I have either said or shared is my truth. Learning to trust and follow these subtle yet powerful signs is a must when you are expanding your consciousness and intuitive sensitivity.


Learn to Discern Ego from Spirit

Trusting your inner-knowing will call on you to be able to distinguish the voice of your true spirit and higher-self from that of the ego. This is a learning process that will evolve over time. The key is to learn to ask your intuitive voice the following questions:

  • Is this insight coming from love or fear?
  • Is this guidance from the light?
  • Is this guidance demanding or encouraging of my spirit?

Remember true intuitive and higher-guidance will never tell you what to do. It will never leave you feeling disempowered or fearful. True guidance is supportive, encouraging, sometimes forthright and commanding, but never condescending or limiting.


Start using the statement ‘I know …’

One of the fastest ways to expand your sense of trust is to simply begin using the words ‘I know…’. Think of a situation that you require guidance on and then take out a sheet of paper. Then simply write the beginning of this sentence and then fill in the gaps on what you know about the situation. Keep repeating ‘I know …’ and keep writing answers. You may be surprised to see what your deeper consciousness already knows and understands about the situation.


Anchor Your Knowing into Consciousness

Intuitive insight requires affirmation. It requires a constant acknowledgement of the moments when you trusted your inner-knowing and followed its guidance. So today, take a moment to reflect on some of the moments in your life where you simply ‘trusted YOU’. As you take time to acknowledge each of these moments you may want to ‘anchor’ it into your physiology and consciousness by repeating a mantra such as ‘I trust my inner-knowing fully and completely’, by slapping your chest with a hand and repeating the mantra, or by simply making a fist and saying the word ‘yes’. Anchoring your intuition into consciousness is a powerful step towards realising your own self-mastery.


Trust Your First Instincts

Research by the Heart Math Institute has shown that the human heart has the capacity to intuit and sense information at a faster capacity than the mind. In fact, your heart intelligence often lets you know the answer to a question or situation milli-seconds earlier than the brain can even interpret the information. The challenge however is most of us discount or ignore the first instinct and feeling that we have.

Trusting your inner-knowing will call on you to be present to your own physical being, the inner-signals that your soul, spirit and heart is providing you in each moment. However, its not enough to just acknowledge the signals, we then need to find the inner-courage to act and respond on them.


Build Faith Through Acknowledgement

Have you ever noticed how professional dog trainers use biscuits as a reward for good behaviour? While some people may baulk at the traditional theory of stimulus and response that is part of Pavlovian conditioning, the reality is that we humans are not to unlike our four-legged friends when it comes to motivation and behaviour.

Why is this important to developing your inner-knowing? Because the more we acknowledge the moments that our intuition is on-track, when we have those clear answers and knowing, the stronger our intuition becomes. True faith after all is built through our experiences. The more we celebrate, congratulate and reaffirm the moments where we made great decisions, trusted our instincts and follow our intuition – the stronger our intuition becomes.


Turn Up the Volume on the Radio Channel

The final key to accentuating your intuitive inner-knowing is to realise that your capacity to intuit and sense information in each moment is akin to tuning into a radio station in the dark. While you may not see the actual channels on the radio, through feeling and trust you can begin to turn the dial and find a station. As you get closer to that station you make even finer adjustments to the radio dial until you have a clear, audible signal that cannot be denied.

Finding the Optimal Path to Enlightened Living

This is what is like to become attuned. To trust in your inner-spirit. It is a process of transformation where you are being called to release the control that the ego has had over you, and where you begin to allow your inner-consciousness, your inner-knowing to be your guide.

And the real blessing is that the more you begin to trust and follow your inner-knowing, through discernment and right action, the closer you come to realising your destiny with grace ease and lightness, and then …

‘Inner-knowing becomes your optimal path to true enlightenment and fulfilling your destiny on Earth’

Ready to take Your Intuitive Abilities to the Next Level?

At The Greatness Connection we run regular intuitive development programs to help you connect, access and follow your intuition. The Power of Intuitive Flow training is an engaging and interactive 7 week course based on 21 principles of intuition that will help you learn to develop greater trust, rapport and confidence in yourself, and provide you with a pathway for transforming and healing your life, business or professional life. Best of all the course is delivered as both live training as well as completely online as a self-paced learning program.

For more details make sure to check out the online training program here and details of the next live training here.

