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empowerment practices | The Greatness Connection
Living Fully from Your Life Purpose

Living Fully from Your Life Purpose

Welcome to 2015!

Wow … how exciting! Have you realised that we’ve entered a brand new gateway to another year that is so full of possibility, opportunity and potential for helping us live more fully from our highest life and soul purpose?

A New Year … And So Much New Potential

Like many people around the world I had a chance to take some time over the Christmas holiday period to simply rest, replenish and set a new foundation for the year ahead. I often find that the quiet period between Christmas and New Year is perfect time for doing a short ‘life review’, and starting to get clear on intentions, outcomes and pathway forward for the year ahead.

However this year I found myself being really challenged. Because no matter ‘how hard I tried’ to review my personal goals and business plan, I just couldn’t seem to connect with the true passion and purpose that I know helps ‘light my inner-fire’ and fuels me forward towards happiness and joy.

  • Now, I’m not sure if you’ve ever experienced moments like this in your life?? 
  • Moments where you felt dis-engaged from true purpose? 
  • Or where you found parts of yourself in conflict with each other?

Creating a New Life with New Meaning

The good news is you are not alone! Even the most successful, inspired and dynamic people on the planet find themselves in the ‘valleys’ of life, waiting for the next breath of air to lift them back up the mountain of purpose, meaning and fulfillment.

Serendipitously, in the moment of my own ‘valleyness’ (yes that is a word that I just invented!) I came across some notes on the unfolding of personal ‘Entelechy’ that inspired me back to purpose!

defn. Entelechy – Meaning the realisation of potential.
The condition of a thing whose essence is fully realised.
A vital force that directs an organism towards self-fulfilment.

You see … every living organism on the planet has its own innate intelligence and potential. Just as the entelechy of the acorn seed is to grow into a large oak tree, just as the small green caterpillar will one day transform into the magnificent Ulysess Butterfly, you too have a program for great success, happiness and meaningfulness programmed within you. This often hidden, yet innate potential is usually found at the intersection of your own personal sweet spot i.e. what you love to do, your innate talents and gifts, and your soul purpose and desires.

At a deep level of being there is an aspect of your soul and spirit that already knows your highest purpose. Often for most people it is simply our conditioned fears, self-doubts and limiting beliefs that keep us separated from realising our own greatness and purpose.

What Aristotle Knew about Potentiality

Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle was one of the great proponents of Entelechy. He realised that who we are is much more than just our physical body. That among the cells, organs and tissue is a far greater organising power – a subtle but powerful essence that permeates our entire consciousness. When our soul truly connects with this essence we become alive, our inner-flame is fanned into being, our work takes on a higher and more important level of meaning, and we become truly alive again.

So as we start 2015 how can we engage more of our own personal entelechy? How can we align ourselves over the next 12 months towards action and inspiration that is aligned with our highest good? And most importantly, how can you ‘Live More Fully from Your Purpose’?

I’d like to encourage you to take just 5 minutes from your ‘busy-ness’ to contemplate the following questions.

  • What’s my true essence? (i.e. Who are you really? Who are you being guided to become?)
  • What’s my blessing? (i.e. How am I being called to use my gifts/talents to make a difference?)
  • What’s my mission? (i.e. What am I here to do? How am I here to serve and create value?)

Each of these questions will help you to connect more deeply with your own Entelechy – your soul’s higher organising power.

  • Write the answers down.
  • Keep them with you.
  • Remind yourself often of their importance to you.
  • Let them become the guiding star by which you make all your important decisions this year.
  • Let them become the sail by which capture the heart of success, happiness and prosperity and that guide you vessel to a new and more meaningful destination this year.

So, what’s your essence?
What’s the true essence of your soul that seeks to express itself in 2015?

I’d love to know. So make sure to post and share your thoughts with us here online.

Having trouble connecting with your own life purpose, destiny and passion? Wanting to break-free of old emotional baggage, doubts, fears and self-limitations that are holding you back? Or simply want to take your life, focus and results to a new level?

