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Spiritual Empowerment | The Greatness Connection
How to Develop a Deep Sense of Intuition and Trust

How to Develop a Deep Sense of Intuition and Trust

Do You Trust Your Sense of Clear Inner-Knowing?

Each of us are highly sensitive beings on a journey to discover the full extent of our great intuitive capacity. And we are discovering that we now have access to a dynamic and engaging sense of personal intuition that is seeking to guide us towards our highest good in each moment. Yet learning to trust and follow this inner-guidance requires trust, faith, self-belief and most of all a sense of inner-discernment.

Maybe you have also experienced those moments in life where you just knew without a shadow of a doubt that something was either true or untrue? Claircognizance or our inner-sense of ‘clear knowing’ is not a gift that is reserved for just a privileged few. It’s a gift that we all have access to and can learn to connect with in each moment.

“Lean not on anyone. You need no outer props or reassurances, for you have all deep within you. … When you know something from within, nothing or no one from without can shake it. It is something that is so real to you, it would not matter if the whole world went against you, telling you that you were wrong. … That is the joy and strength of inner-knowing. It is what can give you peace which passes all understanding.”  – Eileen Caddy


Why Clear Knowing is Important

In a world where it is easy to buy into the opinions, beliefs and judgements of others we are all being challenged to go within and seek to find our own inner-state of peace and guidance. This inner-state is something that can be activated at will, it is an energetic way of being that has the capacity to help you open-up to new levels of wisdom, understanding and guidance, should you choose to be willing to accept it.

The greatest truth that you must learn to discern and accept is your own truth.

We must start to trust, know and believe that we all have access to our own inner-state of higher-guidance, a powerful and connected source of energy that has the presence to guide us and lead us forward in each moment.


When You Know that You Know

We’ve all had those serendipitous moments where we simply know that something is true or going to happen. While we’re always receiving intuitive insight, the key is learn how to create a pattern of trust that enables our highest good to flow in each moment.

So, glance at the following checklist and see if any of these patterns relate to you:

  • I am aware of the subtle feelings in my body that tell me when something is right or wrong for me.
  • I can step back from situations and become the neutral observer that sees all sides of the picture without being caught in judgement.
  • I can separate my emotions and feelings from those of others, and in doing so I am aware of what the situation or event is trying to share with me.
  • I trust my inner most feelings and gut reaction. I know when I feel a sense that something is not quite right with a situation, event or person.
  • I can discern the truth for my own soul. I can clearly discern what are other people’s projections, judgements and beliefs without being attacked or becoming a victim of their thoughts.
  • I can take back my power and honour my own spiritual authority. In doing so I know that everything I need is within me and that I have the emotional, spiritual and mental intelligence to stand up for myself and know what is right for me.


Finding Your Centre

I often remember the times that as a child, my father would take me to the local park for a ride on the small ‘merry-go-round’. It almost seemed that the faster the wheel got, the dizzier I became.

In our lives, we can often find ourselves on the treadmill or wheel of life spinning around in circles at a fast rate. It’s at these times we are reminded to stop and come back to centre to connect with our higher-self guidance and be present to the great wisdom within.

We are reminded that often our quest for ‘busyness’ is an unconscious pattern trying
to keep us separate from going within and facing the truth of our own being.

Yet when we consciously embrace the courage to stop, go within and connect, the door way is often opened to the wisdom and intuitive insight needed to solve our greatest life issues.

In many ways we have the key to all the answers that we will ever need, within us. We just need to find our grounding, stability, presence and courage to open the door and move through it in peace.

That’s why in the ‘merry-go-rounds’ of our lives, when we simply go to the centre of the wheel, to the hub that binds all the spokes, here we have the capacity to find our true selves again.

Here we become conscious to the great presence of intuitive insight that already awaits and beckons us forward.

For in the centre of the wheel, time stops, there is no dizziness, we become one with the movement of life and we open-up our path to the great insight and wisdom that exists within.

Go to your centre when you are stressed or not at peace, and here you will find the presence to trust, believe and connect with your true higher guidance.


Developing Your Sense of Clear Knowing

Trusting your own sense of inner-guidance is a process that must be developed over time. Just like in developing a loving and nurturing relationship, we must learn to trust, honour and build up a channel of communication with our higher-self intelligence.