5 Master Insights to Attract and Engage More Clients

5 Master Insights to Attract and Engage More Clients

Like to attract and engage more clients with greater ease?

Recently, I was engaged by a national career development organisation to help mentor and coach their business clients and help them launch their ventures and increase the success of their businesses.

What I noticed working with these aspiring owners and entrepreneurs was that at the core of their business they all seemed to face one common problem and challenge:

‘How to promote, attract and market themselves more effectively’

Marketing and self-promotion is the at the heart of any successful business, but the rules of engagement have changed as more and more businesses go online and as customers are inundated with offers and competition.

  • So how do we stand out from the crowd?
  • How can we learn to dominate our market niche?
  • How do we become better at attracting and engaging more clients?

Well, maybe we might gain some insight from management and marketing guru Peter Drucker who once said:

“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well
the product or service fits him/her and sells itself.”


The Reality as We Know It

The reality is that when many of us start our businesses we are great at being the practitioner. We often have years of refining our skills and talents in providing the service or product whether that be offering massage treatments, doing therapy with patients or cutting hair and offering beauty treatments. But many of us were never taught how to promote, share and engage people to buy and take up our offering.

While passion for our idea, product or concept will get us so far, how we actively engage
our clients and customers in the buying process is fundamental to success
whether we are doing an online or traditional marketing campaign.

So, in today’s blog I simply wanted to share 5 dynamic and transformational insights to help you engage and win more clients.

Embracing and applying these inner-shifts in your approach to marketing, promotion and sales can be one of the most rewarding decisions you will ever make.


The 5 Master Insights

Master Insight #1: Be of Greater Service

It may sound simple, but at the core of all conscious and authentic sales, marketing and promotion is a deep desire to serve our customers. When we are focused on serving and adding value to clients, we unconsciously take the focus of ourselves, our fears and limitations and instead activate a deeper level of consciousness that allows us to influence and engage our customers more effectively.

Therefore, one of the greatest questions that you can ask yourself before a client meeting, or before entering into a pre-sales conversation or consultation is:

“How can I be of service? How can I help?”

The greater the value you deliver, the more people will pay you for your service/solution. As a rule of thumb, we should be focusing on delivering 10x more value to the customer than what they pay.


Master Insight #2: Learn to Sell Yourself First

Have you ever walked into a retail shop to find a sales person who didn’t know their product?
Have you ever had someone try to sell your something that they didn’t believe in themselves?

At it’s essence all selling and promotion is an exchange of energy. When you believe in yourself and your product or service fully and completely, then your clients and prospects pick up on that energy unconsciously and are therefore more willing and open to buy for you. It goes without saying then that …

“You can’t expect others to buy from you until you have fully sold yourself”

As an example of this, many years ago, when I first started coaching business owners I would often make appointments with businesses that were not in my area of expertise. Whether it was a restaurant or a Chinese medicine practitioner or Naturopath, I would often arrive at the appointment 10 minutes earlier. As I sat in the car meditating and focusing on a positive outcome for both the business and the owners I would brainstorm and write a list of at least 10-20 ways that I knew without a shadow of doubt that I could help them.

Taking 10 minutes to create that list was one of the most powerful exercises I could do as it gave me the confidence and reinforced my belief that ‘I could help them’ and that ‘what I had to offer was of great value’.


Master Insight #3: Value Yourself

It still surprises me the number of business owners who just don’t seem to value the service or product that they provide. While other less competent and less professional businesses offer a sub-standard product or service and seem to thrive financially.

Value is a perception and is held in the eye of the beholder. But as business owners we are the ones that need to identify our gifts, strengths, talents and uniqueness and then message and promote that in the world with appropriate reward and value. This means shifting our perception and understanding:

“That the more people pay, the more attention they pay”

So, if you have been having challenges with troublesome customers who don’t value you, don’t pay on time or never seem to have the funds to pay for your service or product, it could be time to sack them and put your energy into those that will. To do so means reframing your inner-value and beliefs by:

  • Not giving away your service or product for free
  • Not discounting – but finding ways to add more value or include bonuses
  • Being willing to group your services or sessions in programs or packages and selling them at a higher price-point (rather than settling for one-on-one sessions)
  • Introducing up-front payment or automatic payment plans that make it easy to buy from you and that take the head ache out of cancellations and changes


Master Insight #4: Help Them Solve Their Pain

At the end of the day, every business is in the business of helping customers and clients solve their problems. The greater the problem and the greater the pain, the more people are willing to pay.