A transformational healing, guidance, coaching or mentoring session with Les will help you find and create your own pathway to greater success with grace, ease and lightness. Contact our office to organise a personal, online or Skype consultation with Les today.

Finding Your Life Theme

Finding Your Life Theme

Well, it’s almost the end of another year, and if you’re like most people you’ve probably been busy getting ready for Christmas and the Holiday Season.

While December is usually a very busy time for most people, its also provides a great opportunity to take a some time away to reflect on the year that has passed, and to set your intentions for the new year to come.

So today I’d like to share with you a simple life strategy that really has made a significant difference in my life over the last few years that I have been using…

… and very simply its called ‘Setting a Life Theme’.

So What’s a Life Theme?

You see often we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to set goals and to make New Year resolutions that simply don’t come to fruition, or that simply don’t inspire or uplift our lives.

Setting a Life Theme on the other hand is more playful, more engaging, and is less definitive. It really is the canvass upon which you the artist can freely paint the story of your life over the coming year.

So what is a ‘Life Theme’? It’s a general theme or intent for how you would like to see your next year manifest. It becomes the metaphor by which your conscious and unconscious intentions are aligned to create, manifest and bring into being your highest life.

Examples of Some Life Theme Intention Might Be …

  • Sailing Easily Into an Ocean of Prosperity
  • Standing Up, Stepping Out, Living Courageously
  • Being the Change I Want to See
  • Embrace the Truth of Love in all I Do
  • Celebrate the Gift of Life One Day at a Time
  • Living Life on Purpose
  • Devotion to the Divine Within

3 Keys for Setting a Great Life Theme in 2014

Key #1 – Make it Engage Your Heart and Soul

It probably goes without saying – the best life themes are those that fully engage your whole heart and soul. So be playful, make it engaging, allow it to express your highest intent for the year ahead.

Infusing your theme with positive emotions helps to energise it and make it even more attractive, accelerating its opportunity to manifest and present in your life.

Ideally your life theme should stretch you beyond what is comfortable, yet be inspiring enough to make you cry!

Key #2 – Make Sure It Serves the Greater Good

It has been scientifically proven through muscle testing that the most potent and life affirming goals are usually those that have a greater outcome, a greater purpose. When your life theme not only serves you, but also serves others, and the greater good – then that elevates the vibration of your theme in consciousness allowing it to create with greater effectiveness.

Key #3 – Make It Short – And Give It Focus

As human beings we often like to complicate things. We like to make our goals and dreams often more fancy and elaborate than we need them to be. While clarity gives power, too many words and too greater dialogue also create confusion and chaos.

So make your life theme short. If you can manage to write your theme for the year in just 2-3 words then you extract the core essence of its nature. A few words also gives you the flexibility to allow consciousness and creation to manifest your intent in a myriad of ways without being tied down to just one physical form, way or method.

Going Within to Find Your ‘True’ Life Theme

Finally, remember that your ‘true’ life theme doesn’t exist within your head. Its actually held deep within your heart and soul. So make sure to use the accompanying mediation process to go within, to seek the Divine within you, to reach into the core of your heart and see where your soul wants you to navigate and manifest in 2014!

Listen to/Download the Audio Meditation Here

Small Acts of Courage

  • Ÿ         What do you want the rest of your life to be about?
  • Ÿ         In the absence of all fear, who would you not be afraid to be?
  • Ÿ         If life handed you a ‘golden ticket’ what dream would you manifest?
  • Ÿ         If you won $70 million how would you spend the rest of your life?

Why ask these questions? Why ask them now?

Because at this point in time humanity as we know it rests on an all important threshold – a threshold that holds within it the potential for great change and tremendous transformation on all levels. However in order for this global and world change to take place, it requires a new generation of leader, men and women who are willing to rise up and find the courage and strength within themselves, to first transform their own lives in doing so transform our world.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi

There is no coincidence that you have been drawn to this place, to read this article, and to question and delve into the relevance of it for your life.

For you are one of the many ‘spirited warriors’ and leaders around the world that at this time in humanity’s consciousness is being called, summoned and gathered to be the force of change, first in your own life, second in the lives of those you love, and finally as a powerful example in the world.