Here are 8 Ways You Can Deepen Your Inner-Trust Today

Give Your Knowing an Identity

Children often talk to imaginary friends as a way of communicating with their unbounded sense of creativity and imagination. When you give your sense of knowing an identity it helps you to establish a formal relationship with your ‘inner-knowing’. Whether you choose to call your ‘inner-knowing’ Merlin, the great oracle, the wise master or simply my higher-self, naming and identifying your inner-voice of truth will help you connect with it on an even deeper level.


Ask to Receive Specific Signals When You are Right

Because our body is an energetic system it is constantly giving us energetic feedback about our environment. If you have ever walked into a house or a party and had a sense of unease then you have connected with your intuitive intelligence. The key however is learning to trust and follow this guidance when it comes.

Often when I am doing energetic readings or healing sessions with clients I will feel what I call my ‘intuitive shiver’, a powerful stream of energy that runs down my body that indicates that what I have either said or shared is my truth. Learning to trust and follow these subtle yet powerful signs is a must when you are expanding your consciousness and intuitive sensitivity.


Learn to Discern Ego from Spirit

Trusting your inner-knowing will call on you to be able to distinguish the voice of your true spirit and higher-self from that of the ego. This is a learning process that will evolve over time. The key is to learn to ask your intuitive voice the following questions:

  • Is this insight coming from love or fear?
  • Is this guidance from the light?
  • Is this guidance demanding or encouraging of my spirit?

Remember true intuitive and higher-guidance will never tell you what to do. It will never leave you feeling disempowered or fearful. True guidance is supportive, encouraging, sometimes forthright and commanding, but never condescending or limiting.


Start using the statement ‘I know …’

One of the fastest ways to expand your sense of trust is to simply begin using the words ‘I know…’. Think of a situation that you require guidance on and then take out a sheet of paper. Then simply write the beginning of this sentence and then fill in the gaps on what you know about the situation. Keep repeating ‘I know …’ and keep writing answers. You may be surprised to see what your deeper consciousness already knows and understands about the situation.


Anchor Your Knowing into Consciousness

Intuitive insight requires affirmation. It requires a constant acknowledgement of the moments when you trusted your inner-knowing and followed its guidance. So today, take a moment to reflect on some of the moments in your life where you simply ‘trusted YOU’. As you take time to acknowledge each of these moments you may want to ‘anchor’ it into your physiology and consciousness by repeating a mantra such as ‘I trust my inner-knowing fully and completely’, by slapping your chest with a hand and repeating the mantra, or by simply making a fist and saying the word ‘yes’. Anchoring your intuition into consciousness is a powerful step towards realising your own self-mastery.


Trust Your First Instincts

Research by the Heart Math Institute has shown that the human heart has the capacity to intuit and sense information at a faster capacity than the mind. In fact, your heart intelligence often lets you know the answer to a question or situation milli-seconds earlier than the brain can even interpret the information. The challenge however is most of us discount or ignore the first instinct and feeling that we have.

Trusting your inner-knowing will call on you to be present to your own physical being, the inner-signals that your soul, spirit and heart is providing you in each moment. However, its not enough to just acknowledge the signals, we then need to find the inner-courage to act and respond on them.


Build Faith Through Acknowledgement

Have you ever noticed how professional dog trainers use biscuits as a reward for good behaviour? While some people may baulk at the traditional theory of stimulus and response that is part of Pavlovian conditioning, the reality is that we humans are not to unlike our four-legged friends when it comes to motivation and behaviour.

Why is this important to developing your inner-knowing? Because the more we acknowledge the moments that our intuition is on-track, when we have those clear answers and knowing, the stronger our intuition becomes. True faith after all is built through our experiences. The more we celebrate, congratulate and reaffirm the moments where we made great decisions, trusted our instincts and follow our intuition – the stronger our intuition becomes.


Turn Up the Volume on the Radio Channel

The final key to accentuating your intuitive inner-knowing is to realise that your capacity to intuit and sense information in each moment is akin to tuning into a radio station in the dark. While you may not see the actual channels on the radio, through feeling and trust you can begin to turn the dial and find a station. As you get closer to that station you make even finer adjustments to the radio dial until you have a clear, audible signal that cannot be denied.

Finding the Optimal Path to Enlightened Living

This is what is like to become attuned. To trust in your inner-spirit. It is a process of transformation where you are being called to release the control that the ego has had over you, and where you begin to allow your inner-consciousness, your inner-knowing to be your guide.