Take for example the moment that you have a sever tooth ache and need to get a root canal treatment. How quickly would you want your pain to end? How much would you be willing to pay a dentist to remove the pain immediately?

To engage and attract more clients and customers we need to become experts in their problems. We need to arm ourselves with the insights, tools and marketing collateral that helps us connect with them and share our values in a way that encourages them to say ‘Yes, I need that now’.

If you don’t know your client’s problems, go out and interview them, survey them, run a focus group and get feedback or scope the numerous forums and review sites on the internet. You’ll soon get an idea of what people most want and need.

Making a list of your customers top 10 problems and then writing about how you solve those is one of the most effective tools you can create to reinforce your value in any marketing, social media or sales strategy.


Master Insight #5: Everyone is Not Your Customer

I had a young lady, an artist, come into a coaching session recently who was launching a new range of creative hand-made and hand-painted clutch bags and purses. When I asked her who her market was – the answer was EVERYONE!

While we may believe our market is everyone, the reality is that for most small and medium size businesses, when we focus on EVERYONE – we end up with NO ONE. Unless you have large pockets and unlimited marketing budget, trying to sell and promote to everyone is a recipe for failure.

The more clearly you define your target audience or tribe, the more successful you will be. Clarity has great power and enables us to refine an define our marketing strategy for optimum success. Best of all, in this day of the Internet, finding, attracting and working with a specific niche is easier than ever.

Many business owner are afraid that when they market, promote
or sell themselves that they will be rejected.

That’s why how you look at rejection needs to change. In fact the most successful businesses in the world are not afraid of ‘rejecting the people who are NOT their ideal customer.’

Fashion label Abercrombie and Fitch for example know that their apparel is for the young university student who believes that they are good looking and rich. They are not afraid to promote that, even at the expense of ‘rejecting’ the millions of other students who don’t fall in that category.


So what do you and your business stand for?

Who is your ideal target customer and audience? How can you deliver exceptional value to them?

These questions and the five principles above could be the key for helping you awaken and engage more clients and business this year.

Just remember, that we are all in the business of taking our clients and customers on a journey. The more value we can add and the clearer we can communicate our value to our customers, the more our business will grow and prosper.

Les Price is a transformational business coach, author, speaker and intuitive. If you’re looking to grow your business, attract more clients and create a visionary business that thrives, but don’t know where to start, or need guidance and insight to help improve your results, make sure to contact our office and book your coaching discovery session. Les will work with you to craft a plan for realising your business goals and help you move beyond the limitations and challenges that may be keeping you stuck and held back. Contact our office to organise your Coaching Discover session.

Finding Real Purpose and Meaning in Life

Finding Real Purpose and Meaning in Life

What will you be remembered for when you die?

I recently gave a talk to an audience on the power of living fully in our lives. The quest for finding the essence within us that makes us live each and everyday with a greater sense of purpose, passion and presence in our world.

As a transformational coach, intuitive and medium I’ve often experienced situations where client’s loved ones have presented with messages of encouragement, wanting them to make the most of the precious gift of life that they have been afforded.

And if there is one thing that separates those soul-centred leaders who have managed to create, and craft lives of greatness, it would be their ability to connect with a deep sense of PURPOSE and MISSION in their lives.

  • But what is it that really gives our lives meaning?
  • What is it that can provide us with greater purpose and direction, even in the moments when we feel lost and off-track?

I believe it’s our capacity to connect with a deep sense of mission, a greater ‘why’ that goes beyond just achieving success and instead encourages us to craft a life of greatness.

So, here’s a simple but powerful exercise that will help you connect with what’s really most important to you in life …


Life Success: Starting with the End in Mind

Several years ago, Stephen Covey, best-selling author of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People defined one of the habits as being ‘Starting with the End in Mind’.

However, when it comes to our own lives, it can be easy to forget that we are only here for a limited amount of time, that our journey in this ‘Earth School’ will eventually come to an end.

So, if you really want to find more purpose, direction and passion in your life, start by asking this one question:

“What do I want to be remembered for when I die?”

This one question is powerful in its own right for it will help you uncover what is really important for you in life.

