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life | The Greatness Connection - Part 2
Finding Your Life Theme

Finding Your Life Theme

Well, it’s almost the end of another year, and if you’re like most people you’ve probably been busy getting ready for Christmas and the Holiday Season.

While December is usually a very busy time for most people, its also provides a great opportunity to take a some time away to reflect on the year that has passed, and to set your intentions for the new year to come.

So today I’d like to share with you a simple life strategy that really has made a significant difference in my life over the last few years that I have been using…

… and very simply its called ‘Setting a Life Theme’.

So What’s a Life Theme?

You see often we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to set goals and to make New Year resolutions that simply don’t come to fruition, or that simply don’t inspire or uplift our lives.

Setting a Life Theme on the other hand is more playful, more engaging, and is less definitive. It really is the canvass upon which you the artist can freely paint the story of your life over the coming year.

So what is a ‘Life Theme’? It’s a general theme or intent for how you would like to see your next year manifest. It becomes the metaphor by which your conscious and unconscious intentions are aligned to create, manifest and bring into being your highest life.

Examples of Some Life Theme Intention Might Be …

  • Sailing Easily Into an Ocean of Prosperity
  • Standing Up, Stepping Out, Living Courageously
  • Being the Change I Want to See
  • Embrace the Truth of Love in all I Do
  • Celebrate the Gift of Life One Day at a Time
  • Living Life on Purpose
  • Devotion to the Divine Within

3 Keys for Setting a Great Life Theme in 2014

Key #1 – Make it Engage Your Heart and Soul

It probably goes without saying – the best life themes are those that fully engage your whole heart and soul. So be playful, make it engaging, allow it to express your highest intent for the year ahead.

Infusing your theme with positive emotions helps to energise it and make it even more attractive, accelerating its opportunity to manifest and present in your life.

Ideally your life theme should stretch you beyond what is comfortable, yet be inspiring enough to make you cry!

Key #2 – Make Sure It Serves the Greater Good

It has been scientifically proven through muscle testing that the most potent and life affirming goals are usually those that have a greater outcome, a greater purpose. When your life theme not only serves you, but also serves others, and the greater good – then that elevates the vibration of your theme in consciousness allowing it to create with greater effectiveness.

Key #3 – Make It Short – And Give It Focus

As human beings we often like to complicate things. We like to make our goals and dreams often more fancy and elaborate than we need them to be. While clarity gives power, too many words and too greater dialogue also create confusion and chaos.

So make your life theme short. If you can manage to write your theme for the year in just 2-3 words then you extract the core essence of its nature. A few words also gives you the flexibility to allow consciousness and creation to manifest your intent in a myriad of ways without being tied down to just one physical form, way or method.

Going Within to Find Your ‘True’ Life Theme

Finally, remember that your ‘true’ life theme doesn’t exist within your head. Its actually held deep within your heart and soul. So make sure to use the accompanying mediation process to go within, to seek the Divine within you, to reach into the core of your heart and see where your soul wants you to navigate and manifest in 2014!

Listen to/Download the Audio Meditation Here

3 Simple Shifts for Living More Fully In This Moment

3 Simple Shifts for Living More Fully In This Moment

A few weeks back I attended a conference in Melbourne which had international author, speaker, pastor, social activist and professor of sociology, Dr. Tony Campolo as their guest speaker.

It was a great event … yet there was one message that Tony shared that continued to stay in my mind days after the event had ended.


You see, Tony a former spiritual advisor to President Bill Clinton was visiting Australia as part of a series of speaking engagements for humanitarian organisations Compassion and World Vision.

Tony CampoloBeing only 78 years young Tony shared some amazing stories of inspiration, hope and possibility via an array of inspiring metaphors and analogies that really provoked my spirit, and challenged me to ask a deeper question …

 “Was I ‘really’ living each moment with aliveness?”

At one point he shared the story of how several years ago while delivering a talk on sociology he turned to one of his young students and simply asked “Young man, how many years have you lived?”.

The student somewhat bewildered by the simplicity of the question replied “24 years”. As if seeing the opportunity to delve deeper into the young man’s life experience, Tony replied “No. Not ‘how many’ years have you lived”

But how many moments have you ‘really lived’ … with complete aliveness, with full presence, and an inspired connection to everything around you?