And the real blessing is that the more you begin to trust and follow your inner-knowing, through discernment and right action, the closer you come to realising your destiny with grace ease and lightness, and then …

‘Inner-knowing becomes your optimal path to true enlightenment and fulfilling your destiny on Earth’

Ready to take Your Intuitive Abilities to the Next Level?

At The Greatness Connection we run regular intuitive development programs to help you connect, access and follow your intuition. The Power of Intuitive Flow training is an engaging and interactive 7 week course based on 21 principles of intuition that will help you learn to develop greater trust, rapport and confidence in yourself, and provide you with a pathway for transforming and healing your life, business or professional life. Best of all the course is delivered as both live training as well as completely online as a self-paced learning program.

For more details make sure to check out the online training program here and details of the next live training here.

How to Trust Your Intuition and Higher Guidance

How to Trust Your Intuition and Higher Guidance

How can we learn to trust and believe in our inner-guidance?

Whether we realise it or not, each of us has an incredible intuitive power and presence that is guiding us in each moment.
So, why then do so many people struggle to connect with and trust themselves?

Awakening Your Intuitive Presence

As a transformational coach, energy healer and intuitive I’ve now been helping people awaken and open their own intuitive channels for over 20 years. What I’ve noticed in that time is that there are some key practices, insights and ways of being that can truly enhance our ability to receive, trust and connect with our inner-guidance.

The result is that the more we learn to trust in our own insight, wisdom and guidance, the greater the flow, grace and ease that we experience in life. Now, that doesn’t always mean we’re going to live a life without problems or challenges. On the contrary, many of our problems and challenges are in fact ‘divine gifts’ that encourage us to dig deep within ourselves for the strength and resources to overcome them. In many ways our greatest problems also become our greatest teachers. Yet that doesn’t mean you have to resign to a life of striving, struggle and hardship.

Instead, when we learn to trust and follow the inner-guidance of our heart, soul and spirit in each moment we awaken a greater consciousness and energy within ourselves. We open our heart energy to becoming a vessel for greater guidance and inspiration, and in doing so we are encouraged to take steps of courage, faith and confidence in aligning the lives that we really want to create and realise at this time.

7 Insights from The Power of Intuitive Flow Training

Here are 7 insights from our beginner level Power of Intuitive Flow Training, our 7 week course for helping activate and engage your own intuitive intelligence, that will help you to begin to open to trusting and following your intuition more deeply.


Key #1: Intuition Speaks to You on Many Levels

While we all have access to a great intuitive power, the voice of intuition can often be subtle, a little like tuning into a radio station for the first time in the dark. It takes practice, discernment and trust.

So, as you begin to awaken to your own intuitive energy it is helpful to know that not everyone receives guidance in the same way. In fact, there are often 4 main channels that your intuition may be communicating with you in each moment:

  •  Auditory: Through an inner-voice or dialogue.
  •  Kinaesthetically: Through feelings and impressions
  •  Visually: Through images and symbolic guidance that you receive mentally
  •  Cognizance: Clear knowing and understanding that is just impressed upon you

If you’ve ever walked into a room or building and just felt that the environment was not safe, or that something was not right, then you’ll already be familiar with your emphatic or feeling intuition, which is often activated in moments of flight or fright, when we need our survival and protection instinct.

While you have one predominant channel that you work with, with the right training and development you can learn to awaken and activate your other channels in unison for greater intuitive flow and guidance.


Key #2:  Accessing Your True Knowing

Many years ago, when I was working the United Kingdom I had an insight to go and do a course in Laredo, Texas. The calling was so strong that I booked a ticket and hopped on the next plane.

The only problem was that at the time the company I was working for were still processing my working visa in the UK, which meant that there was the possibility that I would not be able to re-enter the country and would be deported on my return. Yet all along something inside of me just ‘knew’ I needed to go and that I would be taken care of. That everything would work out ok.

  • Have you ever just known that something was not right?
  • Have you ever just had a feeling you needed to call a friend?
  • Have you ever just known that you needed that you needed to continue with a path of action?

Our belief in ourselves is fundamental when developing intuition. And there is no greater belief than a sense of ‘knowing’ a deep inner-feeling that we are right, that we need to do something, or take some form of action.

So take a moment now and simply reflect back on a moment or experience when you had a deep sense of knowing, and you trusted and followed that. What did it feel like? Where did you feel it? How did your body, soul, spirit and mind let you know that you were right?