You may even want to imagine yourself travelling forward in time to your 80th birthday, or even to your own funeral service and imagine:

  • What are people are saying about you?
  • What do they remember you for?
  • What do they say was most important to you in life?
  • What stories and events do they feel shaped and defined your life?
  • What difference and impact did you make?
  • How did you contribute and enrich people’s lives?
  • What is the legacy that you left behind?

It’s a powerful process that will help you uncover your ‘true values’ in life.

Afterall, we can’t take money and material possessions with us into the next world, but what we will take and gather are the experiences, the memories, the relationships and the connections that we have made along the journey.


Time to Reimagine Your Future

Remember, the greatest gift that you have been given as a human being is in your ability to visualise, imagine and recreate your future.

If the life you have been living and the results you have produced are not what you wanted, then the good news is that you can choose to leave the past and recreate a new future by simply committing to change your approach, change your values, change your decisions and change your behaviour.

One of the greatest benefits of asking the question above is that it will allow you to see what needs to change in the time that you have remaining on the earth plane. It will also encourage you to create a new sense of purpose and mission, a powerful and compelling reason for being that will move you forward.


Make the Most of Your Dash

If you’ve ever wandered through a cemetery you may have seen the myriad of tombstones celebrating the lives of the individuals that once graced this wonderful planet. What all of these people had in common is that they were all born and they all had an expiry or end date. In fact you’ll often see this represented on the headstones by a birth year and end year.

But what is it that often separates these two years – a dash. It’s what we do in the time that we have left that makes the most difference. It’s value is in how we choose to contribute, how we choose to live, in the moments of joy that we choose to fill our lives with, who we choose to love and we choose to love them.

So, if you’re wanting to make the most of the dash that you have remaining, take some time out to carefully look at and review ‘What’s most important to you in life’. Too many people spend their entire lives climbing the ladder of success, status and materialism only to find out that the ladder was against the wrong wall.

Live Your Life Without Regret

Choosing in favour of your highest values and what’s most important to you will help you live a life that is rich, happy, meaningful and fulfilling. It’s just one way to ensure we don’t arrive at the end of our lives with regrets, wishing that we could have done things differently.

According to Australian nurse and author, Bronnie Ware, one of the greatest regrets in life for most people is that they never lived a life that was true to themselves.

Asking “What do I want to be remembered for when I die?” provides a powerfully way to connect with our own mortality, but in a way that can help you ignite the path forward to live fully by choosing to live a life that is true to your own self, your own desires and your own spirit.

So, make sure to take some time and answer this question today.
It could be one of the most purpose-filled and meaningful exercises that you could do for your life!


Ready to Switch on a Greater Light?

On the path of greatness, we are all being encouraged to connect with our true purpose and passion, and to live lives that fully reflect the greatness that is present within our own beings.

If you’re ready to expand your own presence and light in the world and to share your life message in a greater way, then make sure to check out our ‘Be the Lighthouse’ program. A unique 7-month transformational journey for soul-centred and aspiring individuals who know the time has come to awaken their innate gifts and make a bigger impact in the world. Contact our office today for more details on the program.

5 Core Beliefs that Limit Personal Success

5 Core Beliefs that Limit Personal Success

Why do we hold ourselves back from standing fully in our light?

We’ve all experienced those moments in life where we’re presented with opportunities to step up and allow our greatest light to shine. Yet for many people there can often be an unconscious, almost sabotaging pattern that holds us back from claiming our right to stand fully in our light.

On the path to discovering and embracing our greatness we therefore will be continuously encouraged to step beyond our fears, doubts and limitations, and fully embrace the magnificence of who we really are. Doing so requires courage, strength, resilience and perseverance.

  • So how can we live our highest life vision?
  • How can we embrace our destiny?
  • How can we stand more fully and completely in our light?

Here are 5 universal belief systems that I believe we all need to transcendin order to fully live our life vision:

1. The Belief I’m Not Good Enough

There is an underlying need of all human beings to be loved and accepted. This innate desire of ours from birth dictates our need to fit in and be accepted by ‘our tribe’. So, while we long for connection and belonging, at a soul and energetic level we are already whole, perfect and complete. Our greatest lesson in life is to therefore learn to love ourselves unconditionally, before expecting or reaching out for the love of others.

Unfortunately, due to the nature the competitive and often divisive nature of our society and education system, our results, output and efforts are always being compared to that of our peers. While this may be good in encouraging children to reach towards more desirable and lofty goals, the result is that often leaves us feeling like we are either not good enough, or worthy enough of success.