Overcoming Our Addiction to ‘Busyness’

Isn’t it interesting … while all of us may think at some stage think that we are really living, instead we are simply have allowed ourselves to become slaves to busyness, to habit, to the status quo, captives of the comfort zone.

Many chase the material – but miss the wholeness within!

Our truly alive moments are those that ignite our souls, that challenges us to step out and partake of adventure, that leave us feeling like…

  “Yes I did contribute something of value and significance to the world today”.

Too often it can be easy to fall into the trap of nurturing and maintaining certainty in our lives, when our higher selves quest for so much more.

When actor Morgan Freeman was asked why his film The Bucket List co-starring Jack Nicholson was so focused on death, he responded by saying that it wasn’t about death, but more so about how to live every precious moment of life fully.

The 3 Simple Shifts

We need to constantly remind ourselves that each and every day above ground is a ‘gift’, the opportunity to do something new, the chance to live more fully, and to love more openly.

So here are 3 simple ‘shifts’ that can help you engage, embrace and accept more of the ‘life’, ‘fulfilment’ and ‘aliveness’ in your life:

1. Engage Uncertainty

In life it can be too easy to run away from the situations which challenge us to step into uncertainty. For uncertainty has the potential to bring up fears, doubts and shortcomings.

Yet it is in the face of courage, when we step our of the comfort zones, and into the growth and our adventure zones in our lives that we are most free. Free to follow our dreams, to be all we can be, to live fully in our greatest light.

Engaging Uncertainty is therefore an oxymoron, for it holds within it the seed of possibility and freedom for our lives. Take one step towards ‘engaging uncertainty’ in your life each day, and you will begin to see the true courage within you rise.

Question to Consider: How can I powerfully engage uncertainty in my life today?

Affirmation for Success:  Whatever happens – I’ll handle it!

2. Say Yes to Opportunity

Have you noticed how easy it is to say ‘no’ to the opportunities in our lives?

When we are in harmony with our own hearts, souls and spirits. When we are embracing the highest aspects of our being on purpose, then opportunities start to present themselves that are in harmony and synchronicity with our highest intentions.

The key is to first get clear, of the emotional and past baggage that often keeps us captive and separated from our highest self. This is the key reason I created the Soul Path Intelligence program – to helps people simply learn to get themselves out of the way, to find their unique way back home to themselves!

Once you are clear – your job then becomes one of assessing the opportunities that present to you each day, and following those that resonate with your heart, that bring you expansion and fulfilment. But to do this you must be willing to say ‘Yes’ to the opportunities when they present!

Question to Consider: How can I embrace the fullness of my life today? Where do I need to say ‘Yes’?

Affirmation for Success:  I say ‘yes’ to life – and all of life says ‘yes’ to me!

3. Live One Day Spontaneously

Are you attached to your daily routine? If so, don’t worry – you’re not alone! While your routine keeps you feeling safe and comfortable, it also is one of the greatest barriers to experiencing aliveness.

I remember going on holiday to Thailand several years ago, and it literally took me 3-4 days before I could fully unwind, settle into the resort/beach clothes and not think about thing I had to do. So wouldn’t it be good to have a spontaneous holiday/vacation in your own life once a week, once a month?

So take the challenge … pick one day this month where you can just live spontaneously – no plans, no watch, no agendas, no routine – just doing whatever you feel like in each moment – spontaneously. If you need to … put on the beach clothes – take yourself out of your familiar environment and allow your soul, your inner-child the freedom to play, explore and just be.

I know you will find it liberating!

Question to Consider: If there were no plans, if there was no routine or demands on my time… how would I love to live fully today?

Affirmation for Success: When I am present – I am free to experience the beauty of this moment


Small Acts of Courage

  • Ÿ         What do you want the rest of your life to be about?
  • Ÿ         In the absence of all fear, who would you not be afraid to be?
  • Ÿ         If life handed you a ‘golden ticket’ what dream would you manifest?
  • Ÿ         If you won $70 million how would you spend the rest of your life?

Why ask these questions? Why ask them now?