Key #3:  Move from Your Head to the Heart

Often when we are in the live Power of Intuitive Flow training I get my students to pay attention to where their inner-energy flows when they are connecting with their intuition.

Far too often because of our left-brained centric education systems we have forgotten how to connect with our heart, feelings and true sense of knowing, and so the energy often goes back up to our heads where we attempt to ‘think the solution to the answer’.

The problem is with this that the moment we end up back in the head, we have often already lost and negated the first initial energy or impression from our heart that was trying to guide us in the first place!

Therefore, the moment you find yourself going back to the head to try and find or think a solution it’s time to draw your energy and focus back to your heart.

Key #4: Open Your Inner-Senses

In expanding your intuition, you will need to learn to open your inner-senses, not just your external senses.

One of the most critical points that we focus on in our training is the centre of the throat (throat chakra) or point of communication, self-will and expression in the world. Developing this primary energy centre is essential if we are going to find our voice in the world and learn to express ourselves and our intuitive impressions and guidance. Most significantly this centre along with the solar plexus need to be opened and developed to allow you to feel and receive inner-guidance.

The more you work embracing exercises to open the throat energy centre, you will also begin further clearing and awakening the intuitive channels to your own clairaudience, which governs your ability to receive verbal guidance and messages from your higher-self and intuition.

Key #5:       Learn to Ask Better Quality Questions

The key to receiving quality guidance from your intuition is to get better at asking higher quality questions. The questions that we ask ourselves on a daily basis determine the quality of our lives.

Therefore, for intuitive questioning to be valuable we need to learn to ask questions that are:

a) Specific – Clear and with one focus
b) Objective – Are not loaded with our own bias or expectation
c) Grounded in a Higher Perspective – That seek the highest truth for all involved

For example:

  • Instead of asking “Where do I find my ideal relationship? ask “What do I need to know in order to open myself to the perfect divine relationship?”
  • Instead of asking “How can I create more money?” ask “How can I allow greater abundance and prosperity to flow in my life?”
  • Instead of asking “What decision or choice do I now need to make?” ask “What choice will bring me greater joy, aliveness and happiness?”


Key #6: Build Your Self-Esteem

Listening and following our intuition and inner-guidance implies a need for great trust. Trust in our own wisdom. Trust in our higher intelligence. Trust in our connection to source.

In the same way that a lighthouse must have a firm and solid foundation in order to do its highest work of shining its light, so too, your soul and spirit require a firm foundation and base of self-esteem and self-efficacy in order to operate at their highest potential.

When we believe in ourselves, and see ourselves as worthy of guidance and insight, then our guidance and insights grow and develop. A healthy self-esteem also means that you will have much greater courage and belief in yourself to act on higher guidance when it presents.

How do we build this base of courage, self-belief and esteem?
We can start first by reflecting on all the moments in our life where we received guidance or inspiration an acted upon it. Reflecting on these moments will help you create the physiological state of trust that is required to enact and enable your intuitive presence and power.


Key #7:  Take Inspired Action

Intuition is not a one-way street. It is an intricate cycle of asking, receiving, accepting, trusting and acting.

Therefore, the more we learn to trust and ACT on our intuitive messages and guidance the more that our intuition develops, and the greater the trust that we have in it.

Learning to act on your intuition will imply a level of needing to take risk and step our of your comfort zone. In the beginning you may ask for guidance and take action, only to find that what you initially acted on did not work. It is important in these times not to give up. But to take this onboard as a learning experience.

Start to monitor your body’s feelings and signals of confirmation that you are on the right track. It may be as simple as an opening of energy in your gut area, or a light shiver that goes down your back, or a simple sense of knowing and confidence that originates in your heart. The more that you pay attention to these signals, the more you take risks and act on your guidance, the greater your opportunity to grow, evolve and become a channel for intuitive grace and presence.

It is through inspired and intuitive action that our highest lives are formed.


Ready to take Your Intuitive Abilities to the Next Level?

At The Greatness Connection we run regular intuitive development programs to help you connect, access and follow your intuition. The Power of Intuitive Flow training is an engaging and interactive 7 week course based on 21 principles of intuition that will help you learn to develop greater trust, rapport and confidence in yourself, and provide you with a pathway for transforming and healing your life, business or professional life. Best of all the course is delivered as both live training as well as completely online as a self-paced learning program.

For more details make sure to check out the online training program here and details of the next live training here.