Our quest as evolving enlightened human beings is to therefore learn to love ourselves, and to know that we are ALREADY more than enough. In understanding that no one is any better than us, and no one is any worse than us, maybe we can begin to appreciate the inherent beauty, magnificence and grace of who we already are in this world.

2. The Belief that I’m Not Allowed

It’s often understood that young children during their imprint years (0 -7 years of age) will often hear the word ‘No’ many more times than they ever hear the word ‘Yes’.

At the corner of all self-esteem and self-resilience is an underlying need of human beings to try, act, learn and grow. This means that somewhere along the way we are going to fail. However, rather than avoid failure, what we really need is to learn more quickly. To fail, learn from the experience and then move on.

When we feel that we are ‘not allowed’ it sends a powerful signal of hopelessness and
powerlessness throughout our energetic nervous system.

So, if you feel like on a conscious or unconscious level that you are not being allowed to follow your dreams, not being allowed to speak your truth, not being allowed to stand in your light and live your highest vision, then it’s definitely time to create a new more empowering belief system.

Begin today by giving yourself simple permission to try, experience, learn and grow. Do something that others have said you’re not allowed to do. Every step forward into the realm of following your spirit and soul, and being true to yourself, creates a greater sense of self-liberation and personal power.


3. The Belief that I Won’t Be Accepted

Have you ever found yourself trying to fit in with the expectations of your peer group or family, even when you knew at a deeper level that your choices where not in alignment with your highest good?

As spiritually evolving beings we are going to find ourselves in situations where we need to make choices that support our highest and greatest good. However, often our unconscious need to be approved of and to fit in with the expectations, culture and value of our tribe can mean we give away our power inadvertently.

Thankfully in our modern society many young people are now starting to open up and speak their truth. Knowing that through their actions and self-conviction that their choices can pave the path for others to grow. The path of true leadership is of being willing to run forward of the pack, even while those behind you may not understand or appreciate just what you are trying to do.


4. The Belief that I Might Fail

Any great activity of worth implies and carries with in a risk of failure. As mentioned before, our quest is not to avoid failure, but to embrace it, learn from it and grow from it.

Often our fear of failure has more to do with our need to be accepted and to fit in with our tribe, family and society. While none of us wants to be embarrassed or humiliated, it is in the ‘frame’ and way that we view failure that our destiny will be ultimately shaped.

Just look at the life of former American president Abraham Lincoln and you will see a man that failed not once, but on many different occasions. In fact, looking at his biography one might even question how he even received the candidacy for president. However, life has a funny way of rewarding those who continue to be resilient in the face of adversity.

As the ancient Chinese proverb says … “Fall down six times, get up seven.”

The greatest testimony of humanity is in our ability to recover, rebuild and restore our lives anew. And it is in this experience of failure, restoration, growth and success that the rough piece of carbon ultimately is molded into the beautiful diamond that it came here to be.


5. The Belief that I’m Not Worthy

Take a look at the results that you are experiencing and allowing into your life at this time and you will begin to see a mirror of your sense of worthiness.

How we choose to see ourselves, both consciously and unconsciously has a tremendous impact on our life and our results. Therefore, in order to change what we are willing to receive and allow in our lives, we first have to change our own inner-sense of self-worth.

Feeling a sense of worthiness doesn’t mean we have to make ourselves look better than others, or appear to have more. Instead it implies a subtle yet underlying foundation of core belief that says “I am worthy”, “I am loved” and “Who I am is valuable and needed in the world”.

So today, as you begin the process of reframing and restoring your own sense of self-worth and value, begin to imagine yourself casting off the old clothes of doubt, limitation and restriction, and instead open your spirit to accept new clothes and a new identity that give yourself permission to shine, to live a rich and abundant life, to love and be loved.


Embracing the Courage to Shine

No matter where we are on the journey of life we are all being encouraged to stand more fully in our light. Learning to explore and move beyond the limitations and beliefs that keep us separated from our source must become our priority. For when we do we give permission for our soul to sing, to rise above the boundaries and limitations of mediocrity that may have held us captive for so long, and to fully discover the boundless and eternal power of our own soul and spirit.


Like to Know More About Breaking Free?