Because at this point in time humanity as we know it rests on an all important threshold – a threshold that holds within it the potential for great change and tremendous transformation on all levels. However in order for this global and world change to take place, it requires a new generation of leader, men and women who are willing to rise up and find the courage and strength within themselves, to first transform their own lives in doing so transform our world.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi

There is no coincidence that you have been drawn to this place, to read this article, and to question and delve into the relevance of it for your life.

For you are one of the many ‘spirited warriors’ and leaders around the world that at this time in humanity’s consciousness is being called, summoned and gathered to be the force of change, first in your own life, second in the lives of those you love, and finally as a powerful example in the world.

So how do you embrace this new quest, this new mission?

The Answer:   Exists simply in being willing each and everyday to embrace, engage and enact ‘small acts of courage’ in your daily life.

The greatest barrier to all human evolution and growth is the ego’s fascination and preoccupation with the emotion of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of financial security. Fear of not being safe. Fear of being hurt or abandoned. Fear of being rejected. Fear of being unloved.

The good news however, is that in each of the situations that you experience fear, you are also presented with a unique opportunity to choose in favour of your highest self, to choose in favour of your soul, to choose to embrace courage.

So each day, as you go about your daily lives, take a moment in the morning before you start your day to expand your own consciousness, your own internal capacity to move beyond the mind’s limits that keep you captive, and instead seek to find your power, unleash your potential and BE courageous by answering the following questions:

  1. Where in life is my soul calling out for more joy?
  2. What am I afraid would happen if surrendered and let go of my attachment to success?
  3. What one small act of courage can I take today that would bring me greater happiness, joy and fulfilment?

Remember, courage is not something that you need to find.

It doesn’t exist outside of you. It is part of your essential nature, it is an inherent and everlasting aspect of your soul already. All it needs is for you to stand in your power and embrace it.

To respond with courage, when life would want you to react. To stand-up and be counted, when life would have you hide. To take responsibility, when life would have you blame outside influences. To speak your truth, when life would have you keep your feelings hidden. To be your authentic self, when life would have you give in to other’s expectations and needs.

Every moment is an opportunity to show the world your truth. To be COURAGEOUS.

Life Wisdom for Today

“Feel the fear, but do it anyway!” – Susan Jeffers


Finding Fulfilment – Top Five Regrets of the Dying

Finding Fulfilment – Top Five Regrets of the Dying

Wow! Can you believe that it’s almost the end of another year? And as the ancient Mayans would have us believe, it’s also the end of a significant period in the evolution and consciousness of humanity.

So, at a time when many people start contemplating their highest goals, intentions and outcomes for the new year, I thought what better way to get the ball rolling than to take a look at …

“What Does it Really Take to Live a Happy and Fulfilling Life ?”

Why this topic? And why at this time?

Well, if experience has taught me anything it’s that in life it’s all too easy to get caught up chasing goals and dreams that on one level we believe will provide us with the fulfilment we desire, yet on another level often leave us feeling empty, unfulfilled and off-purpose.

I’ve often noticed many times as I have coached and mentored individuals, business owners and leaders, that a great number of people are hurriedly climbing the ladder of success, only to get to the top and find out that it was placed against the wrong wall!

We may also find ourselves chasing things in the ‘material’ that we believe will give us more happiness, more fulfilment, more status, more credibility, more respect. We can often believe that if we get that new job then we’ll be respected, when we get the perfect relationship then we’ll feel loved, when we win the lottery then we will feel truly financially secure.

Are You Choosing Fulfilment Right Now?

However, the problem with ‘if / when’ thinking is that it implies we can only feel loved, happy, and secure when we attain our goals, have stuff, and have things work out the way we want, rather than realise that we can choose to love ourselves right now, we can choose happiness in this moment, and we can choose to embrace the security that comes from simply trusting ourselves.

Real fulfilment comes from the realisation that all of the feelings, emotions and desires that you believe exist outside of you, are actually available to you right now.

So instead of instead of blindly following the values, goals and ideals of others, it might be easier and wiser to lay your own path, to follow your own soul’s guidance and to look within yourself (not outside) for the pathway to your greatest fulfilment.

So my questions for you are:

  • Are you truly living life in accordance with your own values? Or are you are trying to please others?
  • Are you truly committed to following your joy, each and every day?
  • Are you using your unique gifts, talents, skills and abilities to serve and make a difference?
  • Are you sharing quality time with the people in your life who mean the most to you?