So how do you embrace this new quest, this new mission?

The Answer:   Exists simply in being willing each and everyday to embrace, engage and enact ‘small acts of courage’ in your daily life.

The greatest barrier to all human evolution and growth is the ego’s fascination and preoccupation with the emotion of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of financial security. Fear of not being safe. Fear of being hurt or abandoned. Fear of being rejected. Fear of being unloved.

The good news however, is that in each of the situations that you experience fear, you are also presented with a unique opportunity to choose in favour of your highest self, to choose in favour of your soul, to choose to embrace courage.

So each day, as you go about your daily lives, take a moment in the morning before you start your day to expand your own consciousness, your own internal capacity to move beyond the mind’s limits that keep you captive, and instead seek to find your power, unleash your potential and BE courageous by answering the following questions:

  1. Where in life is my soul calling out for more joy?
  2. What am I afraid would happen if surrendered and let go of my attachment to success?
  3. What one small act of courage can I take today that would bring me greater happiness, joy and fulfilment?

Remember, courage is not something that you need to find.

It doesn’t exist outside of you. It is part of your essential nature, it is an inherent and everlasting aspect of your soul already. All it needs is for you to stand in your power and embrace it.

To respond with courage, when life would want you to react. To stand-up and be counted, when life would have you hide. To take responsibility, when life would have you blame outside influences. To speak your truth, when life would have you keep your feelings hidden. To be your authentic self, when life would have you give in to other’s expectations and needs.

Every moment is an opportunity to show the world your truth. To be COURAGEOUS.

Life Wisdom for Today

“Feel the fear, but do it anyway!” – Susan Jeffers


Align Yourself for Success

Are you consistently applying lots of effort, but receiving very little reward?

Do you often feel like you’re taking two steps forward and one step back?

Does your heart long to experience less struggle and striving, and more freedom, flow and fulfilment?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then the good news is ‘you are not alone’!

In fact you have probably got more in common with the other 7 billion people on the planet who are actively seeking to expand, grow and develop, yet consistently find themselves being held back, resisting and sabotaging themselves from their innate natural state of freedom, flow, success and fulfilment. Welcome to Life 101!

The greatest gift of our soul is that it is always seeking to experience greater, and greater expansion and growth. Yet the reality is that anything that is moving will always experience some form of resistance, while anything that is stagnant or resting in the same place will eventually fade away and die.

Your job therefore as an ever expanding soul and being, is to evolve and become the best you that YOU can be, and this requires learning how to align your own internal energy to produce your greatest results with ease, joy and happiness.

So how do you align yourself for success? By understanding that when your actions and behaviours are aligned with your thoughts, when your thoughts are aligned with your values, when your values clearly reflect your life and soul purpose, when your soul purpose is aligned with the higher purpose for your life, and when your higher purpose contributes towards the Divine Will for humanity and the world – then miracles are possible.

So how do you create greater states of internal alignment between your body, mind, soul and spirit?

5 Simple Practices to Align Yourself for Success

1. Creating Greater Rapport Between Your Ego and Spirit

Much of the conflict that takes place in our everyday lives takes place at one of two levels – our conscious behaviour, thoughts and patterns, and our unconscious behaviour, thoughts and patterns.

Your job as the master of your life is to harness the innate intention of your soul to direct your will towards bringing greater harmony, balance and purpose to these two aspect of your being. This inner-battle is best symbolised by the images presented in the major arcana of the mystical tarot that depicts two horses, one black (representing ego), one white being (representing soul) being guided by a chariot driver (yourself), who holds the reigns and must direct these two aspects of self to work together towards its highest intent.

Contrary to popular myth it is not necessary to rid yourself of ego, for to do so would be futile. Your ego brings great strength, resilience, and power to your life when it works in harmony with your spirit. Likewise, a life that is completely bound in spirit, without the grounded connection of ego would spend most of its time with its ‘head in the clouds’, dreaming, but producing little result.