If you’re ready to step into the highest divine vision of who you are, then make sure to check out our Online Academy to get access to our Unleash Your Inner-Brilliance audio program, a transformational 3-part program, which defines the essence of the key limiting patterns that can keep us separate from our truth. You can learn more about the program and get access here.

The Number One Key to Success: Getting Clear

The Number One Key to Success: Getting Clear

Ever found yourself travelling through fog on an early winter morning?

Having spent many years living in the United Kingdom and London, I can assure you that being caught in a fog can be one of the most disorientating and ungrounded of situations that we experience in our lives. Yet everyday people around the world find themselves being caught in their own mental, emotional and spiritual fog that can often keep them separate from really living, creating and enjoying the results and lives that they deserve.

After more than 20 years working as a transformational coach, intuitive and energy healer, what I have noticed from the experience of my clients and my own life is that the number one barrier that can keeps most people from realising greater levels of freedom and success is simply a lack of being clear.

The Power of Getting Clear

On an energetic and consciousness level we are now starting to understand that every thought, belief and intention we have has the power to create our reality. Our thoughts contain greater energy that can literally direct and shape the course of our lives. Yet for most people more than 90% of our daily thoughts are often taking place at the unconscious level, beyond our awareness. And it is here in the depths of our being that we can often create and experience blockages, limitations and struggle.

Clarity has immense power. When we choose to become clear both in our vision, our thoughts and our unconscious energy, it creates a powerful state of inner-alignment where our life energy can flow, unrestricted, with grace ease and lightness. In this state our ability to create, manifest and attract what we desire becomes easier. We no longer have to ‘force’ things to happen or exert undue amounts of ‘effort’. Instead we can allow the wind of divine grace and providence to help guide us and nurture us towards the goals, dreams, desires and intentions that we deem most important.

Your Intentions Activate Your Counter-Intentions

When we are living in our comfort zones without any desire for change everything seems safe, comfortable and secure. Yet, like sailing boats, we were not created to remain safe in a harbour. Our soul and spirit is always looking for ways for us to create, grow and expand. To realise our full and greatest potential for this lifetime.

And that’s where there is an interesting paradox that takes place.

In the moments that we choose to set a new and greater intention for something better or more in our lives, we simultaneously activate the limitations, beliefs and resistance to change that would have us stay where we are. How we navigate this conflict in energy, and our ability to learn to move beyond the patterns of our past and find the courage and self-confidence to expand into our highest reality is the key to success.

“People fail because they think, objectively, that they can do things, but do not know, subconsciously, that they can do them. It is more likely that your subconscious mind is even now impressed with doubts of your ability to succeed; and these must be removed, or it will hold its power over you when you need it most.”
Wallace D. Wattles, How to Get What You Want

That’s why if it any point in your life you are feeling resistance or struggle towards creating what you want, it’s a good sign. It’s actually a predominant sign that your soul and spirit is growing and calling upon you to become more than you have ever been before.

So Where Do We Need to Get Clear?

Through my work in clinical practice, the corporate world and through many individual coaching sessions, here is a short list of some of the key patterns that can often keep us from getting clear:


Fear and Doubt

As human beings we are born into the world with two main innate fears – the fear of falling and the fear or loud noises. All other fears are learnt during our childhood years. Conditioned fear and doubt that does not serve our highest good can be one of the most limiting factors to peak performance in our lives.

Our quest however is not to eliminate fear, as some level of fear will always be present when we are growing, changing and expanding. Our quest is to learn to let fear and doubt become the back-seat companions on our journey, as we let our higher, infinite, creative and courageous self, learn to do the driving.



How we choose to see ourselves in life, determines the quality of what we are willing to receive. Patterns of unworthiness and undeserving can therefore keep us separate from receiving our highest good and allowing life to flow more easily.

If you’re finding yourself struggling to attract and allow good, prosperity and benevolence into your life, then it may be an unconscious pattern of unworthiness that is at play.


Limiting Choices and Decisions

Sometimes in our lives we may have made both conscious and unconscious decisions that have limited our lives. Why would we choose to do that??

Maybe because as a child we chose to believe and take on the limiting programming or conditioning of others. Maybe because by unconsciously limiting ourselves we can find safety, protection and reassurance. Maybe we simply have chosen to take on a belief, ideology or doctrine that is no longer consistent with who we really believe we are.