Wisdom from the Dying – The 5 Life Regrets

Bronnie WareSeveral years ago Australian palliative care nurse Bronnie Ware started a very enlightening, thought provoking and inspiring Blog called ‘Inspiration and Chai’, where she wrote about the final stages of the life journey as they were experienced by many of her patients who were terminally ill with cancer. Often she was with them for the last 3 to 12 weeks of their lives.

During the course of this writing she discovered that most people were confronted at the end of their life with either one or a combination of the following ‘Top 5 Regrets of the Dying’, which she later published in her best-selling book The Top Five Regrets of the Dying:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

It’s very hard to listen and follow the guidance of your own heart and soul, when you are consciously and unconsciously trying to please and satisfy others. Living an authentic and inspired life requires all of us to have the courage to be ‘true to ourselves’ first. To value and respect our own life dreams and desires, rather than feel obliged, guilty or responsible to other’s expectations.

Just think what a shame it would have been if Andrea Bocielli had followed his father’s expectations for him to get a real job as a lawyer, rather than share his gift for singing with the world!

2. I wish I didn’t work so hard

You’ve probably heard it said before, that no one wishes at the end of their life that they had spent more time at the office!

There is a big difference between working hard and working smart. I remember the director of a company I worked for several years ago that gave up 13 years of his life to focus on growing his business, but inadvertently missed out on some of the most memorable experiences in his children’s life. While another mentor of mine created a multi-million dollar international publishing house and only works from 1pm – 6pm each day!

It’s always a matter of choice and values. So what are you choosing to create for your life?

3. I wish I had the courage to express my true feelings

Why is it that it’s only when someone is sick, dying or about to pass-over that we find the courage to express our true feelings towards them? Could it be that we allow our own fears, insecurity and vulnerability to get in the way of authentic communication and connection?

Courage is the ability and willingness to act even in the face of fear. The key to remember is that its in our moments of action that fear disappears. So who do you need to express your true feelings to today? Who do you have incomplete emotional business with?

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends

At the end of our life the only things we will take with us our experiences, and the memories and connections to the people that graced our life path.

In the Facebook era it’s all to easy to think that a quick message or post, a text message here or there constitutes a successful relationship. However its in the intimate, face-to-face connections and sharing that we create the foundation for true engagement with those we love.

So why not write a letter to someone that you have been meaning to connect with? Or take a moment to leave a Post-it Note with a loving message for someone special? Or invite your closest friends for a sit-down dinner and some real community connection?

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier

As Robert Holden, best-selling author of Authentic Happiness says, we can often spend an eternity looking for happiness outside of ourselves, than simply commit to “following our joy” in each moment.

Sadly, very few people are truly committed to following their joy, to allowing themselves permission to simply feel happier in this moment. Especially when you consider that It doesn’t take much. Seeing the beauty in a rose, watching a magnificent sunset, doing a random act of kindness for someone else, giving ourselves timeout to meditate, reflect, pray, or even just sharing a story with someone close to us.

Each of these is an opportunity for us to engage our joy and embrace our authentic happiness – and best of all they’re free!!

Applying the Lessons to Your Life

So why are these regrets important? Because they are an adamant reminder of the true values that each and every soul confronts prior to its passing. That it is not the material that is most important, but that it is the experience, the learning, the growth and the contributions that we make to this world as human beings that mark the value of our existence.

If any of you have seen the movie The Bucket List with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson then you’ll appreciate that this movie was not so much about dying, than it was about encouraging each and everyone of us to live fully.

Hopefully as each of us reflects on these regrets, we will appreciate what it really means to live fully. Hopefully we will find a path back to the ‘real fulfilment’ that is available to us in this moment.

Five Principles for Living Fully

As for me, I’ve placed a large poster (above) on the wall of my office with the 5 Life Regrets re-framed into ‘My Commitments to Life’, so that each day I can remind myself of what is most important, and that each day I can grow a little closer to appreciating and acknowledging the fulfilment that is available to me right now… if I were to see it.


Read more about The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, by Bronnie Ware, published by Hay House RRP $17.95. Also available on Amazon. To read more about her inspirational blog visit