The Practice:

  1. Take out a blank piece of paper out and simply draw a line down the middle of it. On the left side write the title ‘Gifts of my Ego’ and on the right side write the title ‘Strengths of my Spirit’.
  2. Now brainstorm all the benefits and strengths that both your ego and spirit provide you.
  3. When you have completed your lists imagine that each is a horse, and ask them: What they need from you to create a more harmonious, productive and fulfilling life? How can they each work more closely with each other to use their gifts and strengths for your greater good? Who do you need to develop yourself to become a better ‘chariot driver’?

 2. Let Your Soul Be Your Guiding Compass

Whether you realise it or not, your own soul is your best and most trusted ally in life. It knows exactly where you are, where you need to be, and what brings you great joy in each moment. All you need to do is find the stillness within and take the time to ask it for its highest guidance for you right now.

The Practice:

  1. Take out four pieces of paper and on each write in the big letters the letters N, S, E an W.
  2. Find a large space where you can move freely in your living area or home, which is quiet and where you won’t be disturbed. Stand in the middle of your room. Place each of the pieces of paper at least a meter away from you in a circle, where the N is placed at 12 o’clock, E at 3 o’clock, S at 6 o’clock and W at 9 o’clock (representing the points of a compass).
  3. Now as you stand in the middle close your eyes and place your hand on your heart. Ask your heart to be awakened and to provide you with the highest clear guidance for your soul. Then ask your soul to show you the direction that you are currently heading in your life, and as you feel compelled simply turn in that direction and take a step forward. Open your eyes and see where you are on the compass.
  4. Go back to the centre of the circle, close your eyes and now, ask your soul to show you and guide you in the direction of your highest life path at this moment. Turn to it and take a step forward. Open your eyes and just notice where you are? Is there a difference? How do you need to bring your current life into alignment with your highest soul path?

3. Learn to Love What You Resist

In my many years of working as a hypnotherapist and counsellor what I noticed most amongst my clients who were experiencing limiting behavioural patterns, self-sabotage and resistance was that every behaviour has an underlying benefit to the soul.

The Practice:

  1. So rather than fight or resist the behaviour, instead start by first thanking it for being there, thank it for all the benefits that has been providing you (even if you don’t see any in it right now).
  2. Then ask it if it would be willing to share with you why it is presenting itself to you? Ask it to share with you its higher purpose and benefit?
  3. Then ask your higher-self to share with you some alternative and more empowering ways to experience those benefits right now?

Simply by learning to love your resistance you allow it to share its greatest gifts with you, and by doing so you create the pathway to integrating yourself towards wholeness, rather than living a fragmented life.

4. Let Go of What You’re Tolerating

As simple as this sounds, it is often one of the most challenging realisations for many people. In the same way that trying to hide inflated beach balls under water takes lots and lots of energy, so to, the people, activities and tasks that you are tolerating in your life right now, are also draining your chi and life-force energy.

The Practice:

  1. Make a list right now of all the things in your life that you are currently tolerating, know you need to stop, or that you need to complete.
  2. Then go to work at eliminating these ‘beach balls’ from your life!

5. Your Only Job Is to Get Clear

I was recently at a seminar in Melbourne recently where the seminar leader shared some powerful advice that really resonated with me. He said ‘you only job in life is to get clear about who you are, why you are here and what you do’. Then you simply need to allow the people, places and situations that resonate with your true-self to turn up!

Surprisingly, the number one reason most people don’t get what they want, is because they don’t really know what they want! Or if they do know, then most of the time what they want is really being driven by other people’s needs, expectations or demands.

The Practice:

  1. So what do you value in life? What do you hold as being most important to you? If you had only one more year to live what would you do?
  2. If you won $70 million in the lottery what would you do with the rest of your life?
  3. If I gave you a magic wand and three wishes, what three aspects of your life would you most want to change and how?

Learning to align yourself for success, and developing greater levels of alignment both internally and externally is one of the greatest gifts that you can give yourself. Just as a river that is free from obstacles, rocks, sticks and branches will flow with ease, so too your mind, body and soul when aligned have the capacity to produce and reflect tremendous life force potential.

Remember, you are here to be the best YOU that you can be!