Its in the process of discovering our own path to greatness that we will be encouraged to let go of the shackles of the past, to release ourselves from the glass ceilings that have kept our energy and talents held back, so we can discover that at our essence we are infinite and unlimited beings.

Energetic Connections and Cords

Have you ever been in an intimate relationship with another human being? Whether that was a family member, a spouse, a lover or a child, every connection we make that infuses our soul and heart energy to another human being, event or situations creates an energetic cord or attachment.

Normally in the process of recovering from a major heart-break or loss of a loved one, we may find ourselves continuously thinking and feeling the others persons energy. While this may be functional for a period of time, its when these cords and attachments drain our life force energy and keep us from moving on in life that intervention and release is needed.


Ancestral Beliefs and Patterns

We are the essential by-product of our ancestors thinking, beliefs, actions and karma. While we have free will and independence as a soul in this lifetime to choose and navigate our own destiny, often the patterns of limitation, fear and restrictive mindsets that we carry can be a reflection of the unlearned lessons of our ancestors.

By learning to tap into the energetic imprints within the DNA and the human energy anatomy we can learn to identify these cords, lessons and restrictions, and then work with the energy of our ancestors to set ourselves (and themselves) free.


Energetic Debris

Have you ever returned home from work or a party to find yourself feeling energetically drained? Are there some people in your world that simply ‘suck the life’ out of you?

As human energetic beings we are always interacting with our environment. Our bodies like sponges can absorb and take on the mental, emotional and even spiritual clutter that resides energetically in our environments.

Receiving regular healing and clearing and learning how to protect and keep our energy centres and field clear is essential for optimal living in our over cluttered and energetically dense world.

Our bodies need to be experiencing and receiving high levels of ‘prana’ or life-force on a regular basis, whether that be from being in nature, walking by a stream or river, taking regular salt baths or having regular healing and clearing sessions.


Soul Contracts

Sometimes when we feel we are being held back or denied our best it can because we have created or experienced soul contracts with other people, organisations or institutions. These conscious and unconscious agreements, just like formal legal contracts can hold immense power over our soul energy, especially if they have been enforced or placed upon us by a higher power such as an authority figure, religious institution or the law.

In reclaiming our own sovereignty and power it is essential that we learn now to break free and reprogram or release these contracts so we can move forward in our lives with greater ease, grace and flow.

Anger, Sadness, Grief, Guilt and Shame

Finally, what I like to call the BIG 5. The five core limiting emotions that can often keep us from activating and living our highest and greatest lives.

In the process of doing our own life clearing it is likely that we will need to address the residual anger, sadness, shame, guilt and grief from both this lifetime, and sometimes our earlier lives.

While each of these emotions plays an important role in our ‘school of life’ on the earth plane, it is when these emotions become dysfunctional that chaos can reign.

Our role is to therefore address the underlying cause, discover the lessons that we were meant to learn that would free us to grow and evolve, and to then transcend and release these feelings to our source. Replacing them then with the real key to understanding, freedom and release that is present when we are willing to do the inner-work and set ourselves free to experience the antonym of each – Joy, Happiness, Connection, Empowered and Proud.

Your Path to Miracles

What is a miracle? Its nothing more than a transformational shift in consciousness that takes from a state of something we initially believed was impossible, to discover the possible.

The moment you begin to look at and clear the blockages, patterns and limitations that have held your life energy back, the more open we become to experiencing transformational shifts in our own energy and consciousness, and the more life flows.

“Getting clear is removing the counter-intentions. When you do, you can have, do, or be anything you can imagine. Getting clear is the missing secret to all self-help programs. It’s the key to attracting whatever you want.”
Joe Vitale, The Key

Remember: Struggle, resistance, doubt and fear are all signs that you are growing and being encouraged to step beyond what is known, to realise all that you really are.

When you consciously take time to identify, clear and release the patterns that have been holding you back at the conscious, unconscious and spiritual level, we embrace the greatest gift for our soul for this lifetime. We embrace the courage to allow ourselves to simply become all that we were uniquely and divinely create to be. We allow our magnificence and true light to shine.

Les Price is a transformational life and business coach, author, speaker, intuitive and healer. If you feel you have been holding onto limiting patterns, emotions, feeling and blockages from the past that no longer serve you, and are looking for a safe environment to allow greater freedom and liberation into your life – contact our office to organise a consultation with Les.